The changes in these people are indeed not small, but they are not too huge.

Even if it is Luo San's cultivation base, there is a fundamental reason, and it cannot be calculated according to common sense.

It was Zhan Cangkong and Qin Sanzu that really made him feel speechless.

The original cultivation base of the two can also be considered acceptable.

But it's just acceptable.

Compared to any of them, it is also an ant-like existence.

But after the qualitative change this time.

Zhan Cangkong's cultivation level jumped from the original middle stage of the void to the latter stage of the void.

He did not have the millennia of precipitation of Luo San and others.

Such an increase in speed is completely jumpy.

Although Sanzu Qin was also elevated to the same cultivation level as Zhan Cangkong.

The problem is that he doesn't have much room for improvement.

It is even very possible that he can't even reach the realm of nothingness in this life.

The abrupt appearance of the late stage cultivation base of the void.

For the original him, that is simply a fantasy, okay?

As for passers-by Jia Keshuo, now it is also the post-mortem cultivation base of Nothingness.

There seems to be a lot of improvement in cultivation base, but compared to the improvement of so many people, it is not too eye-catching.

Qin Shaofeng looked at all of them for a while, and simply withdrew his gaze.

Compared to anyone, his improvement seems to be too little, too little.

Not to mention that there are other changes, which makes him even more urge to spray blood.

He was observing the situation of the people entering the country.

Everyone had already noticed the changes in the others in them, and they had already looked at him, who had just ended the inheritance.

It doesn't matter if it's unbearable.

This look immediately made everyone's eyes widened.

The pinnacle of the void?

It seems that he is already cultivated in the mid-Void Realm, right?

It's only improved so much?

This...what is going on?

Even in the Three Continents, because of various reasons, it seems that not many people have been promoted, and all of them are stunned.

They couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes.

The late stage of the void, or the peak of the void.

How can it be compared to the small mid-term cultivation base of the void realm?

These are two completely different levels, okay?

The ones they promoted don't seem to be many, but if they were just entering the world of martial arts, I am afraid they would be able to go from nothing to the level of nothingness.

But Qin Shaofeng was originally in the middle stage of the Void Realm, but he could not even reach the Void Realm.

This can no longer be described as unscientific.

"Boy, you, you..."

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er couldn't help but speak.

She already knew Qin Shaofeng's true identity.

However, Qin Shaofeng used the identity of that sword fairy Li Taibai to introduce herself in front of others, so that every time she called Qin Shaofeng, she could only use the word "boy".

At this moment, she really felt sad for Qin Shaofeng.

"At the pinnacle of the Void Realm, this level of cultivation is not bad."

Qin Shaofeng is not as pessimistic as they are.

The peak of the void realm is indeed inferior to their improvement in some respects.

But when he thought about it, he really understood it.

Such an improvement can't really be said to be bad.

After all, he still remembered the changes when his cultivation reached the Void Realm.

Don't look at his current Seven Color Power item already has a number of 666.

He clearly knew that that number was already his current limit.

If he really raises his cultivation base to nothingness, the changes that will occur will really make him completely unbearable.

The more he knew this, the calmer his heart became.

Even if it is to improve, it is not now.

Anyway, he has a nineteen-point seven color value, and if he wants to improve, it is really a matter of any time, there is no need to rush for a while.

Really want to improve, that is after he accumulates the colorful value.

"Cough cough cough!"

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er immediately began to cough dryly.

She really didn't know what other words could be used to comfort Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about her performance.

After scanning Li Naling and the others, she raised her hand and gently lifted it towards the front, and said: "Prisoner, you all go back to rest first. For the next level, I will walk with the seniors from the Three Continents Just suffer."

Several people suddenly felt a sense of suffocating laughter.

Xindao: This kid has to start arranging new players in front of the people of the Three Continents, it is really speechless!

Thinking like this in their hearts, they didn't hesitate much.

The cultivation base has just seen such a huge advance, they really need a lot of time to try.

Going back to rest is also the best choice for them.

Zhan Cai'er's last action.

But when she walked to Qin Shaofeng's side, a ray of light flashed on her body again, and she merged into Qin Shaofeng's body again.

As everyone hides.

At this time, it seemed that there were only four people left.

In addition to Qin Shaofeng, only Zhan Cangkong, Qin Sanzu and passer-by were the only ones.

"It turned out to be a space baby that can hold a living person?"

People from the three continents were stunned when they saw this.

The realm of Dongfu is common in the realm of Void.

For the Cangming world, it is a rare treasure.

Although it cannot be said that there is no, it is not something people like them can have.

There are even a lot of top forces that are simply impossible to possess, which can tell how valuable the Dongfu Realm is in the Cangming Realm.

How can they not be shocked?

Qin Shaofeng quickly put away all the things he had collected, took out a long sword that looked tattered, and the wine gourd that he seemed to have picked up, and spoke to the people of the Three Continents.

"Although we have killed four ghost kings, there are three more powerful existences behind. I hope you don't rush to expose my cards." Qin Shaofeng said flatly.

The corners of everyone on the three continents couldn't help but move.

They already have too much knowledge of Qin Shaofeng's special.

Don't look at Qin Shaofeng in their eyes, he was just the pinnacle of the void realm.

If it really fights.

Even those strong men who were fortunate enough to touch the edge of Heaven's Dao did not have the slightest confidence to behead them.

Not to mention that he just received a real Heavenly Dao powerhouse from the cave world.

That was absolutely absent in their three continents.

Maybe there is a miracle continent, but that is definitely an existence they can't touch.

"Elder Li, don't worry, we know what to do." The law enforcement elder of Capricorn Mountain once again set an example.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

None of them wanted to offend Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention, they also have a common enemy, and naturally it is even more impossible to betray Qin Shaofeng. The latest chapter address of the god-level training system: address of the full text of God-level training system: training system txt download address: training system mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 4295), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God Level Training System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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