Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4308: There is a situation

Qin Shaofeng knew that he could only do it himself.

Fortunately, this short break also allowed him to recover a little.

Moreover, the ghosts and corpses had already escaped, so he naturally didn't need to beware of more ghosts and corpses rushing up and attacking with swords.

Ghost fire and flame blessing.

He was facing this level of ghost and corpse slaves, and the martial arts he displayed were only the first few tricks of the Heavenly Mystery Sword.

Rao is so.

Every time a sword is shot, there will be a little consumption of the colorful origin.

Wraith flame blessing is calculated in seconds, and each second consumes six points.

Under the oppression of horror consumption.

Qin Shaofeng's speed is really fast.

Just one breath, three seconds.

More than 20 ghost and corpse slaves had all turned into rubble, and they fell directly toward the lake below their feet.

In the sound of dingdongs, his surroundings have been completely cleaned out.

At this point, his consumption has reached an extreme.

There are only one hundred points left in the colorful power.

If before, the strength of one hundred and seven colors could support him to fight for a long time, but now it is impossible at all.

Watching tens of thousands of ghost and corpse slaves keep approaching.

Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to kill at all, but turned around and headed towards another open area.

After all, the army of ghost and corpse slaves is fighting with the powerhouses of the Three Continents.

Among them, there are nearly eleven half-step Heavenly Dao powerhouses, making their speed seem very slow.

At the moment when Qin Shaofeng opened the distance again and opened the wine gourd again.

Seven figures suddenly came to him.

These seven people are among the people he brought, and the cultivation base can only exist at the pinnacle of nothingness.

Each of them was holding a ghost corpse slave at the pinnacle of nothingness.

Obviously because of their lack of cultivation, they have become people who run errands for Zuo Long and others.

"Just drop it."

When Qin Shaofeng spoke, he raised the long sword in his hand.

The seven people also didn't have a word of nonsense, and threw the fourteen ghost corpse slaves out at once, turned around and slew towards the army of ghost corpse slaves again.

"Sword Jue! Devil Slash!"

Qin Shaofeng finally displayed his martial arts.

A sword light flashed with dazzling cold light instantly, and all fourteen ghost and corpse slaves were beheaded with a single sword.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing 14 ghosts and corpses slaves at the peak of nothingness and gaining 14 colorful points.

The sound of the system did not attract even the slightest attention from Qin Shaofeng.

When he shot that sword.

He has thoroughly felt what his attack and consumption are like in his current state.

The move just now was a ghost cut after fusing the colorful inheritance.

Although this move is not as scary as the Seven Color Sword Art.

However, the Seven Color Sword Art was used, and it had 1% of the power of the Seven Color Sword Art. Not to mention that the fourteen ghost and corpse slaves in front of him were all in a mutilated state.

Even in the period of complete victory, it should be able to kill with a single sword.

But the consumption is also terrifying.

One sword, just one sword.

It actually exhausted the few hundred seven-point colors in his body.

"It seems that these two inheritances should be used as second hand when it is not necessary."

"The sword tactic consumes one hundred per sword, and the ghost fire blesses three points per second. The power is seriously insufficient. It seems that it is not a day and a half to use these two martial arts in a true sense!"

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have forgotten the army of ghost and corpse slaves who were getting closer and closer to him, but lowered his head and started talking to himself.

Immediately, he raised the wine gourd again.

The whole person lay down in the air.

It seemed that there was a rocking chair behind him, and the long sword in his hand was the one lying down comfortably, directly on his feet.

As if sitting in a rocking chair, the body was shaking.


He did not forget to drink one sip of wine.

Not far from the shocking life and death fight, he seemed to have become a spectator directly.

This scene was naturally seen clearly by people from the Three Continents.

But the battle has progressed to this level.

They were no one, and they couldn't tell Qin Shaofeng even half a word.

They single-handedly killed hundreds of high-level ghost and corpse slaves, and among them there were dozens of the pinnacles of nothingness.

There are nearly two hundred people, dealing with the army of 10,000 ghosts and corpses who do not exist at the pinnacle of nothingness. Is there really any unfairness?

It should be understood that the real threat of this army of ten thousand ghost and corpse slaves is not as good as the hundreds of existences Qin Shaofeng just killed!

This mentality is at fault.

Under Zhang Hong's personal leadership, the army of ghost and corpse slaves who actually killed continued to suffer casualties.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to be watching a show.

In fact, he has no combat power at all.

Although it was a leisurely and comfortable rest, his eyes were always on the battlefield.

Seeing that the numbers were completely unequal, but it was still a one-sided massacre, he couldn't help but shook his head and muttered to himself: "The low-level beings without wisdom are after all just a group of puppet-like existences. To what real effect."

His voice is not very loud.

But among the people of the three continents present, who did not focus a large part of their attention on him.

Everyone is beyond the late stage of the void.

Even if his voice is several times smaller, it is impossible to escape everyone's ears.

Upon hearing the words, everyone in the Three Continents couldn't help nodding their heads secretly.

As people who go to war, they can understand these words best.

If the ghost corpse slaves really have similar wisdom to them, let alone slaying the ghost corpse slaves side by side, I am afraid that under a charge, they will be killed and injured 90%.

Such battles simply cannot be viewed as normal.

After Qin Shaofeng said those words, he fell silent again.

The colorful power madly wanders through the meridians, day after week, absorbing the power of heaven and earth to replenish itself madly.

"There is movement."

Qin Shaofeng was recovering.

An exchange of ideas has already appeared in consciousness.

The reminder is obviously from the Tianxu Insect King.

"What's the discovery?" Qin Shaofeng asked in his consciousness for the first time.

At this moment, they are on the battlefield of the home of the ghost clan.

Even a small accident is likely to cause huge casualties to them.

Even with countless hole cards, he will not lose as much care as he should.

"It's not the ghost clan, but the people of the Three Continents like them. It should be the group of guys who want to deal with you." When the Sky Void Insect King answered, a map that looked like a star map had already appeared. In his consciousness.

There are three colors in the star chart.

With the number and location, Qin Shaofeng could tell who was who at a glance.

The red light spot represents the enemy hidden in the dark.

Those people seem to have just arrived.

Now they are still in the continuous formation, it seems that a circle is about to be formed, and when they appear, they will be surrounded directly. The latest chapter address of the god-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/35988.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level training system: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/35988/God-level training system txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/35988.htmlGod-level training system mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/35988/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (there is a situation in Chapter 4308), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God Level Training System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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