Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 442: I see who dares to move

In a certain giant mountain secret realm, in a dense forest, two figures are flashing rapidly.

And behind these two figures, there are more than twenty figures, chasing them hard.

You can hear it from afar, the loud shouts of more than twenty figures.

"Quickly, hurry up, and you will be able to catch up with those two boys soon!"

"Damn, I didn't expect the speed of these two people to be so fast. Are they really just the sixth level of Xiaoyuandan?"

"Hey, of course they are only in the sixth level of Xiaoyuandan, but they are more special!"

"Isn't it, although I don't want to admit it, this person who can mix with that Qin Shaofeng is really not easy!"


After a loud discussion, these people were either emotional, amazed, or angry.

But no matter who it is, they have to admit that the two people they are waiting for are really geniuses!

Even if these two people are in this reserve camp, judging from their performance so far, they are definitely the first-level existence of enchanting.

However, even so, none of these people's speed will slow down, or even get faster and faster.

It seems to be a very exciting thing to be able to abuse two such outstanding geniuses, even if they are more deceptive!

Human nature is bad, and there will be some so-called despicable people everywhere!

Needless to say, the two people who were chased were naturally Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

Du Meng and Tang Qijian did not expect that they would be ambushed.

Although in this reserve camp, even in the secret realm of Kyoho, there will be no carnage.

However, the situation encountered by Du Meng and Tang Qijian seemed a little different.

Because the other party obviously wanted to catch him and gave him a severe lesson.

They even forced them to hand over the Qianshan Order of the bronze step.

Facing such a thing, Du Meng and Tang Qijian naturally quit.

But what made the two of them very powerless was that the two dozen people who appeared on the other side were not below the seventh level of Xiaoyuandan.

There are even four or five people in the tenth realm of Xiaoyuandan.

If this were a single situation, Du Meng and Tang Qijian would not shrink even if they encountered enemies in the eightfold and ninefold realm of Xiaoyuandan.

Even a small number of five or six people can cope with the past.

But in the face of such a lineup behind him, even the grumpy Du Meng had to admit that in such a situation, if he fought hard, the two would definitely suffer.

Therefore, the two ran away soon!

"Damn, these guys are really lingering!"

Looking at the situation behind him from a distance, Du Meng roared angrily, his speed did not slow down at all.

Tang Qijian on the side was calm and expressionless.

But a trace of coldness flashed from his eyes, obviously deep in his heart, it was not as calm as his face.

Suddenly at this moment, Du Meng's face was happy, and he looked down at the Qianshan Ling on his body, then turned his head and said excitedly at Tang Qijian: "Tang Qijian, the boss said that he has arrived, and will soon be able to We are together!"

"is it?"

When Du Meng said this, Tang Qijian's eyes suddenly burst out, and then he actually stopped like that.

"I rub, what are you doing, Tang Lao Er?"

For a moment, some did not understand why Tang Qijian suddenly stopped, Du Meng was a little dumbfounded.

But despite this, he stopped for the first time.

Du Meng is not a loyal person, if he wants to stop, then the two will be together.

Tang Qi didn't turn his sword back, just staring at the two dozen people approaching Fei Shen, and said coldly: "Since the boss is here, there is no need to worry about anything, just fight directly!"

"Uh, you seem to be right to say that!"

Du Meng murmured, and then his whole body became excited.

"Haha, that's fine, if I fight with so many people, it is estimated that after going there, I will be able to directly break through to the seventh layer of Xiaoyuandan!"

Du Meng and Tang Qijian stopped suddenly, which surprised the two dozen people.

However, they didn't stop because of this. Instead, they accelerated. In a blink of an eye, they arrived in front of Du Meng and Tang Qijian, and then flashed a few times, and these people surrounded Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

"Oh, you two finally stopped running!"

With a chuckle, one of the two dozen people walked out.

If Qin Shaofeng were here, he would also recognize that at this moment, he was facing the challenge of everyone and defeated one of them, that genius named He Changjue.

However, at this time, He Changjue's current cultivation base had actually been elevated to the seventh level of the Xiaoyuan Pill, and his spiritual power had reached nearly 200,000.

"Run? Huh? Uncle, I'm looking at the scenery. Where did you go?"

Facing He Changjue's sneer, Du Meng said with disdain.

But this sentence angered He Changjue.

"Hmph, your tongue is good, boy, I think you are overpowered?" He Changjue's eyes filled with anger.

"I can't help myself? Hahaha, it's so funny!"

Du Meng laughed fiercely, then looked at He Changjue with disdain, and sneered: "Uncle boy, I don't know who you are, but the uncle knows one thing. I can't help myself, you say It doesn’t count, because you are not qualified to tell me this."

"You are too weak!"

As he said, Du Meng pointed at He Changjue and shook his head gently, as if he didn't put He Changjue in his eyes at all.

But Du Meng's move made He Changjue even more angry.

