Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 428: Little contest begins

"One yang finger?"

Qin Shaofeng felt happy when he heard this system prompt.

"Could it be the one-yang finger in the eight parts of Tianlong?"

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng began to check the attributes of this Yang Finger.

Yiyang means: Heaven-level five-star skills, the martial arts of the Duan clan in Dali, handed down to the world (can learn).

Because the skills have been learned enough, at this moment, this Yang Finger did not immediately become Qin Shaofeng's skills.

But after seeing this introduction, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to directly retrieve a mortal level one-star skill, and then pointed this Yang to learn.

One Yang Finger: Level 1 0/100, Heaven-level five-star skills, Dali Duan's martial arts handed down from generations to generations, with powerful spiritual power to gather the fingertips to excite the air, forming an intangible and qualitative sword energy. This skill is extremely powerful and has a very strong penetrating power, so it takes a lot of spiritual power to display it.

Sure enough, it was a Yang Zhi of the Duan Clan in Dali!

Seeing the attribute information of Yiyang Finger after becoming his own skill, Qin Shaofeng called it cool!

But at the same time, Qin Shaofeng sighed again in his heart.

"It's a pity! Why isn't it a Six-Medition Divine Sword? That's really hanging!"

However, soon after Qin Shaofeng saw a piece of information behind Yiyang Finger's attribute information, Qin Shaofeng was disappointed and disappeared immediately.

(Note: One yang finger is also the introductory skill of the highest martial arts "Six Meridian Sword" in the Duan clan of Dali. If one yang finger can be cultivated to perfection, one yang finger can evolve into "Six Meridian Sword"! )

Can it evolve into a six-veined sword?

Seeing these last words, Qin Shaofeng was excited.

"Haha, this is like a skill after a special lottery. It can actually evolve, this feeling is good!"

After laughing for a while, Qin Shaofeng began to test the power of this Yang Finger.

When he came to the practice room, facing a stone statue, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand and moved in his heart.

"One Yang Point!"

With a soft drink, Qin Shaofeng's right index finger shot out an invisible, transparent sword air.

Then, with a bang, the stone statue was directly penetrated by the sword energy of a Yang finger.

"Hi, this power is almost as powerful as Xiao Li Feida!"

Looking at the two-finger-wide hole in front of the stone statue's heart, Qin Shaofeng was also surprised.

This stone statue is not an ordinary stone statue, but is made of a kind of hard variegated stone, and its hardness is definitely not inferior to the spirit armor condensed by a small Yuandan seven-layer master.

But even such a stone statue was pierced by one yang finger and one finger.

The most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng only discovered that the one-yang finger sword energy just consumed only a thousand points of spiritual power.

"Just a thousand points of spiritual power can have such power, what about increasing spiritual power?"

Seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and the spiritual power in his body began to gather his right index finger.

When the spiritual power equivalent to ten thousand points of spiritual power was condensed, Qin Shaofeng felt that he could no longer increase the spiritual power, so he lightly pointed to arouse this finger and one yang finger.


There was a loud noise, and the stone statue in the distance had been penetrated. This time after being hit by the sword energy of a positive finger, it was directly shattered by the explosion.

"Hey, I'm afraid that this might be an ordinary Xiaoyuandan nine-layer realm spirit armor, so I can't hold it, right?"

Seeing the gravel in that place, Qin Shaofeng gasped.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng's eyes burst out with a light.

"Yes, although this Yang Finger is only a Heaven-level five-star skill, its power is comparable to ordinary Saint-level skills. It deserves to be the entry skill of the Six Vein Excalibur. It is really powerful, and..."

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly: "And this is only level 1, I remember that I still have a level 3 skill fruit..."


The three-month competition in the reserve camp is only a small competition called the reserve camp, but it is a competition where the reserve camp examines the strength of each reserve camp disciple.

Moreover, it can be said that it is a competition to eliminate some unqualified disciples.

After all, what the reserve camp needs is true genius. If it is not possible to make it and the disciples who have insufficient record points, then there is no need to stay in the reserve camp.

As a preparatory camp for training and inheriting disciples, this requires a real genius. If you are not genius enough, there are so many people in the entire Thousand Mountain Sect who are all staring at the position of the preparatory camp.

Under such circumstances, the disciples in the preparatory camp practiced more diligently.

Therefore, even if it is a small contest, the disciples in the reserve camp are also very important.

Besides, this little competition is also an opportunity to increase the record points, something that is even more anticipated for some real geniuses.

But this time, it was different.

This is all because of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's words of welcoming anyone to challenge him have attracted the attention of many people.

Obviously, everyone has already understood that from Qin Shaofeng's words, it is not difficult to see that he is planning to win a place in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm competition.

But no one was optimistic about him, even if it was his challenge in those few days, Qin Shaofeng had already defeated a large number of disciples in the Xiaoyuandan realm, and even won more than 200 people in a single ten.

But in the eyes of some Xiaoyuandan masters, this is nothing at all.

Because the people who challenged Qin Shaofeng were only people below the sixth level of Xiaoyuandan.

Such a realm, not to mention those enchanting geniuses.

