Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4617: Small races have no human rights

"Our Phoenix tribe army was attacked by three dead slaves in the realm of heaven and earth envoys, with more than half of the casualties. The next battle will probably only be more difficult." The first time the Phoenix tribe leader rushed into the hall, he shouted loudly. Shouted out.

Hearing that angry tone, it seemed to be caused by Qin Shaofeng's unfavorable arrangements.

The strong man of the Phoenix tribe was really angry too much, saying this kind of thing mainly because he wanted to listen to all comforting words.

After all, the arrogance of the Phoenix tribe did not allow him to admit his failure.

But when he saw everything in the hall, he couldn't help being stunned.

Almost all the high-level mainland officials have gathered here.

It's just compared to the past.

This time the gathering of many giants has become very weird.

As the host, the ancestor of the endless mountain, endless chaotic, who should have been sitting on the main seat, actually sat in the first position.

On the other side is the blood emperor.

As for the person sitting on the main seat, he couldn't even imagine the existence.

Qin Shaofeng!

When we met last time, they made the Phoenix tribe a very unhappy person.

The person on Qin Shaofeng's left was obviously a young child, but he looked at her with a cold expression.

Few people who are present with this young child are afraid.

But the person on Qin Shaofeng's right hand, the strongman of the Phoenix clan, knew that it was the Great Emperor Cangluo.

In the not-distant corner, there were two seats, a young man and an old woman who were sitting on the edge, obviously not wanting to mix up.

This level of seating obviously caused too many people to be puzzled, but everyone had an expression waiting to be answered, and no one came to pay attention to him anxiously.

"What are you guys?"

As soon as the Phoenix clan powerhouse spoke, he saw the blood emperor wave his hand, motioning for him to be next to the blood emperor.

Not long after, everyone led by the Bodhidharma Academy also returned.

The Great Emperor Cangluo, as the representative of the human side, guided them to take a seat first, and then stood up straight.

"Since everyone has returned, our meeting begins this time."

"I believe everyone can see the difference in the location of this meeting."

"You don't have to be confused or dissatisfied. This is the standard recognized by the few of us who represent the strongest forces in the Cangming world."

As soon as Emperor Cangming made this statement, he immediately let the high-level discussions of all ethnic groups speak out.

Let a young man in his twenties host, how can they recognize it?

"Shut up all to this king!"

The child on Qin Shaofeng's right suddenly shouted angrily.

A coercion that made everyone feel creepy, instantly enveloped the entire hall.

Everyone who felt this breath looked at the young child in amazement.

This young child is not more than six years old, and the pressure he exudes has reached the pinnacle of the dominance of a realm.

I don't know how many of the strongest races are present, and they are all far inferior.

"There is no race that can support the war, no qualifications to speak, whoever dares to make noise, this king will directly order to transform your whole family into ghost and corpse slaves, and become the first group of death squads in this battle!" The young boy said coldly.

That kind of horror killing intent seemed to be true.

All the people who felt it shuddered, and the feeling of fear made them very unbearable.

After a little relief of the fear in my heart.

Greater fear attacked their minds.

The content of that child's fairy tales.

This king?

He turned out to be the ghost king of the ghost clan?


"Let me introduce it to you all."

Mr. Cangluo raised his finger to the young boy and said: "This is the former prince of the ghost clan Guiyang. In view of the needs of the alliance now, he has officially become the ghost emperor of the ghost clan two hours ago."

The strong people of the small races all sucked in air.

It is no wonder that even the blood emperor is not qualified to sit in the upper position. This existence that does not look like a child can sit there and still have such a momentum.

It's really not a person to look good!

"Don't think that what the ghost emperor just said is alarmist. Now our life race is threatened. If that race really dares to make trouble, it can only kill a word." Cang Luojun said in a deep voice.

The races that were full of complaints all closed their mouths together.

I really dare not say any more.

The human race has been officially condensed. Under these circumstances, not to mention threatening the status of the ghost and corpse race, obviously no longer under the blood race.

The blood emperor obviously also approved this arrangement.

When everyone felt sad, they heard the voice of the blood emperor.

"The ghost emperor's words are not correct, those races are too weak, even if you transform them into ghost slaves, it won't make any difference."

The words of the blood emperor immediately made many small race powerhouses feel more comfortable.

There are still people willing to stand on our side!

However, they only heard half of it.

In the next moment, the words of the blood emperor made them feel full of tears.

"Since they don't even have the qualifications to become ghost and corpse slaves, in order to show their role, it is better to let them become the blood food of our blood race. Although this is cruel, the current situation is like this, only to maximize our strength. Only then can it be possible to survive." The blood emperor said now.


We don't even have the qualifications to become ghosts and corpses, and we don't have the qualifications to be a death squad, so we want to make food for your blood?

Is this so special...

"Your suggestion is better."

Gui Yang nodded in agreement, and didn't even care about the opinions of those small races.


Seeing when those little races were about to cry.

Qin Shaofeng's voice finally sounded.

No matter how he looked at it, he was completely inadequate for his current status, but he didn't even dare to say anything more than a race.

After all, he is a human being, and I believe he will not be as cruel as the ghosts and corpses.

"They are still sitting here now. They are our comrades in arms. We are not the time to attack our comrades." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"The little friend said it was great."

"Yes, we are now comrades in arms."

"We haven't thought about betrayal, you can't attack us yet."

Many strong small races have spoken.

The speech had just begun, and Qin Shaofeng had already raised his hand to interrupt their words.

The words that made them grief and indignant once again sounded.

"We are sitting here to discuss the next countermeasures, but not to let you divide the traitors. If there is a racial betrayal, you two can make a private decision."

The many small races who haven't recovered yet are about to cry again.

This is what sold us directly!

What does it mean that you decide in private?

Isn't this still asking us to make blood food?

"Blood unity, come in!"

Qin Shaofeng ignored the changes in their expressions and shouted loudly.

The prince of Blood Rongqing had been waiting outside the door for a while, rushed in and said loudly: "Report to the coach, the injuries of all the troops have been counted."

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