Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 434: The powerful boy who suddenly appeared

The moment the Ling Armor was broken, Liu Yaofeng reacted.

For the first time, Liu Yaofeng planned to dodge and avoid.

Unfortunately, because he was confident that Qin Shaofeng could not break his spirit armor, Liu Yaofeng didn't have the slightest preparation.

At this moment, even if he wanted to avoid it for the first time, it was too late.


With a loud explosion, the sword energy of Yiyang Finger finally exploded completely, and the spirit armor on Liu Yaofeng's body was shattered at this moment. The power from the broken and exploded spirit armor directly blasted Liu Yaofeng into the air.


With a heavy fall to the ground, Liu Yaofeng smashed to the ground fiercely.

Off the court!

After falling to the ground, Liu Yaofeng fell directly out of the ring.

There are results!

Qin Shaofeng won again!


Under the arena, a mouthful of blood spurted from Liu Yaofeng's mouth. I don't know if it was because of the heavy injuries suffered by the previous bombardment, or because he felt that he had lost to Qin Shaofeng, which made Liu Yaofeng extremely unbelievable.

After the blood spurted out, Liu Yaofeng actually fell backwards and passed out directly.

This caused a few people who had been stunned for a long time to react, and then they rushed over and carried away the unconscious Liu Yaofeng in a panic.

And it was only then that the crowd under the ring finally showed signs of recovery.


Did Qin Shaofeng win?

It seemed that I couldn't believe it, everyone subconsciously looked at the figure on the ring, and they couldn't believe it.

Fortunately, the others were defeated by Qin Shaofeng, which means that Qin Shaofeng has two brushes.

Even if Lin Jun was defeated by Qin Shaofeng, everyone was surprised at best, but they could barely accept it.

Well, after all, it was the first place in the entrance examination this time. Qin Shaofeng had such a strength, barely justified.

But it's different now.

That's Liu Yaofeng!

Who is Liu Yaofeng?

This does not need to be said. Who does not know that Liu Yaofeng is one of the ten strongest people in the reserve camp Xiaoyuandan?

However, it should be said that it was one of the ten strongest people in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm among the entire Thousand Mountain Sect, a genius among geniuses.

But is such a genius actually lost to Qin Shaofeng?

For a while, everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, but it was extremely complicated.

Now no one dared to say that Qin Shaofeng was not strong enough, and no one had the idea of ​​challenging Qin Shaofeng.

As a person who can defeat Liu Yaofeng, that strength is naturally one of the ten strongest people in Xiao Yuandan.

In other words, apart from those Xiaoyuan Pill Realm masters who are also one of the top ten, I am afraid that no one on the scene is Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

And most importantly, it seems that Liu Yaofeng's strength among the top ten of Xiaoyuandan is also one of the top rankings.

In this way, there are probably not many masters of Xiao Yuan Dan who can truly defeat Qin Shaofeng.

And because of the strength that Qin Shaofeng has shown one after another, many people have secretly guessed that Qin Shaofeng might have the strength of the first person of Xiaoyuan Pill!

Although this is unlikely, based on Qin Shaofeng's performance so far, it can't be rejected all!

Under the ring, where the top ten Xiaoyuan Pill was located, at this moment, except for Lin Shaoyan, the expressions of the other eight people had changed to varying degrees.

Several of them who were not as strong as Liu Yaofeng looked at Qin Shaofeng with wanton gaze at this moment.

Even the person who is stronger than Liu Yaofeng looked at Qin Shaofeng with full caution.

The only difference is that Lin Shaoyan.

"Unexpectedly did not use that kind of weird ability? It seems that Qin Shaofeng's strength really cannot be underestimated!"

With a soft whisper, Lin Shaoyan fell silent again, his eyes flickering, no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

After defeating Liu Yaofeng, Qin Shaofeng became bored.

Because at this time, because no one is going to challenge him.

Who would be so stupid, knowing that Qin Shaofeng has the strength to defeat Liu Yaofeng, how could he go up to give score points?

And it seemed that it was also because of Qin Shaofeng, which made the other top ten experts couldn't help it, and eventually quickly boarded the ring of their respective distribution.

Under this circumstance, it was only a few hours before this ring challenge was completely over.

The top ten Xiaoyuandan was born.

However, except for Liu Yaofeng's accident, these top ten people are not much different from the recognized top ten.

The only difference is that with Liu Yaofeng's strength, even if he loses to Qin Shaofeng, his strength can still enter the top ten.

It is a pity that once he loses in this small competition, his chance is completely lost, and Liu Yaofeng can only miss the top ten of Xiaoyuandan.

But having said that, even if he can continue the competition, with Liu Yaofeng's character, I am afraid that he will not compete for the top ten again.

After the top ten has won, the next step will be the top ten ranking.

To become the top ten of Xiaoyuandan, you can get rewards of record points.

But the rewards of the top ten are not all the same. The higher the ranking, the more rewards will naturally be.

The most obvious point is that the last tenth of the top ten can get ten record points, but if it is the first place, then the record points obtained can be 100 points.

Therefore, the capable people are all staring at the first place!

The allure of one hundred record points is too great.

Qin Shaofeng naturally did the same. Not to mention the one-hundred-point record, it was only his own task, and he had to win the first place.

