Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 447: The true face of the Thunder Giant

Damn, I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng's special ability to be so powerful!

Looking at the three corpses of the Great Yuan Pill Realm masters who were not angry at all behind him, Lin Shaoyan's face sank.

But soon his heart became excited.

But that's great!

In this way, the more it can be explained that Qin Shaofeng's spiritual roots are definitely not simple. Once I swallow his spiritual roots, my spiritual roots will be stronger!

There was a wave of madness in his eyes, and Lin Shaoyan fiercely shouted at the remaining Great Yuan Pill masters around him: "Don’t panic, this Qin Shaofeng’s mental power attack is very special. I am afraid I can only use it once at most. If he did, he would definitely pass out like the previous battle against Xiang Qianyang!"

Hearing what Lin Shaoyan said, the Great Yuan Pill Realm masters who were originally shocked because the three strongest masters on their side were suddenly killed, all woke up.

Yes indeed!

Although this mental power attack is powerful and terrifying, it is definitely not a random attack.

Especially when everyone saw that Qin Shaofeng's face turned pale at the moment, their hearts were completely settled.

Then, without Lin Shaoyan speaking out, these Great Yuan Pill masters rushed up one after another.

However, because of the scene just now, the masters of the Great Essence Core Realm were all vigilant in their hearts, and they condensed their spirit armor for the first time.

Qin Shaofeng didn't move too slowly, and immediately he took out a special version of the second-grade nine-layer spirit pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Considering that Qin Shaofeng is only in the realm of the nine-layered Xiaoyuan Pill, this special version of the second-grade nine-layered pill has instantly restored Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power to its perfect state.

However, this was also the last special version of the Second Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill on his body.

As for the normal version of the second-grade nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng has a lot of it, but the speed at which Qin Shaofeng restores his spiritual power is not great.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't worry about this situation either.

"You two be careful!"

With a low voice to Du Meng and Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng greeted them.

Du Meng and Tang Qijian glanced at each other, both of them showed a glimmer of understanding, and then they also rushed out, and the two directly dragged five of the Great Yuan Pill's first-level masters.

However, in the face of five great masters of the first level of the Great Yuan Dan, even if the two broke out completely, it would not last long.

But it seems that they don't need to delay for long.


The figure flashed, after Qin Shaofeng rushed out, he didn't directly find the five masters of the Great Yuan Pill, but the weakest master of the small Yuan Pill among a dozen people.

call out!

As soon as he stretched his right hand, Qin Shaofeng's fingertips lit up, and the next moment was a yang finger sword qi, shooting at the Great Yuan Dan master.


The sword qi blasted the master's spirit armor with a fierce explosion, but what made the master breathe a sigh of relief is that although the power of this sword qi was good, it still did not break his spirit armor.

This couldn't help making him disdain.

Heh, once Qin Shaofeng didn't have that kind of weird mental power attack, his strength was only so little, too weak.

But just when he had an idea, in vain, he felt his body sank sharply, as if being pressed onto a huge rock.

This surprised him, and felt a little bit bad.

But the next moment, he heard a huge whistling sound, surging towards him.

Subconsciously looking up, the person was shocked to find that a huge shadow smashed at him.

Vaguely, the man seemed to see it, that huge shadow seemed to be a sword!

A huge sword!

"The epee has no edge!"


With a loud noise, Qin Shaofeng used his profound iron epee with all his strength to burst out an epee without edge.

Although this sword directly exhausted Qin Shaofeng's millions of spiritual power points.

But in the end his goal was achieved!

A system prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng didn't even glance at the unhuman corpse that had been smashed by him, and flew towards the other person.


You said the other party still has spirit armor?

What a joke at the beginning, with Qin Shaofeng’s current realm, the epee Wufeng exploded out of one million points of spiritual power, that power is very violent, how can it be worth a million points of spiritual power, barely reaching the reserve camp? What can the early disciples of Da Yuan Dan Yizhong of the indicator resist?

Only then was this person resolved. The next moment Qin Shaofeng came to a master of the Great Yuandan One Layer, clenched the profound iron heavy sword with both hands and slashed at that person twice!

First cut!

Break gas!

With a bang, the spirit armor on this hapless guy was instantly broken by Dugu Jiujian.

Second cut!

Still no epee!

Another million spiritual power was consumed instantly, this unlucky ghost followed in the footsteps of the previous person, and was instantly smashed into an inhuman form.

All this happened in a flash. When Lin Shaoyan and others reacted, they realized that they had two more companions killed by Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

With a roar, the madness in Lin Shaoyan's eyes finally faded away, replaced by an extremely angry flame.

This was the beginning, and five people were lost on his own side. In this case, even if he finally completed the task and went back, he would still be blamed by the third prince.

This made Lin Shaoyan very angry.

But the next moment, when he looked at Qin Shaofeng, a trace of astonishment and horror flashed in his eyes!

Because at this moment, Lin Shaoyan suddenly discovered that Qin Shaofeng's breath had actually improved.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng's breath was only in the ninth level of Xiaoyuan Pill, but now it seems to have been promoted to the tenth level.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing ten masters of the Great Yuan Dan realm before entering the ultimate upgrade mission of Xiao Yuan Dan, and the third-order quest of the'first person in a thousand mountains' was completed!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for gaining 100 million experience points and ten chances to draw a lottery..."

