Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4274: Colorful swordsmanship

When Captain Yang Soul heard her anger, he almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

He wanted to roar, but Lao Tzu was also a soldier, how could he be willing to speak out and flee without fighting?

But now the situation is so obvious.

Let's continue the battle, after all, all of them will die here. As a subordinate, I don't want to let the general leave, so how can I?

How can you say that to me?

The anger in Captain Yang Soul's heart has been horrified.

But he couldn't even say a word.

Just as he thought.

He was also a soldier, so he naturally knew what the words of Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er meant.

Even ordinary soldiers will be looked down upon by everyone as a deserter.

Not to mention a general.

But the more he knew this, the more anxious he felt.

If the general had any accident with him, he would really be unable to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"No need to say more. Neither I nor your generals will flee at this time. You don't need to continue thinking about this issue anymore."

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er yelled again: "At that time, you might as well regain some combat power and wait until necessary to take action."


That melancholy in Captain Yang Soul's heart!

But he knew very well that what the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er said was indeed the case, and even if he had more unwillingness, he couldn't show it.

The voice of their dialogue was not small, and it spread far away.

The ghost king who seemed to have taken Qin Shaofeng heard the sound, suddenly sneered: "Boy, I didn't expect your people to be really interesting. Instinctively has the means to make my clan feel troublesome, so I have to choose the most stupid way."

"Are they really stupid?"

Qin Shaofeng showed anger in his eyes and said, "Ghost King, don't think that if you have a natural advantage here, you will definitely be able to defeat us. The outcome of the battle over there may not be determined."

"You still try to win them?"

The ghost king laughed wildly, and the laughter seemed to be the funniest thing in the world.

Laughing for a long time.

He finally continued: "Boy, although I don't want to hit you very much, I still have to choose to tell you that my cultivation strength is only fourth among our seven ghost kings."

"Moreover, I can achieve this status because of my seven lives. Otherwise, my combat power will only be the last one or two."

"Those of you are really strong."

"But what they are facing now is the second and fifth-ranked existence among us. Do you think you can do anything with those of you?"

"What a joke, hahaha..."

The Ghost King laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world.

But he didn't know that what he said made Qin Shaofeng's mind suddenly become active.

His combat power is more than fourth?

No wonder that thousands of years ago, their seven ghost kings were able to destroy the entire Void Realm. It seems that it is indeed not without reason!

But the problem is...

What about this?

They are now in the trial space of the Tomb of the Dead.

After the Ghost King was suppressed to this level, it could no longer be compared with the normal Ghost King.

Not to mention that he and Ximen Lingzhong both have extremely powerful ghost marks.

And they are in this space.

They have BUG-like abilities, as long as they have a certain amount of time to recover.

Don't say there are only these three ghost kings.

Even if the six surviving ghost kings gathered together, he had the ability to kill them one after another.

"No wonder you are so in no hurry, it turns out that you still have such a hole card!"

Qin Shaofeng's expression seemed very angry.

Such a performance immediately made the ghost king become more excited.

He seemed to have noticed that Qin Shaofeng no longer had any confidence in fighting, and his thoughts on prevention had weakened a lot.

Relying on the seven lives of one body.

Qin Shaofeng's full-strength blow was just accepted, and there was not much injury.

With Qin Shaofeng in his current state.

Wanting to cause harm to him is simply a joke.

In the laughter, he approached Qin Shaofeng step by step.

"Boy, this king has told you everything you want to know, shouldn't you let this king come first to relieve your hatred?" The Ghost King walked towards him slowly.

It seemed that such a slow pace could bring more pressure to Qin Shaofeng.

In order to make him more comfortable.

Qin Shaofeng thought he really had to wait until the battle over there was over before he could take action.

What was even more unexpected was that the Ghost King would actually choose this slow way of action, which made him almost couldn't help laughing.

Does this guy know what it means to respect an opponent?

Does he know what it means for the villain to die from talking too much?

The ghost king obviously didn't know.

But it doesn't matter, he knows it is enough.

Seeing the ghost king approaching him step by step.

Qin Shaofeng no longer hesitated.

All combat power was immediately manipulated.

It is a pity that after arriving at the Tomb of Yin Death, the nihilistic origin of Ya'er in his dantian has been completely sealed.

Otherwise, he doesn't mind even showing that trace of nihilism together.

The ghost king is still approaching.

One step, two steps.

Finally came within his attack range.

"Colorful! Sword Jue!"

Qin Shaofeng burst out suddenly.

Ghost Three Slash, Colorful Sword Jue, Heavenly Secret Sword, Space Sky Map, Three Combo... etc. As long as he knows the martial arts, they are all displayed at this moment.

With so many martial skills superimposed, he no longer knew what to call it.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

All the fusions are mixed together, but they don't need him to merge like they used to, and they are directly integrated into the Colorful Sword Art.

The name of mixed martial arts naturally does not need to think about anything.

The colorful swordsmanship is displayed.

The six-color rays of light shone instantly.

How fast is he?

It wasn't until the sword reached the top of the ghost king's head that his shout finally came out.

The Ghost King never thought that he would still have combat power.

Even the power of this sword is more powerful than before, I really don't know how much tyrannical it is.

What frightened him even more was in this class of swordsmanship.

He clearly felt the ghost mark aura of the same level as him.

That is the situation that can only happen to the martial artist who has killed the ghost king and obtained the silver ghost mark.

But the question is, how terrifying is the ghost king?

Even a ghost king like him has no confidence in killing a ghost king.

Not to mention a human being that is nothing but such in his eyes?

It is not impossible for humans to kill the ghost king.

But they are also the most peak powerhouses in mankind, and it is only possible to find the existence of the ghost king who has just been promoted to the ghost. The latest chapter address of the god-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/35988.htmlReading address of the full text of the god-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/35988/God-level training system txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/35988.htmlGod-level training system mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/35988/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 4274 Colorful Sword Art), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God Level Training System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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