Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 424: I single you out

Under the ring, there was a moment of silence, and obviously everyone was completely shocked by this scene.

It wasn't until an exclamation came from the ring that everyone was awakened.

"Qin Shaofeng what did you do?"

An exclamation sounded, and He Changjue on the ring looked at Qin Shaofeng in disbelief at this moment, his eyes full of shock.

Because he felt it clearly, his attack disappeared.

This was definitely not his own problem, but what Qin Shaofeng did.

But he obviously didn't feel the powerful aura that had just exploded from Qin Shaofeng, his attack was such inexplicable news.

This is incredible!

You know, his Fire Spirit Sword is one of his tricks, a powerful move with a three-star heavenly rank.

Although he still couldn't fully display the power of this fire spirit sword.

But even if it was just like this, He Changjue had once defeated a monster in the early stage of the seventh stage of Xiaoyuandan with this fire spirit sword.

And even if he met his irresistible opponent, He Changjue had not come out to realize that his proud trick would be so strangely broken.

"What did you do?" Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, "I don't understand this? You are ashamed to say that I am rubbish, it seems that you are not as good as me as rubbish!"


Being so mocked by Qin Shaofeng, He Changjue was extremely angry, and then he no longer thought about why his attack was so strangely broken by Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, he just wanted to kill Qin Shaofeng here.

He no longer cares about the rules of the reserve camp competition, he has a murderous heart towards Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, He Changjue broke out.


A blaze burst into the sky, and He Changjue's body was filled with spiritual power like a pillar of fire.

The spiritual power of more than 90,000 points of spiritual power burst out at this moment, making the complexion of some small Yuandan seven masters under the ring slightly change.

Until this moment, everyone could see clearly that He Changjue's true strength was probably much stronger than they knew.

But in the next moment, something extremely strange happened to everyone.

Because just when He Changjue raised his aura to the apex, he made a violent hum, and then the surging spiritual power surrounding him instantly disappeared.

And He Changjue himself fell back with a bang, and passed out.

this is?

Seeing He Changjue actually fell to the ground in a coma, everyone was dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Is it?

Thinking about He Changjue's angry look before, everyone suddenly had a guess.

"I'll wipe it, He Changjue won't go crazy, right?"

"Uh, I think it should look like this, right?"

"Hey, don't read it, it's absolutely like this. He Changjue is so proud and arrogant. Now Qin Shaofeng has broken through his triumphant trick. He is extremely angry for a while, and coupled with the explosion of all the fire element spiritual power in his body, this is equivalent to fire. It’s not surprising to add fire and get crazy."

"Ha, listening to you say that, it looks like this is true!"


For a while, everyone seemed to understand why He Changjue was unconscious.

But it was precisely because of this that everyone looked at He Changjue, who fell to the ground on the ring, with expressions of gloat and mockery on his faces.


With an exclamation, a figure jumped onto the ring, it was Chen Xinlin.

Chen Xinlin was also secretly relieved when he saw that his cousin had just passed out in a coma.

But the next moment, when he looked up at Qin Shaofeng, the hatred in Chen Xinlin's eyes became even more intense.

But perceiving the countless pairs of mocking gazes under the ring, Chen Xinlin could only put a harsh word on Qin Shaofeng, and violent He Changjue and left.

But this scene made everyone laugh.

"Tsk tsk, you deserve to be a family!"

"Hahaha, yeah! I ran away dingy one by one."

"This is not the point. The point is that Chen Xinlin and He Changjue seem to have lost the contest by themselves!"

"Yes, I lost it! Haha, it's so funny!"


Soon, the whole ring was full of ridicule, and the fear of He Changjue for a while also dimmed a lot in everyone's hearts.

But on the other side, Lu Renyi, who had been watching Qin Shaofeng secretly, was sweating on his face at this moment.

"It's it, the little fox made the shot! It's too strong. I didn't expect that He Changjue would not be the opponent of that little fox. It seems I should not challenge Qin Shaofeng!"

Wiping the sweat oozing from his forehead, Lu Renyi looked at the white mass of Qin Shaofeng's shoulder in horror, and there was panic in his eyes.

Lu Renyi, who had been paying attention to Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, had clearly seen before that the moment He Changjue broke out, the white ball moved slightly, and then two reddish lights flashed, and then He Changjue fell to the ground.

Although it was only a flash, even if it was Lu Renyi who was always paying attention, he barely saw this scene in a blur.

But for the two reddish lights, Lu Renyi has personally experienced it, and it is impossible to forget.

Therefore, he understood that He Changjue was afraid that he would have the same experience as himself at that moment.

But after this time, Lu Renyi completely dispelled the idea of ​​revenge against Qin Shaofeng.

Lu Renyi knew He Changjue's strength, he could never be He Changjue's opponent.

Even He Changjue could be inexplicably beaten by that trick, giving him immediate seconds.