When he killed Lu Renjia earlier, Qin Shaofeng had already killed five Great Yuan Dan realm masters.

And at the beginning, the three Great Yuan Pill triple masters who counted down that month, plus the two Great Yuan Pill One master masters who had just killed one after another.

Adding up all of this, there are just enough ten Great Yuan Dan realm masters!

The third-order task is complete!

This suddenly added 100 million points of experience, and it goes without saying that Qin Shaofeng naturally upgraded.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for meeting the upgrade requirements and leveling up by one level. The current level is the tenth level of Xiaoyuandan!"

Xiao Yuan Dan is ten heavy!

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Grade: Tenfold of Xiaoyuandan

Experience value: 65.78 million / 99,999,999

Occupation: Devil

Spiritual power value: 1 million / 1 million (Xiaoyuan Dan tenth layer has 50,000 points of spiritual power, and Yi Jin Jing is increased by 20 times)


Just took a hurried look, and then Qin Shaofeng discovered that his spiritual power value had reached one million points at this moment.

With the addition of five cloud pills, Qin Shaofeng, who is in the tenth realm of Xiaoyuan Pill, has a total spiritual power of six million points!

Six million points!

This has allowed Qin Shaofeng to do a lot of things!

Feeling the surging spiritual power in the body at this moment, the pressure originally brought by more than a dozen Great Yuan Dan realm masters all disappeared at this moment.

But at this moment, Lin Shaoyan finally got angry.

I don’t know what benefits the three princes have given Lin Shaoyan during this period of time. In this short period of less than a month, he has not only broken through to the Great Yuan Dan realm from the tenth peak of the Yuan Dan, but also He also advanced to the late stage of the Second Layer of the Great Yuan Pill.

Character: Lin Shaoyan

Grade: The second stage of the Great Yuandan

Spiritual value: 3.1 million/3.1 million

Talented roots: Ninth-Rank Fire and Thunder dual-system spiritual roots


Lin Shaoyan at this time was one of the five great Yuandan dual realms.

Seeing that two of his subordinates were killed again, Lin Shaoyan said angrily: "Give it to me, don't care about any consequences, kill Qin Shaofeng for me!"

"kill me?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled, his eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng's face became cold.

"Well, just take a few of you to try, I must be the power of the first form!"


I don't know what Qin Shaofeng is talking about, but this does not prevent Lin Shaoyan from taking action.

"Lei Yanyao!"

With a violent shout, Lin Shaoyan's whole body was shocked, and a flash of lightning flashed in his hands, unexpectedly moving his strongest trick in the first place.

At the moment Lei Yanyao condensed, Lin Shaoyan threw the lightning flame at Qin Shaofeng.


As if the sky was thunderous, the lightning flame thrown by Lin Shaoyan exploded with an astonishing explosion, which blasted Qin Shaofeng like lightning.

"Haha, I think you are not dead now!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Shaoyan gave a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth.

But what happened in the next moment shocked him to the point of stupidity.


When the lightning flame hit Qin Shaofeng's body, it exploded in an instant.

But what was actually strange was that the lightning flame didn't hit Qin Shaofeng's body, but exploded within one meter from Qin Shaofeng.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's body poured out a huge spiritual power.

As soon as that spiritual power appeared, it skyrocketed in a strange way.

Not only did it withstand Lin Shaoyan's attack from Lei Yanyao, but even the huge impact of the explosion was completely offset in an instant.

And almost instantly, that huge spiritual power instantly converged into a huge blue figure.

The appearance is in the shape of a skull, with spiritual power covering the whole body.

Although only an upper body was exposed, it exudes an unusually terrifying breath.

"this is?"

Seeing this horrible thing, Lin Shaoyan suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed, "This is Qin Shaofeng that thunder and lightning giant?"

No, not the Thunder Giant, this is the Skeleton Giant!

Could this be the real appearance of the lightning giant Qin Shaofeng displayed?

Seeing this scene, Lin Shaoyan was completely stunned.

Not only him, but also several other Great Yuan Pill Realm masters at this moment, they were all dumbfounded in an instant.

What the **** is this?

The first form: The appearance is in the shape of a skeleton, the spiritual power will completely cover the body, and the defense power will be further improved, but there are still gaps in the soles of the feet, and too violent attacks can break its defenses. At this time, Suzano can hold some simple weapons, such as ordinary swords, etc., and the attack method is ordinary physical strikes. With aura as a consumption, it needs to consume one million spiritual power points every second.

That's right, this is Qin Shaofeng's first form of Nasu Zuoneng.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng hadn't used it before was because the spiritual power he consumed was too terrifying.

One million points of spiritual power per second, even now, Qin Shaofeng can only support it for six seconds.

But well...

Closing his eyes and feeling it, Qin Shaofeng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Six seconds?

No, with this Suzuo Nenghu solving these people in front of him, he doesn't need so much time at all!

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