Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4263: Who is smarter?

The elder Capricorn Shenshan seems to know that one sentence of explanation is not enough.

He was just thinking about it, so he quickly said: "Besides, we are also human races, how could we be like those alien races, maybe we have any thoughts about Yin Yang City?"

This explanation immediately reduced the doubts in the hearts of the three team leaders by more than half.

Humans have been able to explain too many things.

Moreover, their life and death generals can see that there are problems with that group of alien races at a glance, and their eyesight is definitely not what they can compare.

The general is a general after all!

Since the general said that this group of people is okay, obviously there is no need for them to worry too much.

"The three teams split in place."

Qin Shaofeng suddenly gave an order, saying: "The team in this seat is going to rush towards the city, and the group of human refugees will be responsible for receiving and supporting it."

"As for you..."

His brows frowned: "You don't need to be responsible for rushing, but the courage on your shoulders is also not light. If there is any situation with that group of aliens, I believe there will be changes. You must ensure that there will be no major accidents. Happening."


The team leader who originally introduced the ghost corpse into the team suddenly became uncomfortable, and hurriedly said: "My lord, it's not that your subordinates refuse to obey orders. It is really not because of our problems that your team will take all the pressure off the general."

The captain of the other team also nodded.

Qin Shaofeng's simple approach has completely eliminated the trace of their original discomfort towards Qin Shaofeng.

Those alien races have their own problems.

If they can't even detect it, it is likely to have extremely serious consequences.

It may even cause their team to fall into crisis completely.

Qin Shaofeng's shot was equivalent to saving them!

"There is indeed some truth to what you said, but since this general made such an arrangement, he naturally has the general's intentions. You only need to go and order." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

His orders are still so overbearing.

The captains of the two teams are no longer as uncomfortable as before.

On the contrary, they really started to worry about Qin Shaofeng's team.

"You don't need to feel any pressure, just follow the orders of this seat." Qin Shaofeng said again.

"Yes, General!"

People from both teams responded at the same time.

But at this moment, they have collectively grabbed their hands on the handle of the knife.

As long as something unexpected happens.

They don't mind violating Qin Shaofeng's orders and doing something that shouldn't be done.

All this was seen by Qin Shaofeng.

He didn't have any words.

The team finally started to move under his command.

The ghosts do have their plans.

In the first section of the road, nothing obvious was done.

Qin Shaofeng was also happy and relaxed.

But when they followed the path that the ghost corpse had killed, and walked all the way to the core area of ​​the beast, they clearly discovered that they were already full of beasts.

There are still beasts in all directions.

Where is the slightest trace of the ghost clan?

The squad leader who had recruited the ghost corpse into the team suddenly became angry.

What happened to them was exactly the same as what the General of Life and Death had said.

According to the ability of that group of aliens in the group of wild animals.

Without the appearance of this life-and-death general, none of them would have thought of entering Yin Yang City.

Not to mention any help to Yin Yang City.

What a disgusting alien!

have to say.

Qin Shaofeng's eloquence and digging ability are too strong.

People's ghosts and corpses also hold the idea of ​​passing this level.

Not surprisingly, it would never be possible to attack these people.

However, he first used that attitude to force the ghosts to run away, caring about all kinds of discourse methods, to let these small team leaders enter the thought trap he designed.

As long as the ghost corpses dare to do anything at this time, they will directly become the biggest enemy of these small captains who want to kill and then quickly.

Based on his knowledge of the ghosts and corpses.

The ghost king is willing to swallow that breath, it is absolutely impossible.

In other words.

It should have been a vain thing, after touching his lips, he directly sent the ghost corpse to the opposite side of Yinyang City.

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er, poisonous fairy Li Naling.

Both of them have experienced a lot of things.

Although he had never spoken before, he had seen everything Qin Shaofeng had done in his eyes, and he knew what Qin Shaofeng had done.

On the Three Continents, there is naturally no shortage of people with a very nasty vision.

They all know that it is impossible for the ghost corpse to take action against these teams.

I just thought about it as a whole.

Looking at the scene in front of them, each of them felt fearful towards Qin Shaofeng.

Is this a young man?

A young man who doesn't seem to be thirty years old yet?

In the world of martial arts.

This age is no different from ordinary people, babies who have just learned to walk.

Don't say it is cheating, it seems that even a complete sentence can't be said clearly, right?

It is such a person who really wants to kill the ghost clan!

"Everyone is ready, the life and death team, to kill in the direction of Yin Yang City, those refugees are ready to respond and treat at any time." Qin Shaofeng has already started his loud order.

A team of three hundred people under his command immediately killed them with a knife.

The beasts here may be very tyrannical to ordinary people.

These three teams are obviously exceptions.

Their rush to the beast team turned out to be very efficient, and there was no dangerous situation he expected.

They are completely resistant to the task of rushing down.

Even the other two guarding teams started to shoot towards the beasts rushing from the side.

The scene of a melee was immediately revealed.

The three big ghost kings hiding in the dark almost laughed when they saw this.

"Thanks to their self-proclaimed smartness, it turns out that it is nothing more than that." A ghost king laughed wildly.

"Human intelligence is true."

Another ghost king said: "But our communication is through the soul of our ghost clan. Even the so-called half-step heavenly realm experts in humans can't detect it. How can they guess that they have done it well? Ready?"

"You two don't talk nonsense, we are ready to do it."

The ghost king who made this arrangement said: "Old Qi brought a hundred ghosts and corpses to shoot from the left front, and the ferry brought a hundred ghosts and corpses to shoot from the right front. I personally led the remaining ghosts and corpses to shoot from the front."

"it is good!"

The two ghost kings spoke at the same time.

"Remember, you can't be anxious at all, unless I am here to attract those in the dead tomb, you must not make a sudden move." The ghost king continued.

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