Under such circumstances, how can Lu Renyi have the courage to find Qin Shaofeng's troubles?


In the laughter, everyone quickly remembered the business.

Although even He Changjue was defeated by Qin Shaofeng, in the eyes of everyone, the reason why He Changjue was defeated by Qin Shaofeng was only because of his own obsession.

However, thinking of Qin Shaofeng's method of breaking He Changjue's fire spirit sword, everyone's evaluation of Qin Shaofeng's strength has improved somewhat.

But most people are still confident that they can find Qin Shaofeng's weakness, and then defeat Qin Shaofeng.

But what happened next was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the crowd under the ring, and suddenly said to everyone: "Everyone, this is too boring now, I'm a little tired, so..."

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng suddenly stretched out his right hand under the incomprehensible gaze of everyone, pointed at a group of people somewhere under the ring, and said, "You people should be my opponents today. But, you all go up one by one. , It’s too boring for me, and it’s also troublesome. Let’s go, just come up together!"


When Qin Shaofeng suddenly said such a sentence, everyone was shocked.

Qin Shaofeng actually wants to pick ten?

The previous He Changjue was not arranged by those people, but because of He Changjue's strength, everyone naturally did not dare to stop He Changjue.

So, speaking carefully, none of the ten people who are ready to challenge Qin Shaofeng today are still there!

And the group of people pointed at by Qin Shaofeng at this moment are the ten people who will challenge him today.

But Qin Shaofeng's words irritated these ten people.

Especially among these ten people today, there are three small Yuandan five-level people.

When Qin Shaofeng said that, one of the three Xiaoyuandan Sixth Layers violently said angrily: "What kidding, Qin Shaofeng, do you really think you are strong? You still want to deal with ten of us at the same time? Even if you are arrogant, you have to have a limit, I tell you..."

But before he could speak, Qin Shaofeng on the ring rarely said impatiently: "Don’t be awkward, the little master has already said very clearly, today I want to single out a group of you, if you are a man, hurry up. Point, if there is no seed, just shut up!"


At this time, Qin Shaofeng completely ignited the anger in the hearts of the ten people.

Not only those ten people, but the others in the ring were also irritated by Qin Shaofeng's arrogant attitude.

"Too arrogant, who does Qin Shaofeng think he is! He still wants to choose ten?"

"Ha, it seems that the temptation these days has made Qin Shaofeng a little arrogant!"

"What's the matter, don't worry about so much, you can give it to me as soon as possible, this is what Qin Shaofeng asked for himself, so afraid of it, he just beat him up and can't take care of himself!"


In fact, there was no need for others to speak. The ten people who were already angry at this moment, under the six-fold signal of the little Yuandan who had spoken before, all jumped onto the ring and surrounded Qin Shaofeng.

What does this kid want to do?

Seeing such a scene, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Xie Zijun in the dark, and he was completely unclear about the meaning of Qin Shaofeng's doing this.

Of course Qin Shaofeng wasn't messing up, he had a plan already in his mind.

In fact, even if He Changjue does not appear today, Qin Shaofeng plans to pick ten directly.

There is no way to have three more days, that is, the small contest in the reserve camp once every three months, which makes Qin Shaofeng a little anxious.

Although the small contest once every three months only played three times, it was finished compared to the last three contests.

But even if it was just a contest between Xiaoyuan Dan realm, Qin Shaofeng was still a little worried.

Because of this Xiaoyuandan contest, the opponent was randomly assigned.

Even those who don't want to win the first place are very likely to encounter strong opponents.

Qin Shaofeng knew that he was in a special challenge now, if he encountered a small elementary pill nine-fold or directly ten-fold master, it would be troublesome.

This, especially after seeing He Changjue today, Qin Shaofeng was even more worried.

Then He Changjue is only the fifth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, but it has the spiritual power value close to the seventh level of the Xiaoyuan Pill. Who knows if one will appear, like He Changjue, but only the seventh level of the Xiaoyuan Pill has the nine layers of the Xiaoyuan Pill, or even ten. The spiritual power value of the heavy realm?

Such an enchanting evildoer, once it is Xiaoyuandan tenfold, what kind of strength will the opponent have?

For such an opponent, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that he would definitely lose.

As a result, his bronze rank Qianshan Lingke will be demoted.

This is not what Qin Shaofeng hopes for.

Even Qin Shaofeng knew very well in his heart that the chance of encountering such a powerful opponent was very small in just three matches.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to put such a thing on his luck.

In this way, he can only increase his strength.

Qin Shaofeng had already collected the medicinal materials for strengthening the body, so the spirit stones on Qin Shaofeng's body were used up again.

But Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that such an enhancement would take at least two days, so Qin Shaofeng had the current plan to choose ten.

Only after defeating all of these people, and then all the people under the sixth layer of the Xiaoyuandan, have no guts to challenge him, can he have time to strengthen his body at ease.

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