Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4276: General Sun Soul


The exclamation sounded suddenly.

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er and Ximen Lingzhong came to Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

Captain Shadow Soul and Captain Yang Soul led the few people who still had a trace of combat power ran over, and layers of guards were on the second floor.

"Huh? Is this a praying mantis?"

The voice did not continue to approach, but a suspicious voice.

next moment.

Qin Shaofeng saw a sturdy middle-aged man, floating in the air, appearing on the head of the mantis beast king.

He glanced suspiciously at the Mantis Beastmaster.

Then, a palm was slapped on the head of the mantis beast king.

The mantis beast king who had already suffered a fatal injury, now just struggling to support him, died directly.

The members of the Ghost Squad and the Life and Death Squad did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

This sudden person may not be a real friend.

Even friends, they need to be very careful in their current state.

Hundreds of people did not retreat, but surrounded the person with three inside and outside.

"Thank you for your help, dare to ask who is the adult?"

A member of the Ghost Squad asked.

"Who is this person? Cough cough cough..."

The middle-aged man seems to be a man who has lost much, his face has become black, and he coughs repeatedly, which seems to alleviate the embarrassment.

He finally turned around.

This made the captain of the Sun Soul Team's eyes widened.

"You... Are you... General?" The Sun Soul team exclaimed.

Wasn't it the first general of Yin Yang City? Who was General Yang Hun?

It's a pity, except for Captain Que Yang Soul.

Even the members of the three squads, even Captain Ghost, had never seen this general.

"Are you... the captain of which team?"

The General Yanghun obviously didn't know the Captain Yanghun, and he asked his doubts.

The Captain of the Sun Soul bowed his fists, neither humble nor arrogant: "The subordinates are fortunate to be appreciated by the general and bestowed the name of the Sun Soul team."

"Which team are you actually?"

The general Yangshun's expression changed abruptly, his eyes kept sweeping over the surviving people, his face became more and more difficult to look like: "If this seat remembers correctly, you should have three hundred people originally, how come there are only so few left?"

Isn't the Sun Soul team very miserable at this time?

Perhaps it should be said that of the three teams, the Sun Soul team is the most tragic one.

Their surviving number is only in their early 100s.

Compared with the life and death squad that lost about half of it, and the ghost squad whose casualties were not too large, it was really too tragic.

"Sir General, don't say this for now, come and see if he hasn't been saved yet." Captain Yang Soul seemed to wake up suddenly and hurriedly shouted.

The three teams did not know each other before.

But after experiencing this series of battles, they have truly become the robe of life and death.

The situation of the captain of life and death really made him very anxious.

"Look at him first?"

General Yanghun's face was even more weird.

As the number one general in Yinyang City, the city owner would be polite even when he saw him.

How could he think of it.

Will one day be so rudely treated by his subordinates?

He, the number one general in Yinyang City, immediately understood.

The person Captain Yang Soul wanted him to treat was obviously a very special existence.

As soon as the figure flashed, he already followed.

Captain Sunsoul took him directly to Captain Life and Death, and said anxiously: "Master General, this is the leader of the Life and Death team. He was hit by the alien sneak attacker only to help us knock on the mantis’s mouth. Take a look. Is he still saved?"

"Life and death team? The life and death team that the city owner himself named?" General Yanghun's expression changed more drastically.

As a general, he can naturally see the current state of the three teams.

He originally thought it was three little-known teams.

How can one think that the team that has been fighting in such a terrible situation will actually be the three famous teams among their three armies?

Team, team, at first glance, there is no difference.

But the clan is the most special existence among the three armies. They have obtained a powerful inheritance of the tomb owner, and can explode ten times more combat power than their own under the crisis of life and death.

The three big teams are mixed up to the present situation.

This can be seen.

The roar that aroused his curiosity and caused him to come here, how many astounding things are there.

When the general of life and death was thinking about it, his brows were already frowned.

a long time.

He just said: "Although he still has a rescue, it is equivalent to no rescue. Because if you want to save him, you must use the life and death tiger charm of the general of life and death to contain it, so that he can recover with endless years. "

"The problem is...our Yinyang City has not yet seen a life-and-death general."

As the general of the sun soul, he naturally knew the secrets that many small captains could not know.

There is no life and death of a general in Yinyang City, only a few people within him know it.

"General of life and death? Yes!"

Captain Yang Soul exclaimed, and his figure had already gone to Qin Shaofeng's side as soon as he flashed. He turned Qin Shaofeng back directly despite the shock and worry of everyone.

"Master General, save your life and die!" Captain Yang Soul shouted.


General Yanghun was stunned.

There are two generals in Yin-Yang City, he Yang Soul General and Yin Soul General, how could he not know the Shadow Soul General?

He clearly knew that the young man in front of him was definitely not the ghost general of their Yin Yang City!

Suspicious, I saw that Qin Shaofeng had already taken out the Tiger Talisman of Life and Death.

"General Yangshun, what should I do?"

Qin Shaofeng's questioning immediately pulled General Yanghun's thoughts back.

"Activate the Tiger Talisman of Life and Death, the Tiger Talisman of Life and Death will automatically help you **** him in." General Yanghun said.


Qin Shaofeng fell silent immediately.

He turned his head bitterly and looked at General Yangshun for a while. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and passed the Life and Death Tiger Talisman in his hand, saying: "General Yangshun, I'm already in a state where I'm exhausted, I'm afraid I still need it. The general helps."

"Ah? This, this is a tiger charm!"

General Yanghun didn't pay attention to Qin Shaofeng, but he never thought of this scene.

That's a tiger symbol of life and death!

The identity certificate of the general of life and death.

This kid actually handed him the Tiger Talisman of Life and Death directly?

Isn't he afraid of taking away his life and death tiger charm?

"It's important to save people, the general don't hesitate anymore, hurry up!" Qin Shaofeng shouted in a deep voice.

He really wasn't afraid that the person in front of him would **** his life and death tiger charm.

This thing was obtained by him through the last level.

Even if something might happen to this level, it is absolutely impossible to snatch, otherwise the last level will be useless. The latest chapter address of the god-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/35988.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/35988/God-level training system txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/35988.htmlGod-level training system mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/35988/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 4276 Sun Soul General), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God Level Training System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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