Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 439: End of the little contest

"I hope to succeed!"

As soon as the copy skill was activated, Qin Shaofeng secretly prayed.

Next, a system prompt sounded, making Qin Shaofeng relieved, and then there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the skill "Qianshanquan" with the skill of writing round eyes!"

In order to successfully copy it out, Qin Shaofeng deliberately recovered a few mortal level one-star skills from the beginning, vacating a few of the skills.

Now that all the plans have finally succeeded, the "Qianshan Fist" is in hand.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very shocked that when he just copied it, he actually felt that the flow of spiritual power in his body would consume millions or even more in an instant.

This made Qin Shaofeng secretly grateful in his heart, fortunately to have this spiritual power fruit, otherwise this copy would have failed.


Just as Qin Shaofeng was secretly rejoicing in his heart, there was a bang, and the shadow of the fist that blasted towards Qianyang finally blasted on Qin Shaofeng's Nasu Zuonenghu.

However, what made Xiang Qianyang's expression slightly changed was that his own fist, Qianshan Fist, only caused the thunder and lightning giant to tremble slightly, without even taking a step back.

"Damn, this thing's defense is so strong?"

Hesitation flashed in his eyes, but in the end Xiang Qianyang gritted his teeth fiercely, glanced at Qin Shaofeng, and said loudly: "Qin Shaofeng, I admit that I completely underestimated you. But now I'm serious, and I will be the strongest one. Punch!"

As soon as the voice fell, he flew to Qianyang volley, standing in the air, his whole body was surging, and all his body was condensed with his right fist.

"Qianshan nine punches, nine punches in one!"

With a roar, Xiang Qianyang in mid-air blasted out nine Qianshan fist shadows one after another in an instant, and these nine Qianshan fist shadows finally combined into one punch, and blasted towards Qin Shaofeng.

this is?

On the referee's stand, Xie Zijun showed a hint of surprise in his eyes and sighed in his heart.

This Xiang Qianyang deserves to be one of the most outstanding geniuses of my Qianshan Sect for thousands of years. He actually cultivated Qianshan Quan to the state of nine punches in Xiaoyuan Dan, and he was able to perform nine punches in one.

This is much stronger than myself.

However, what Xie Zijun cares more about is that he really wants to know whether Qin Shaofeng's spiritual giant like thunder and lightning can withstand the power of Qianshanzong's nine punches?


With this explosion, everyone saw the huge thunder and lightning giant Qin Shaofeng on the arena, and suddenly retreated several steps.


Seeing this scene, hundreds of people gasped fiercely.

Even such a huge thunder and lightning giant had blasted back a few steps.

If this is changed to bombing myself, then...

Such a scene makes people shudder just to think about it.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng on the ring sighed softly in his heart.

"Oh, I wanted to try it out. Can Suzuo Nohu be promoted to the first form? Unfortunately, time is running out!"

That's right, even though Qin Shaofeng took the spiritual power fruit, he and Xiang Qianyang have experienced a lot of fights, but in fact, from the beginning to the present, it hasn't been a minute.

However, this is also fast!

Up to one minute of spiritual power fruit, only less than five seconds are left.

It's time to end!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofengfeng yelled: "Xiang Qianyang, you can pick me up again!"

After all, Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly transformed the Suzuonenghu that was shrouded on his body directly into a huge thunderball, blasting towards Qianyang in the air.

In fact, at this time, Qin Shaofeng had put away Suzuo Nenghu, that huge thunderball was just another form of a thousand birds flow.

It was precisely because of this that Xiang Qianyang couldn't feel the slightest danger of himself from the thunderball.

This made him sneer in his heart, thinking that his punch just worked!

Therefore, in the face of this thunderball, Xiang Qianyang wanted to throw a punch directly and completely explode it.

But the next moment, what Xiang Qianyang didn't expect was that the thunderball exploded and exploded completely before it hit him.

As soon as the huge thunderball exploded, the mid-air on the ring was like a dazzling golden sun, and everyone was dazzled.

Even if it was Xie Zijun for a while, he didn't expect this to happen. Under the dazzling light, he closed his eyes involuntarily.

At this moment, Xiang Qianyang in midair, although his eyes were closed by the dazzling light, he soon discovered that it was just some dazzling light, and it seemed that there was no danger.

But when he had an idea, suddenly, his whole person trembled involuntarily. The next moment, his whole person lost his balance in mid-air, and then fell freely to the ground.

At the same time, the six-pointed star pattern in Qin Shaofeng's eyes finally began to slowly disappear, returning to a normal state.

However, having said that, even if the kaleidoscope is turned on to write round eyes, under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate hiding, no one can discover the abnormality of his eyes.

After the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel disappeared, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a wry smile.

Because just in the last second when the spiritual power fruit state disappeared, he performed monthly reading on Xiang Qianyang.

What Qin Shaofeng never expected was that even at this moment, Xiang Qianyang’s spiritual power had already consumed less than one-fifth of his total victory, but he still consumed 5 million points of spiritual power, and this succeeded Drag Xiang Qianyang into the monthly reading space.

However, it is over now.

I won!

At this time, Xiang Qianyang had already fallen to the bottom of the ring.

