Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 450: The tragic three princes

Just when Qin Shaofeng was happy for the promotion of his spiritual root this time, Qin Shaofeng felt it, and his Qianshan Ling suddenly shook.

After taking out the Qianshan Order, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there was an additional message in his Qianshan Order.

"Notice: Qin Shaofeng, a Bronze-level disciple of the reserve camp, is suspected of the death of fifty-one disciples of the reserve camp because of the suspected death of fifty-one disciples of the reserve camp today in the No. 14 Jufeng Secret Realm. I hereby invite to the reserve camp supervision station for investigation!

Information Office: Supervision Office of the Reserve Camp.

If anyone else sees such a notice, I am afraid they will panic the first time.

Once the reserve camp is implicated in the supervision, there is no end to it.

But in the face of such a notice, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, his eyes cold.

"Heh, I thought that guy could bear it and wouldn't do it so quickly, but I don't want him not only to be so unbearable, but also to directly want to use the hands of the supervisory office to treat me."

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng showed no worry on his face, then stood up and walked straight out.

Three princes!

Three princes!

This time, but you asked for it yourself, you are eating bad luck!

I don't know if you can bear it this time!


After Qin Shaofeng walked out of his practice room, he saw Du Meng and Tang Qijian for the first time.

Besides the two of them, there were two people in white robes beside them.

That white robe is exactly what the reserve camp supervisor has become.

Even seriously, the people who served as the supervision station of the reserve camp were actually disciples of the Qianshanzong Law Enforcement Hall.

And the law enforcement disciples who can enter the Qianshanzong Law Enforcement Hall, at least need to have the cultivation base of the three-dimensional realm.

And the two people in front of them are the powerhouses of the two Earth Element Realms.

"Qin Shaofeng follow us!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng came out, one of the law enforcement disciples said mercilessly.

At this time, it seems that they already know the origin and purpose of these two people, Du Meng and Tang Qijian both looked worried.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng gave them a reassuring look, which made them feel a little relieved.

However, thinking of the reserve camp supervision station, the two still felt a little worried.

Soon, under the leadership of two law enforcement disciples, Qin Shaofeng and the three were taken to the supervision station of the reserve camp.

But along the way, Qin Shaofeng and the three people attracted countless people.

"I'm rubbing, what's the situation? That is the person from the supervision office?"

"No, isn't that Qin Shaofeng? Why is he being watched by the supervisor?"

"Haha, this time, Qin Shaofeng is afraid that he is finished. Once he is not targeted by the supervision, he definitely has a problem and must have committed a crime!"

"Tsk tusk, how hard Qin Shaofeng really can't think of! It's improper to put in a good genius, and he can't get through with the supervision of the reserve camp. He is finished!"


In the face of other people's gazes, Qin Shaofeng still looked calm. It seemed that he was not going to the discoloration supervision station where everyone talked about in the reserve camp, but an ordinary place.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng and the three were taken to the law enforcement hall of the supervision office.

As soon as he came to this law enforcement hall, Qin Shaofeng saw someone at first sight.

The man hadn't seen each other for many days, this time the design was with his third prince.

At this moment, the three princes looked at Qin Shaofeng with a smug and sneer in their eyes.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the third prince.

In addition to the three princes, there are two or three people above the hall. They are all law enforcement disciples of the Qianshan Sect, and they serve as supervisors in this reserve camp.

And on the highest desk in this hall, sitting on a middle-aged man, this person is not only the supervisor of this reserve camp supervision station, but also an elder of the Qianshanzong law enforcement hall.

The most important thing is that this law enforcement elder is a strong man in the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't dare to be disrespectful to this person. The first time he and Du Meng returned Tang Qijian, he saluted him.

But at this moment, the three princes couldn't help but stood up and shouted to Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, what are you doing pretending to be? Don't confess your sins now!"

The third prince’s sudden interruption made the law enforcement elder’s eyes show a trace of dislike, and he said coldly: “Shut up, you won’t be allowed to be presumptuous in this supervision hall!”

The third prince's expression changed as soon as the law enforcement elder uttered. Only then did he remember that he seemed to be a little overwhelmed.

This is the palace of supervision. If he is presumptuous here, his status as the third prince of the Fire Cloud Nation will not be of any effect.

Thinking of this, the third prince felt cold all over, and suddenly fell silent.

However, even if he calmed down, he looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, still showing the expression that you are finished.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't care even if his expression was vivid.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at him now.

At this time, the law enforcement elder finally spoke to Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, do you know the crime?"

With this sound, the law enforcement elder directly asked the crime, which made the three princes happy, as if they saw Qin Shaofeng's miserable end.

Killing other disciples in the reserve camp, especially 51 people in a row, was an absolute felony, and Qin Shaofeng was dead!

Without being deterred by the aura of the law enforcement elder at the moment, Qin Shaofeng faintly replied: "I don't know what crime the elder asked? The disciple does not seem to have committed a crime, right!"

How dare you pretend?

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's answer, the third prince had a mocking smile on his face. If he hadn't been scrupulous about the law enforcement elder, he would have jumped out again and roared at Qin Shaofeng a few times.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng did not plead guilty, the law enforcement elder was also furious, and said coldly: "I don't know the guilt? Well, let me ask you, today, on the 14th Kyoho Secret Realm, 51 disciples were killed, all kinds of evidence. It all shows that you did it. Do you still want to deny it?"