Turning his head violently, He Changjue said to the person next to him, "Lu Renyi, if you don't take action first, let me teach this kid first. I want him to know whether I am qualified to say him and who is weak!"

Lu Renyi?

That's right, Lu Renyi was one of the people chasing Du Meng and Tang Qijian this time.

At this moment, Lu Renyi had already broken through the seven-fold realm of Xiaoyuan Pill, but his spiritual power was much lower than He Changjue's, it just happened to reach 110,000.

However, from the attitude of more than two dozen people around, this time around Du Meng and Tang Qijian, it seems to be led by Lu Renyi and He Changjue.

After hearing He Changjue's words, Lu Renyi frowned slightly.

Originally, according to He Changjue's intention, Du Meng and Tang Qijian were directly captured, and then they were forced to hand over the bronze-step Qianshan Order.

As for how to hand it over, it was very easy. As long as Du Meng and Tang Qijian agreed, their bronze-level Qianshan Order would be defeated by challenging them.

However, now He Changjue is completely disrupted, and the original plan of himself and others has been lost.

This made Lu Renyi feel a little bit unhappy, but seeing that He Changjue was completely angry at this moment, Lu Renyi did not speak to dissuade him in the end.

And even if he wanted to dissuade him at this moment, it was already too late.

Because at the moment he finished speaking, He Changjue rushed directly to Du Meng.

"Boy, die for me!"

With a roar, He Changjue mobilized the spiritual power in his body, gathered his hands, and blasted Du Meng with a punch.

But in the face of He Changjue's punch, Du Meng smiled.

Close combat?

This idiot really thought that if he had a higher level of cultivation than himself, he would eat himself?

Actually have the guts to fight melee?

Looking for abuse?

With a sneer in his heart, Du Meng's face became cold, and then he stayed on the spot, just stretched out his right hand, squeezed it hard, and slammed his fist up.


The two fists banged together, and there was a dull and explosive sound, which burst out instantly.

But just as this dull and explosive sound erupted, everyone present came and heard a clear sound.


It seemed to be the sound of some dead branches breaking, and after this sound, there was a scream.


A figure flew out fiercely. The next moment, Lu Renyi's and others' complexions changed instantly.

Because at this time they could see clearly that the person who flew out of the scream was He Changjue.


He smashed to the ground not far away, and He Changjue fell into a coma directly. The most surprising thing was that his right hand changed into a weird shape.

Seeing this situation, Lu Renyi took a sigh of relief in his heart, and when he looked at Du Meng again, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

This Du Meng defeated He Changjue with just one move?

And still seriously injured directly?

What kind of strength does Du Meng have?

Lu Renyi was not calm at all.

He was aware of He Changjue's situation. He Changjue had a spiritual power test just yesterday.

As a result, the spiritual power value detected by He Changjue actually exceeded 180,000 points!

Only in the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Xiaoyuan Pill, it has more than 180,000 points of spiritual power.

Such a situation is extremely rare even in the reserve camp.

This shows that He Changjue is an out-and-out genius.

After Lu Renyi knew this, he was very envious of He Changjue.

The same is in the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Xiaoyuan Pill, but his spiritual power is less than 60,000 to 70,000 compared to He Changjue!

In Lu Renyi's view, there is no one below the eighth layer of the Xiaoyuan Pill that is He Changjue's opponent.

But what is the situation now?

Looking back, Lu Renyi's breath was just Du Meng in the sixth level of Xiao Yuan Dan, and Lu Renyi suddenly felt a little bit of bad feeling in his heart.

Offending such a genius, is it worth it?

But soon, Lu Renyi threw such a bad idea out of his mind.

This is the end of the matter, even if it is repenting now, it is too late.

"Go, let me all go together, I don't believe that the two of them can deal with all of us!" Lu Renyi shouted fiercely at the two dozen people around him.

And his roar also made the two dozen people wake up from the shock caused by Du Meng's amazing strength.

"Yes, let's go together!"

"Huh, what about strong strength? We have more than 20 people!"

"Ha, Du Meng, right? Even if you are very strong, but in the current situation, I advise you to be honest and surrender directly!"

"Yes, hurry up and surrender! It saves us taking action, or we suffer, but don't blame us for not reminding you!"


Although Du Meng's strength is unexpectedly strong, but when he thinks that there are more than 20 people on his side, they no longer have the slightest fear in their hearts.

"Hmph, let's go together if you want to go, chuckle!" In the face of the threat of everyone, Du Meng had no fear, and his face was even more sneer.

This caused Lu Renyi and more than twenty people to be furious in an instant, and they gathered up their spiritual power to prepare to attack Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

But at this moment, a cold voice came, causing the two dozen of them to shiver in an instant, and they all stopped immediately.

"I see who dares to move!"


A figure suddenly appeared in front of more than twenty people in Lu Renyi.

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