Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4260: you win

"Sure enough!"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed, but there was not much surprise in his eyes.

It is indeed a great thing to be able to find a way to deal with Gu Chenxing.

But the plague also exists.

That is, the consumption is horrible.

Just that time shattering the space directly consumed a bit of colorful power.

But the problem is.

The result is simply unable to achieve his expected results.

How can this make him satisfied?

Take a deep breath.

He suppressed all negative psychological emotions.

But what is the situation.

All we have to do now is to completely break this place apart.

first timing.

He has opened the character interface to view.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ninth stage in the early stage of the void (1791/999) (0 million/10 million)

Star Position: Colorful Mark Warrior (Silver)

Martial Arts: Colorful Tianxu (6th order)

Strength value: 871/10000

Origin of the Way of Heaven: 12 Ways

Ghost Mark: 2-1440

Martial Skills: Colorful Sword Jue, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Jue

Colorful five-level: 0 million / 100 million

Inheritance Spells: Si Beast Thunder, Nothingness of Life

Sky map: Sixth level of space (-10,000/100,000)

A turn of ghost fire gold core: 29/29

Star value: 149.19 million

Talent skills: Spiritual Code of Gods and Demons

Knowledge Sea: Colorful Void Realm

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion

As soon as the data appeared, surprises appeared in his eyes.

The power of the soul crystal required for the upgrade did not increase any more.

Ten million shining stars.

If he were to change his hands on the ghost clan, it would indeed make him very entangled.

But not now.

With more than 100 million shining stars, he won't have too much worry at all.

"Space, broken!"

Having determined the upgrade requirements, he suddenly no longer had any worries.

The fragmentation of space becomes faster and faster.

There was no roar that reverberated through the world, and there were not even many spatial fluctuations, but the space where this palace of life and death was constantly shattered.

Piece by piece.

Just a breathing time, this space has been shattered by a third.

"It's so a little bit?"

Worry again appeared.

Only this one-third has allowed him to perform to the limit.


He no longer knows how much he can do.

But he did not hesitate even the slightest.


While meditating in my heart, the attack was shot again at this moment.

The space fragmentation continues.

again and again.

Five times of space fragmentation have been displayed one after another.

In the entire space, only the last Palace of Life and Death was left, and the area occupied was less than one-tenth of this space.

The strong feeling of doubt made him subconsciously open the system interface again.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: the first stage in the middle of the void (792/999) (0 million / 10 million)

Star Position: Colorful Mark Warrior (Silver)

Martial Arts: Colorful Tianxu (6th order)

Strength value: 871/10000

Origin of the Way of Heaven: 12 Ways

Ghost Mark: 2-1440

Martial Skills: Colorful Sword Jue, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Jue

Colorful five-stage: 100 million / 100 million

Inheritance Spells: Si Beast Thunder, Nothingness of Life

Sky map: Sixth level of space (-10,000/100,000)

One-turn ghost fire gold core: 55/60

Star value: 133919 million

Talent skills: Spiritual Code of Gods and Demons

Knowledge Sea: Colorful Void Realm

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion


He was always in his hands just now, he didn't even listen to the sound of the system carefully, and he didn't have time to observe the changes brought about by the upgrade.

But I couldn't think of it anyway.

From the early stage of the void to the middle stage of the void, he was able to double his colorful power.

This is great news.

I don't know how many stages the Void Realm is divided into by the system.

Look at it as it is now.

When his cultivation reached the late stage of the void realm, he could exceed one hundred.

After completely recovering the condition in the body at the beginning.

His recovery speed is no longer weak.

As long as the seal of this space is removed, he is able to support at least ten breaths of battle with the aid of a large amount of pill.

Really is a good thing.

Thinking in mind.

He quickly took out the recovery pill and threw it into his mouth, and at the same time took out the spar used for recovery and quickly absorbed it.

At the same time, the last space fragmentation has already been displayed.

It is towards the direction of that palace of life and death.

"No! You can't destroy the Palace of Life and Death!"

Gu Chenxing was already weak to the extreme, but he still roared: "This is the projection of the Palace of Life and Death. You can't destroy it, and you can't destroy it!"

As he roared, he saw the projection of the Palace of Life and Death suddenly began to twist.

The origin of his entire soul began to quickly dissipate.

But he still shouted: "No! The Palace of Life and Death Projection is a necessity for you to enter the next level. You can't destroy it. The old man admits defeat. You passed this level!"


Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment.

Judging from the fact that taking care of Morningstar cannot lie to him, this should be true in all cases.

He immediately retracted the attack.

Stepped forward a few steps and asked: "Isn't it said that it won't be destroyed, you won't be destroyed?"

"Old man...has gone..."

In Gu Chenxing's words, there was no resistance at all.

The moment the words ended, the origin of his entire soul had dissipated.

These changes made Qin Shaofeng startled.

What happened?

How can this guy not make it clear?


He saw the projection of the Palace of Life and Death suddenly congealed.

Shrinking rapidly.

The speed is so fast that it seems to disappear in an instant.

But Qin Shaofeng felt that something was facing in his hand at this moment.

Spread out your palms.

He saw the projection of the Palace of Life and Death, which had turned into a token that looked like a Palace of Life and Death, and presented it in his hands.

"This is the proof of clearance?"

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself, when he was about to call everyone back to the Palace of Death, he saw that the place where the Palace of Life and Death was originally located, the space suddenly twisted, forming a black hole.

A terrifying suction came from the black hole.

Before Qin Shaofeng was ready, he was sucked into the black hole by that terrifying suction.

In a flash.

Just like when they first entered the Palace of Life and Death, the roar of the wild beast had already passed into his ears.

However, not one appeared this time.

But the roar of countless beasts resounded at the same time.

"Everyone, be careful!"

He shouted in a hurry.

At this time, he only recovered a trace of combat power.

If something happens, he will not have time to rescue everyone.

But soon, he could see everything around him clearly.

This is an empty space.

There is no imaginary danger around them.

On the contrary, it was at least ten thousand feet away from them, but it showed a scene of beasts attacking the city.

The densely packed beasts that are not clear at all are rushing towards the distant city frantically.

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