Although the spiritual power in his body was still in perfect state at this moment, Qin Shaofeng still used a method to make himself look as if he was over-consuming, with a pale and miserable appearance.

Therefore, when the dazzling light disappeared, everyone just saw that Xiang Qianyang had already fallen under the ring at this moment, and he was even more unconscious.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he was over-consuming, and finally after everyone saw him, Qin Shaofeng staggered and passed out.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng did everything on purpose.

After all, defeating an evildoer like Xiang Qianyang would definitely shock the entire Qianshan Sect. If Qin Shaofeng had nothing to do, the situation would be different.

Because that would be amazing!

Fortunately, under a certain secret technique given by Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng was already over-consuming and suffering severe trauma at this moment.

Compared to Xiang Qianyang, who was also in a coma, it was also due to consumption, but Qin Shaofeng's results were acceptable to people.

In the end, things are simple.

Although I don't know what happened when the huge thunderball exploded.

But the final result was that Qin Shaofeng was in the ring and Xiang Qianyang was under the ring. There is no need to say more about this result.

The first place in the Xiaoyuandan contest finally fell to Qin Shaofeng.

After the news came out, the entire reserve camp was a sensation.

Not only the reserve camp, but also the high-level Qianshan Sect were shaken.

Somewhere on top of a huge peak in the clouds, there is a magnificent majestic hall on the top of this peak. This is the Palace of the Sect Master of the Qianshan Sect. As the name suggests, this is the place where the Sect Master of the Qianshan Sect is located.

At this moment, on the high seat of the main hall of the Sect Master's Hall, a handsome man who seemed to be in his early thirties looked down at the jade slip in his hand, his mouth slightly tilted.

"Colossal spiritual power? Possess extremely strong spiritual power? Suspected of possessing dual-system mutant spiritual roots of thunder and fire?"

He whispered a few times, and then the man smiled slightly.

"Heh, isn't Qin Shaofeng? What a funny little guy! But it is a rare genius who can defeat Yang'er. Well, this is just enough to frustrate Yang'er and reduce his arrogant personality."

After talking about it, the empty hall in his head, as if talking to himself, and as if he was instructing someone, said, "Go ahead, pay attention to this Qin Shaofeng, if he can meet the requirements. If you do, you will be promoted directly to the inheritance disciple!"


A Qing Leng suddenly responded, and then the empty hall swung lightly, revealing a hint of spatial ripples.

Vaguely, under the ripples of the space, a blur seemed to appear, flashing outside the hall.


No matter how the outside world talks about him, Qin Shaofeng has returned to his training room at this moment.

After the match was over, Xie Zijun personally sent Qin Shaofeng back.

Since pretending to be, Qin Shaofeng naturally pretended to be very similar, so he was still in a coma during the period.

However, after Xie Zijun left, Qin Shaofeng turned over and sat up.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times, then opened his attribute interface and began to check his first copied skill.

Qianshanquan: 1st level 0/100, holy level practice, Qianshanzong Zhenzong's unique learning, powerful and powerful, when the cultivation is successful, you can blast out a thousand fist shadows with one punch, one thousand fists, and one mountain !

The current level is level 1, which can condense a Qianshan fist shadow to attack! Need to consume one hundred thousand points of spiritual power.

Just looking at the attributes of this Qianshanquan, Qin Shaofeng felt that the skills he copied this time were definitely making a lot of money.

On the occasion of success, can you blast out a thousand fist shadows?

And can you get a thousand punches in one?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that the nine Qianshan fist shadows that blasted Qianyang before, this one was extremely powerful, and after the nine fists were unified, the power that burst out was the original form of Suzuo Nenghu. Can not be completely resisted.

If this Xiang Qianyang realm is a little higher, maybe the original form of Suzuo Nenghu will definitely be blown up?

Thinking of this possibility, Qin Shaofeng liked this Qianshan Boxing even more.

After taking a look, his current skill proficiency was still more than 40,000 points. Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and immediately raised the Qianshanquan to level 4.

Qianshanquan: Level 4 0/100000, holy level practice, Qianshanzong Zhenzong's unique learning, extremely powerful, when the practice is great, you can blast out a thousand fist shadows with one punch, one thousand fists, and a strong enemy !

The current level is 4, and up to twelve Qianshan fist shadows can be condensed to attack! Every Qianshan Fist Shadow needs at least one hundred thousand points of spiritual power. If you want to perform fist and shadow fusion, you need to consume an additional three times the value of spiritual power.

Qin Shaofeng was even more surprised by the attributes of Level 4 Qianshanquan.

After trying it, Qin Shaofeng even discovered that the most powerful power of Level 4 Qianshan Boxing, with his current spiritual power value, seems to be unable to display it.

The reason is simple, that is, even if the 4th level Qianshan Fist is just a shadow of Qianshan Fist, Qin Shaofeng's current spiritual power value of 600,000 points, it seems that it is not the limit.

And even with one hundred thousand Qianshan Fist Shadows, with Qin Shaofeng's current spiritual power, it seems that there are no Qianshan Fist Shadows that can be used at all.

Special, not enough spiritual power!

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