Facing the question of the law enforcement elder, Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly: "Oh, who are the elders talking about? That's right, I killed the 51 people!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded and admitted, which surprised the law enforcement elder.

I didn't plead guilty just now, but now I directly admit that the man was murdered?

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's answer made the law enforcement elder frowned.

"But, elder elder, according to the rules of the reserve camp, fighting between disciples is indeed a felony, but if the other party deliberately targets it, even if I kill the other party, is it not guilty?"

Indeed, the reserve camp really has such rules.

After all, if this is a murder, it is guilty. Wouldn't it be the face of the attack and killing of others, but can only hold back?

But upon hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, the three princes couldn't help it anymore.


Jumping out abruptly, the third prince came directly to Qin Shaofeng and sneered: "What is it against you, Qin Shaofeng is full of nonsense. Obviously you have taken a fancy to the crystallization of luck that I temporarily lent to Lu Renjia. After I came to Lu Renjia, I was accidentally ran into by Lin Shaoyan, and finally you were killed. You thought that relying on the crystallization of qi luck to cover up, temporarily concealing the breath of Qianshan Ling would be fine?"

With a sneer, the third prince took a triumphant look at Qin Shaofeng, then took out his Qianshan Ling, and said loudly: "But Qin Shaofeng was wrong this time, because at the moment you killed Lin Shaoyan, he was still Send me a message, do you still want to deny it?"

Taking out his so-called evidence, the third prince looked at Qin Shaofeng with full of pride.

In his opinion, this time Qin Shaofeng was completely finished.

Although the information in his Qianshan Order was actually forged.

But because of the crystallization of luck, as long as the forgery is clever, it can still be fake.

But the next moment, the third prince saw it suddenly, Qin Shaofeng glanced at him, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Ignoring the three princes, Qin Shaofeng directly addressed the law enforcement elder on the case table, saying: "Elder elder, the disciple is not nonsense, the disciple has evidence to prove that all this is passive resistance by the disciple, and the truth of the matter has other hidden information, as long as The elders just look at it!"

With that, Qin Shaofeng took out something and handed it to a law enforcement disciple on the side.

After the law enforcement disciple received a nod from the law enforcement elder, he quickly took the things that Qin Shaofeng handed over, and then sent it to the law enforcement elder.

In this scene, when the three princes saw it, a trace of strangeness suddenly appeared in his heart.

However, he comforted himself quickly.


Impossible. According to my plan, even if it fails, Qin Shaofeng won’t get hold of anything. As long as I insist that Qin Shaofeng is greedy for the crystallization of luck, even if Qin Shaofeng has a hundred mouths, he definitely says no. clear.

After all, my luck lies in Qin Shaofeng.

With his unique secret method of Huo Yun Nation, the third prince had already felt that his own piece of luck was crystallized in Qin Shaofeng at this moment, and this was his greatest support.

But soon, the third prince felt that something was wrong.

On the table, the law enforcement elder was slightly surprised when he took the things handed by his disciple, because it was actually a photo-taking stone.

Does Qin Shaofeng really have any evidence?

With a move in his heart, the law enforcement elder began to look at the picture stone in his hand as soon as he had a sense of consciousness.

As a strong man in the Tianyuan realm, this law enforcement elder naturally condensed his own spiritual knowledge.

After possessing the divine sense, you don't need the naked eye to view the photo-taking stone. As long as the divine sense is swept away, you can get all the contents of the photo-taking stone in an instant.

But precisely because of this, after learning the contents of the photo-taking stone, the face of the law enforcement elder instantly became gloomy.


With a fierce shot on the desk, the law enforcement elder stared at the third prince with anger in his eyes, and suddenly roared: "Okay, you are a sea of ​​sparks. You dare to tease this elder like this. You are provoking the rules of my reserve camp. Is the dignity of our Qianshan Sect?"

The law enforcement elder seemed to be really angry, and this roar unexpectedly broke out, and his powerful Tianyuan realm aura was overwhelmingly pressed against the third prince.


Suddenly suppressed by the elder law enforcement elder's powerful aura like a giant mountain, the third prince's face was instantly pale, and his heart was full of fear.

How can you underestimate the aura of a strong Tianyuan realm!

However, the third prince gritted his teeth and reluctantly said, "My elder is wronged! This Qin Shaofeng must have framed me!"

Although he didn't know what the so-called evidence was, but the third prince knew at this moment that no matter what it was, he would never admit that it was Qin Shaofeng who framed him.

But it's a pity that the law enforcement elder didn't like him, and even sneered.


The law enforcement elder sneered and made a move with both hands, and then some pictures appeared in this hall.

After seeing those pictures, the three princes face was as pale as paper, and he knelt down and begged for mercy for the first time.

"My elder spares me, the disciple knows that he is wrong, and the disciple will never dare anymore!"

It is a pity that the law enforcement elder remained unmoved, even with a trace of disgust in his eyes, and directly said coldly: "Wait, after abolishing the cultivation base, expel Qianshan Sect, let Huo Yunguo send someone to pick it up!"

After this order, the next fate of the three princes was directly announced.


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