Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4290: Isn't it dead?

"How about chasing and killing them so soon?"

The Ghost King was naturally able to spot the terrorist attack that suddenly appeared in the back.

When he determined the location of the attack, his whole body trembled violently.

"How does he know where we are?"

The ferry ghost king also glanced back, and the worry in his eyes had reached the extreme.

This questioning question failed to arouse the answer from the ghost king.

The only effect that can be regarded as bringing is just to make the speed of the ghost king's shot more quickly.

But under his feet now, dozens of corpses were already lying down.

If you look closely, it can shock countless people.

Because any one of those corpses was actually a Beastmaster-level existence.

The ghosts and corpses started looking for the Beastmaster and began to kill them.

After the Ghost King accelerated his attack speed, he finally found the opportunity for the red-winged poisonous dragon to spread its wings again.

The pair of hands that looked like a weapon, instantly pierced the weak points of the wings of the red-winged poisonous dragon.

"The Beast King has been killed by us almost. Everyone is scattered. At all costs, we must solve all the beast tides here as quickly as possible!" As the Ghost King shouted, he had already escaped in a flash. Away.

Many ghost kings immediately scattered in all directions.

Just a few breaths.

All the ghosts who had just received the order ran away at the same time.

The ferry ghost king looked at the first ghost king to escape, and suddenly felt out of breath.

"What kind of **** is this place, even this little beast is more powerful than our dignified ghost king. What a **** world!"

The ferry ghost king screamed secretly, and turned around to flee towards the distance.

The impression Qin Shaofeng left on them was simply too horrible, and he didn't have much confidence to fight with them at all.

The original plan of the Ghost King was indeed correct.

But he couldn't imagine that the ghost corpse they dispatched to Yinyang City unexpectedly had an accident, causing the news to come back more than an hour late.

If not so.

Even if they didn't come into contact with Qin Shaofeng, they were confident that Qin Shaofeng could deal with the beast tide unconsciously.

What can Qin Shaofeng do as long as he leaves here?

Unfortunately, everything is already impossible.

Gritting his teeth bitterly.

When he turned and was about to flee in the other direction, he suddenly felt his feet sink suddenly.

"what happened?"

The ferry ghost king was stunned, and looked down subconsciously.

The scenes of entering the goal almost made him scream.

The tail of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon that had just been beheaded by the ghost king seemed to have come alive, and it actually twisted his right leg tightly.

As soon as the exclamation was uttered, he saw the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon whose entire head seemed to be smashed, suddenly entwining him.

The sudden change almost made him exclaim again.

The sudden change made him forget Qin Shaofeng's threat.

"What kind of shit, obviously dead, dare to come to haunt this king?" the ferry ghost king roared.

In the roar, he suddenly grabbed the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon's body and tore it fiercely.

When the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon was alive, it had instinctive resistance.

But now it is dead.

The Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon did not have the tyrannical body of their ghost corpses, and was directly torn into two parts under his full burst.

Just when he thought he could throw away the broken body of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon.

An even more shocking scene appeared.

Even the broken body of the snake could still entangle him tightly, making him unable to move at all.

"What kind of ghost is this? Even our ghost clan cannot survive a broken body. How can this ghost do?" Amidst the roar of the ferry ghost king, he was shocked to discover that Qin Shaofeng's figure had arrived.

"That human?!"

The ferry ghost king exclaimed.

The fear in his heart made him want to escape for the first time.

However, his legs are still tightly entangled, making him no ability to escape at all.

"This snake..."

No matter how inactive the ferry ghost king is, he immediately understands it.

He pointed at Qin Shaofeng suddenly and exclaimed, "You, how can this weird creature help you to entangle me?"

"After you die, go and ask him yourself!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sneered, and immediately raised the huge sword that had been turned into the power of heaven and earth in his hand.

"No! You..."

"Colorful! Sword Jue!"

On the way Qin Shaofeng came, he had already heard the report from the Heavenly Void Insect King, how could he not know that the other ghost king had already escaped?

Where does he have the idea of ​​wasting time with this ghost king?

No time wasted.

The long sword in his hand was cut down.

Just as the sword's edge was about to slash down on the ferry ghost king.

A dark green light suddenly rushed out from the snake of the Crimson Wing Poisonous Dragon.

It is not it that controls the Red Wing Poisonous Dragon, but who can it be?

"this is…"

The ferry ghost king screamed in exclamation.

The long sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already been cut down.


Under the action of a full blow.

Even if the Ferry Ghost King is in full power, it is impossible to resist it, let alone now.

The cut of this sword directly blasted most of his body into dregs.

His sword is very tricky.

This sword only destroyed the ferry ghost king's half body and right arm, and it would not directly kill the ferry ghost king.

But after such a sword.

Even if the ferry king of ghosts and corpses is not dead, it is completely abolished.

He did not delay even the slightest.

The figure was already like a stream of light, galloping in the direction guided by the Heavenly Void Insect King.

During the tracking, he was anxious to observe the changes of the Tianxu Insect King.

Do not! It should be said that it is the change of the Jade Dragon King.

After such a long time of absorption, the Jade Dragon King has actually reached the level of nothingness.

This discovery made his heart full of displeasure.

Think about the difficult cultivation of oneself, and he has just reached the third stage of the mid-empty realm when he was just ascending.

This little guy has only swallowed for a few months, and he has reached the nihility.

There is really no harm if there is no comparison!

"I found it, it's over there... No! It turned out to be just an ordinary ghost!" The Sky Void Insect King's exclamation sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge.

When Qin Shaofeng spoke, he had already seen the existence of escaping quickly in the distance.

That's not an ordinary ghost, what can it be?

"It's really worthy of being the leader of this group of ghosts. Even the two ghost kings have to listen to their words. They are really cunning guys!" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help sighing, but he kept secretly happy in his heart. The latest chapter address of the god-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/35988.htmlReading address of the full text of the god-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/35988/God-level training system txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/35988.htmlGod-level training system mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/35988/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 4290 is not dead?), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "God Level Training System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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