Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4251: task

"Why is someone here again?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help exclaiming in his heart.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er and the three of them looked back together.

The scene that greeted them made the shock in their hearts even more serious.

The beings that are approaching here are also very familiar beings.


Led by the three kings of ghosts and corpses.

The number has reached two thousand high-level ghosts.

Presumably before coming in, the combat power should also be the number of extremely tyrannical ghosts and corpses, which actually counted as many as three thousand.

The army of ghosts and corpses has exceeded five thousand!

The news they received said, but it is definitely not the case!

When did the ghosts and corpses secretly appear such a terrifying army?

Are they here for the mission of the Palace of Life and Death, or do they want to flatten the entire Palace of Life and Death?


The ghost king has also discovered their existence.

One of them yelled curiously, and then sneered again: "I didn't expect that we would meet humans here. This is not bad. When we solve this problem, even you are killed at the same time, which can be regarded as helping me. The family did something."

It is true that there are many people on the side of the ghost king.

And any ghost, after experiencing the suppression here, its combat power will not be much weaker than the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

The danger was so great that the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er frowned.

In the current situation, there are wolves before and tigers behind!

How can I fight this?

"Come together, good, very good."

The voice of Gu Chenxing, the master of the Palace of Life and Death, sounded again.

He just heard him laughing and saying: "The old man told you a long time ago that the difficulty of the task of the last stage of my Palace of Life and Death is due to the close relationship between you and our Palace of Life and Death."

"Since you show up together, the old man naturally wants to give you the difficulty of dividing the task."

Qin Shaofeng's mouth was dumbfounded by Gu Chenxing's words.

Even if you have to divide the degree of difficulty because of the close relationship?

Is this guy's head really okay?

Even if the facts are really like that, it seems that it shouldn't be said so carelessly, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Rao is the Lord of the Palace of Life and Death has not yet said.

He had already guessed what kind of task he was talking about.

But this seems very wrong?

If they were to fight the suppressed ghost clan, the level of simplicity seemed a bit too simple, right?

It is important to know that when the last level was completed, he really did everything.

Even the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er almost used all the hidden methods.

The ghost clan dared to come like this, and it must have left a lot of back players.

But even in that case, it seems to be similar to the last level they encountered, right?

The full of doubts made him more mindful.

And at the same time he thought of here.

Gu Chenxing's voice sounded again: "Humans, all you need to do is lead the soldiers of the Palace of Life and Death to kill all those dead beings."

Can even lead the Warriors of the Palace of Life and Death?

Qin Shaofeng's heart was even more surprised.

He originally thought that just a few of them killed the group of ghosts and corpses was already very simple.

But he didn't expect that the Palace Master Gu Chenxing would once again add some convenience to them.

Is this the ultimate mission?

It seems that when they were working on the ninth and ninetieth character, it was nothing more than that?

While he was still thinking.

The warrior of the Palace of Life and Death in Gu Chenxing's mouth had already appeared.

That was just a group of Yin soldiers.

Among them, even the ghosts and corpses exist, and they are obviously people who died in the hands of the master of the Palace of Life and Death.

Palace of Life and Death, Palace of Life and Death?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a strange suspicious feeling in his heart.

When they were still on the task, the Palace of Life and Death was full of vitality, and the gust of wind here seemed to have explained to him something that shocked him inexplicably.

In the Palace of Life and Death, one will live and the other will die.

The place where they are now is the Palace of Death in the Palace of Life and Death.

The appearance of this thought made him startled in a cold sweat.

If that were the case, their trouble would be really big.

The moment thought of here.

But another thought arose in his mind.

The situation brought to them by the Palace of Life and Death is indeed troublesome.

But the ghosts and corpses were originally the existence they wanted to deal with.

If you can use the mission of the Palace of Life and Death to kill the group of ghosts and corpses first, isn't it really a good thing?

Obviously this is not the case, right?

Thought of this.

His restless mood suddenly returned to normal.

"Since the lord of the palace said so, then I am obliged to do so."

Qin Shaofeng strode away, walking in the direction of the ghost clan, and at the same time shouted loudly: "All the soldiers of the Palace of Life and Death follow the orders, collectively charge me, and destroy all those guys!"

His order made all the existence of the ghost clan stunned.

This kid actually started holding chicken feathers as an arrow?

The wisdom of the three big ghost kings is not low.

I can also faintly feel that there is something wrong.

But their ghosts and humans are inherently immortal.

It's because they have strange feelings in their hearts, but they also ordered together.

Three thousand ghost and corpse slaves rushed to the front.

Then came the senior ghosts they brought.

Three thousand battles against the Death Hall fighters in the Palace of Life and Death, the difficulty is really not particularly big.

Once the battle started.

There is a faint feeling of one-sidedness.

Although the soldiers of the Palace of Life and Death are not weak.

But there is still a big gap in fighting with the terrifying ghosts and corpses.

If it weren't for the defense of the ghost clan has been greatly weakened.

They might not be able to cause even the slightest harm to the ghost clan.

"The battle begins?"

Gu Chenxing, the lord of the Palace of Life and Death, looked at the battle that broke out immediately, and his expression became weird.

This battle was indeed arranged by him.

But it seems that he hasn't stated the real mission of the human side yet, right?

Why is that kid so anxious to shoot?

Gu Chenxing kept complaining in his heart.

But he watched the battle that was already in full swing, but he didn't really choose to continue the task of the human side.

As everyone knows.

Qin Shaofeng ordered to be so anxious because of this.

In the battle between the two teams, corpses all over the ground appeared in just a moment.

Among the corpses, at most 10% were ghost corpses, and the rest were all warriors in the Palace of Life and Death.

Qin Shaofeng was standing at the rear of the battlefield.

He didn't even bother to pay attention to the battlefield situation, letting the soldiers of the Palace of Life and Death died nearly half before finally taking action.

It was still the long sword that looked tattered in hand.

He walked towards the battlefield like an ordinary person.

Did not display much combat power.

Due to the terrifying pressure here, he still has absolute strength when facing the ghost slave.

The seemingly random long sword shot.

The head of a ghost slave was thrown away.

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