In this reserve camp, I am afraid that as long as the masters with the eightfold realm of Xiaoyuandan can do this.

Because the eighth layer of the Xiaoyuan Pill has at least 200,000 points of spiritual power, it seems that there is not much pressure on ten opponents below the sixth level of the Xiaoyuan Pill with less than 50,000 points.

Even some powerful Xiaoyuandan seven-tier geniuses are afraid that they can do this.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng's words, more people just regarded it as a joke.

But this does not hinder other people's interest in Qin Shaofeng.

After all, speaking carefully, defeating Qin Shaofeng can get the bronze rank Qianshan Order on the opponent.

The rankless Qianshan Order can be upgraded to the Bronze Rank, it seems that only one hundred record points is enough.

But in fact, there are probably not many geniuses in the Xiaoyuandan realm who have so many record points.

And even if some geniuses at the tenth peak of the Xiaoyuandan had enough record points, they would not use the record points to upgrade the Bronze Order of the Qianshan Mountain.

Although Qianshan Ling was upgraded, he could become a disciple of the Bronze Rank Reserve Camp, and he could get some special treatment.

But there are very few geniuses who can do this. The record points are used for many purposes in the Qianshan Sect. They can be exchanged for powerful exercises in the reserve camp, and some powerful special medicines can be exchanged for thousands of points. Personally guided and trained by the strong Shanzong.

If the record points are sufficient, even if the Saint Yuan realm powerhouse is able to instruct oneself to cultivate, it is not impossible.

Therefore, just because the record points are very useful, few people use them to upgrade the Qianshan Order unless they have sufficient record points.

And it was precisely for this reason that the bronze-step Qianshan Order in Qin Shaofeng's hands attracted the attention of many people.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's level and couldn't challenge Qin Shaofeng, I'm afraid that even if he ended up with a big bully, some of the tenth-tier pinnacle masters of the Xiaoyuan Pill realm would attack Qin Shaofeng as soon as possible.

But this time is different. If Qin Shaofeng really went to the top ten of the Xiaoyuan Pill in the little competition, then they would have a chance.

At this time, the hundred legendary geniuses had already been campaigned.

But apart from Qin Shaofeng, none of the ninety-nine people were promoted to Xiaoyuandan, and they planned to enter the reserve camp at this time.

After Qin Shaofeng's reminder, Tang Qijian and Du Meng were also cultivating on the inner peak mountain, striving to reach the maximum of the legendary peak, and then gathered the Yuan Dan and promoted the Xiao Yuan Dan to enter the reserve camp.

So this time, there is only a newcomer Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, there are still some other newcomers in the realm of Xiaoyuandan.

After all, the reserve camp now has 901 people, and only the 99 reserve camp disciples who have not been promoted in the legendary realm are left.

But among the newcomers, Qin Shaofeng was the only one who really stood out.

Three days passed quickly.

On this day, the tri-monthly small contest in the reserve camp began.

Because it is only a small martial arts competition, the small Yuan Dan realm and the Great Yuan Dan realm, as well as the preparation camp disciples above the Great Yuan Dan realm, all compete on different occasions.

The competition in the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm was conducted in a place similar to the ring space.

After Qin Shaofeng entered it, he discovered that the reason was that the disciples of the Xiaoyuandan realm in this reserve camp actually accounted for more than half, more than 500 people.

Although most of them, Qin Shaofeng had already met.

Even he defeated many of them, but after entering the martial arts venue, Qin Shaofeng discovered that even the disciples of Xiao Yuandan's reserve camp still had many powerful people among them.

"I thought that my chances of winning the first place were already high, but now it seems that there are still some difficulties!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with light under the fiery eyes and the golden eyes of the perceptive field, and felt those powerful geniuses.

At this moment, after seeing Qin Shaofeng entering the arena, many people looked at him.

Fear, doubt, ridicule, contempt...

More than five hundred people looked at Qin Shaofeng with different eyes. Those who had seen Qin Shaofeng's strength were naturally frightened.

Especially the ten people who last challenged Qin Shaofeng three days ago, looking at Qin Shaofeng at this moment were both complicated and frightening.

Not only did they lose that day, but they also lost incomparably weirdly. To this day, none of them understood how they were defeated by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng naturally ignored the eyes of these people.

There are ten arenas in this competition space. If you want to get the top ten, it is very simple to become the master of each arena and face the challenges of everyone.

If this person can persist, he will naturally be in the top ten.

After ten contestants appeared, it was time to win the top ten rankings.

Of course, these will naturally be held after the three contests of everyone in the small contest.

In this three-time competition, everyone's three opponents were decided randomly.

As for how to decide, it is the information sent by each Qianshanling that determines his opponent.

There are only three referees in this little competition, and all three referees are held by people outside the reserve camp.

And this time serving as the three referees in the Xiaoyuan Pill Realm area, one of which was Xie Zijun.

Originally based on Xie Zijun's cultivation base, he would not appear here, but because of Qin Shaofeng, Xie Zijun took the initiative to serve as one of the judges here.

Because Xie Zijun wanted to know what kind of surprise Qin Shaofeng would bring to himself this time in the martial arts competition.

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