Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4615: Revolver

"No! Impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

"You are just a small Tier 1 dominating early warrior, how can you kill the envoy of heaven and earth so easily?"

"Boy, what demon technique did you use?"

Gu Sanxian's voice resounded continuously.

Every sound blasted everyone's minds heavily.

The combat power Qin Shaofeng demonstrated was far beyond everyone's imagination.

It can even be said that it is simply impossible.


It's not just that they are shocked and thinking.

Gui Yan and Bi Kongxue were also completely puzzled, constantly thinking about the reasons.

Just as Qin Shaofeng punched another person and killed him.

Bikongxue's turquoise eyes flashed for a moment, and she said in surprise: "I know what it is."


Guiyan's questioning sound sounded.

"Do you remember that we once said that there is a gap in the cultivation base of the Star Warriors, right?" Bi Kongxue asked back.

There was no movement in the ghost face, instead, it was a phantom of Xuanwu, transformed from the sea of ​​knowledge of Qin Shaofeng.

"It is this gap that determines all of this."

Bi Kongxue said: "Although his cultivation base can only be dominated by one realm, it stands to reason that he can't compete with the heaven and earth messenger at all."

"The problem is that he is not fighting with the power of martial arts cultivation at all."


"What do you say?"

Guiyan and Xuanwu asked in a puzzled manner.

Bikongxue explained: "He uses his fists, which is equivalent to the power of the martial arts. Just as he was attacked by the Thunder Knife before, his martial arts are at the level of the True Monarch of Hongmeng."


The two were dumbfounded.

"His attack is the same. Although he used too crude, but he used the power of the Starry King. How can those heaven and earth envoys resist it?"

"With the difference of the sky, one move to kill the opponent in seconds, is there really any problem?" Bikongxue asked again.

But after hearing her explanation, even Qin Shaofeng, who was always focused on attacking, felt that it was so correct.

What he is missing is only the issue of cultivation level.

But in the current battle, he hasn't displayed any abilities related to cultivation at all.

The suppression of martial arts and starry sky level naturally allowed him to have his current record.

While thinking about it, his attack never stopped.

Twenty messengers from heaven and earth.

It looks very tough.

But under his attack, no one can resist even a single blow.

In a short time.

Only the last three of the twenty heaven and earth messengers were left.

These three are also the three with the strongest cultivation base among the Twenty Heaven and Earth Envoys.

The three of them realized that it was impossible to do it, and they all chose to flee.

Although the army of tens of thousands of ghost and corpse slaves has been damaged a lot, it has already gone to the level of real desperation. How can we let the three of them escape?

In just a few short breaths, all the twenty dead slaves were killed by Qin Shao.

After this battle, Qin Shaofeng's star value was directly increased by 640,000.

He couldn't help being very excited about the results of such a battle.

After looking at Gu Sanxian again, he looked at the battlefield on both sides of Luo Yan.

Both Luo Yan are true pinnacle powerhouses.

Many of their abilities have reached the realm of True Monarch Hongmeng, but they are not comparable to those of dead slaves.

In this short period of time, although he could not kill any dead slaves, they all had the upper hand.

"They are the truly powerful forces brought by Gu Sanxian. If I can kill them all here, I believe I can get a lot of star value?" Qin Shaofeng thought in his mind.

But before he could do it, the surrounding space seemed to be different.

A strange feeling of coldness immediately enveloped his body and mind.

Did not wait for him to guess.

Luo Yan and Bailile withdrew from the battlefield one after another.

As the figure flickered, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was taken back into the crowd by Luo Yan.

Luo Yan and Bailile looked at each other as they joined forces to support a defense, covering Qin Shaofeng and others.

Until this moment.

Qin Shaofeng saw the changes in the outside world clearly.

It was a figure filled with silver light.

The figure didn't seem to have any plans to fight them, but just raised his hand and waved a palm at the cage he couldn't get out.

Amid the roar, the cage broke.

The soul mist quickly condensed, and reverted to the appearance of Gu Sanxian, but his complexion became slightly pale.

"You came here early, why did you only show up now?"

Gu Sanxian glared at the silver figure that appeared.

The silver figure turned his head, eyes full of killing and death, swept past Gu Sanxian.

"How do you do things, it's not your turn to come and ask."

The silver figure was really domineering, and Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but grow his mouth with just this answer.

Who is this person, he is also a dead slave, why is he not a running dog of the dead?

Gu Sanxian's anger obviously went to the extreme, and he roared: "Reincarnation, don't forget your identity!"

"A running dog is not qualified to call my name directly."

The silver figure smiled coldly, and said: "Besides, the reincarnation is dead, I am just me, I just promised to help the undead to do something, not the same as your lackeys."

"you you you…"

Gu Sanxian was almost **** off by him.

Although they had some conflicts before, they were not too serious.

After all, this silver revolver felt too terrifying to him, and it also belonged to the same camp.

Even if it is not under his control, there is no direct conflict.

It's hard to imagine.

At this moment, the reincarnation would actually say such words.

"Left reincarnation?"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

The name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere.

The more I want to remember, the more difficult it is.

He can be sure that the identity of this name is very special, so that he can focus on remembering it, but he has only heard it once, and a lot of things should have happened at the beginning, making him unable to remember it for a while.

Zuo Samsara glanced at Qin Shaofeng, the killing intent in his eyes made Qin Shaofeng feel terrified across Luo Yan and Bailile's defenses.

"You kid don't need to be so scared now. Although you can only die in my hands in the end, the necromancers don't ask for it personally. I will only take action immediately before you die." The voice of the reincarnation was flat, as if to say a fact.

Combine what he just said.

Qin Shaofeng immediately understood that the reincarnation was indeed different from Gu Sanxian.

He can clearly see his threat.

However, he had to let himself grow until he could become a headache for the dead, and he was using himself to complete the things that promised the dead.

This guy's mind is also really strong.

It was only the first time I met, and seeing the results I could bring, I was able to make such an arrangement.

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