On the referee's platform, the two referees discussed with Xie Zijun, er, actually speaking, they should have asked for instructions. After Xie Zijun nodded, the other two referees began to announce the top ten rankings. Officially begin.

But when one of the referees announced that the top ten rankings began, an accident occurred.

"Oh, these are the ten strongest people in the reserve camp Xiaoyuandan!"

A slightly curious voice sounded, and then everyone was surprised to find that a figure suddenly appeared beside the referee on the arena preparing for the top ten ranking.

"That is?"

Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared, Xie Zijun, who had originally looked indifferent, stood up abruptly, and then gave a wry smile.

"Dizzy, why is this little ancestor here?"

In the ring, the more person beside the referee was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy who was even younger than Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as the young boy appeared, the referee's face suddenly sank, and he wanted to yell. But at this moment, he suddenly heard the voice from Xie Zijun with spiritual power.

"Don't worry about that kid, let him go!"


When the referee was said by Xie Zijun, his face looked a little exciting.

But since Xie Zijun has said so, how can he dare to have an opinion!

But the next moment, this sudden sentence from the young man almost made him stagger and fall to the ground.

Because at this moment, after looking at the ten people like Qin Shaofeng, the young man said proudly: "Well, the strength is barely passable. Just because Ben Shao is out, I'll take you ten to practice!"

As if suddenly wanting to go, the young boy hurriedly added: "Oh, by the way, I mean the ten of you go together, otherwise it's too boring!"


There was a commotion under the ring.

It seemed that none of the people present knew the boy, and didn't even know where the boy came from.

But the words of this young man made everyone dumbfounded.

"I wiped, what did this kid just say?"

"Uh, he seems to be planning to pick ten and directly face them in the top ten!"

"Well, where did this arrogant boy dare to say such arrogant things?"

"Is this kid okay?"


In just a moment, the ring became noisy.

As for those who were in the top ten with Qin Shaofeng, their expressions were instantly pulled down.

Whoever is provoked in this way, I am afraid that there will be no good face.

Even if it was Lin Shaoyan, there was a flash of anger in his eyes at this moment.

But the only difference was Qin Shaofeng.

Looking at the ring at the moment, the young man who was younger than himself, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with horror.

Because just now, he has detected through the fiery eyes and golden eyes, this suddenly appeared the attributes of a teenager.

But precisely because of this, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked at this moment.

Character: Xiang Qianyang

Level: Xiaoyuandan eightfold peak

Spiritual power value: 3 million / 3 million

Talented roots: White Tiger Spirit (Holy Grade 9)


three million!

He actually possesses 300 points of spiritual power, and his extraordinary realm is the pinnacle of Xiaoyuandan eightfold!

This is something that Qin Shaofeng has finally determined after watching it back and forth several times.

Qin Shaofeng never expected that this young boy who appeared suddenly would be so strangely powerful.

Obviously it was only at the pinnacle of Xiao Yuan Dan's eightfold, but his spiritual power reached 3 million points.

You must know that even in the reserve camp, the requirement for the eight-fold spiritual power of the Xiaoyuan Pill is only 200,000 points.

The requirement of 200,000 points of spiritual power is ten times the average!

But this young man named Xiang Qianyang is better, not to mention ordinary people, even if it is the index of the reserve camp, he is more than ten times.

Three million!

This is 15 times that of 200,000!

This is incredible!

However, what made Qin Shaofeng feel most incredible was the other party's spiritual roots.

Talented spirit root: White Tiger Spirit (Holy Grade Nine)!

In particular, this has not only surpassed the ninth-rank spiritual root and reached the sacred spiritual root, even the sacred spiritual root is actually at the ninth-rank sacred level.

Qin Shaofeng doubted whether he had read it wrong.

At this time, the attributes of this young boy also shocked the ball.

"Oh my God, it is the spirit of the White Tiger, one of the Four Saints! How is this possible!"

With an exclamation, the small ball appeared directly in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

However, even if the small ball appeared, only Qin Shaofeng could see it at the moment.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly with the exclamation of Xiaoqiuqi.

The Spirit of the White Tiger, one of the Four Saints?

Four Saints?

Could it be the four sacred beasts?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly asked Xiaoqiuqiu: "Xiaoqiuqiu, what's the situation? Isn't the spirit of the white tiger the white tiger of the four holy beasts?"

Xiaoqiuqiu did not look back, still looking at the young man on the ring with a look of rare treasure, and said a little excitedly: "Yes, this white tiger spirit is the white tiger among the four sacred beasts!"

"Uh, no, why does this spiritual root still have such a spiritual root?" Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

"No, you are wrong!"

Xiaoqiuqiu reluctantly retracted his gaze, and then said to Qin Shaofeng with a serious face: "Linggen is not just a simple type of five elements and other attributes. Have you forgotten the star body and Jianxin of Yuner and Tang Qijian? There is also the spirit of Meng Xin'er's Taixu, and the spirit of Xiaoyue'er's Demon God, do you think that is a normal attribute spiritual root?"

Uh, this...

Listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng only remembered that, it seemed that some unusual and powerful spiritual roots had appeared around him.

In that case, it doesn't seem strange to have spiritual roots like the Four Saint Beasts!

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