Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 462: Got pitted

Chapter 2 was pitted

I circled a cross. Is this a joke too much?

Xiang Qianyang is not a pure man, but a girl disguised as a man?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that his worldview had collapsed.

Because regardless of words and deeds, Xiang Qianyang couldn't see that she was a girl!

The most important look, although it has the potential to be a little white face, it is absolutely impossible to get along with the girl!

Just like Qianyang, he is a handsome man, but if he is a girl...

Qin Shaofeng couldn't believe that kind of picture, it shouldn't be too beautiful!

Seeing what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Na Lei smiled: "Hey, kid, don't worry, the real appearance of that little girl definitely makes you stare out. Let's put it this way, that girl and Xiao Yun You won’t suffer if you are the same!"

Comparable to Yuner?

Well, this is not unacceptable.

Uh, no, this is totally unacceptable!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, how could he feel that he was forgiven by this old man.

For Lei Lao knows Yun'er, and it is not surprising, if not surprising, Aunt Qing is probably also from Thunder God Peak.

But what made him most helpless was that the old Lei seemed to have made such a happy decision.

This gave Qin Shaofeng no chance to refute.

"Well, okay, let's just say this. From now on, you will be my youngest disciple. By the way, you will give me a little bit of confidence in the contest in the near future, and I'd better come first. In this case, Old man, I can also go to propose marriage with that boy Wanshan!"

I wipe it, can you stop it?

Did you old man ask my opinion?

It is a pity that this time, after Lei Lao finished speaking, he waved his hand directly, and a thunder light lit up, and then Qin Shaofeng flashed a flower before his eyes and disappeared in front of Lei Lao.

Seeing the moment Qin Shaofeng disappeared, Lei Lao, who was already smiling, suddenly reduced the smile on his face and sighed heavily.

"Oh, I hope this kid can be faster, my time is running out!"


What is this called?

Seeing that he returned to the place of the reserve camp, Qin Shaofeng raised his head and looked at the sky, with an extremely speechless look, and a sad look on his face.

I have seen a disciple, but Qin Shaofeng has never seen such a forcibly accepting disciple!

I have seen a marriage proposal, but Qin Shaofeng has never seen such a helpless marriage proposal.

"I'll rub, you dead old man, wait for the little master, after the little master comes up, there will be something good for you!"

In the end, with the atmosphere in his heart, Qin Shaofeng jumped and cursed directly.

But at this moment, a soft cough suddenly came from behind him.

"Ah, little uncle, this..."

Qin Shaofeng knew who it was as soon as this voice came.

Who else but Xie Zijun.

It's a pity that Xie Zijun obviously didn't find the right time. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was angry.

Upon hearing Xie Zijun's little uncle, Qin Shaofeng turned his head back, glaring at him, and shouted: "Uncle, you are so big, who is so special is your little uncle!"

After roaring, Qin Shaofeng left directly.

Xie Zijun, who stayed in place, looked helpless!

Who am I provoking?

If Qin Shaofeng dared to speak to him like this before, he would definitely let Qin Shaofeng know how good he Xie Zijun was.

But just now, he received his master's voice transmission, and he has confirmed that Qin Shaofeng is really his junior master.

Although this little uncle's cultivation is far worse than his own, Xie Zijun absolutely dare not have any dissatisfaction with this little uncle.

If this is to let his master know, then he will suffer.

Besides, his impression of Qin Shaofeng is not bad.

As for why Qin Shaofeng was so furious, Xie Zijun understood a little bit as long as he thought of his master's helpless temper and character.

The same is the end of the world!

But to be honest, Xie Zijun admired Qin Shaofeng, after all, sometimes when he was crying without tears by his master, he just endured it.

Xie Zijun has absolutely no courage like Qin Shaofeng yelling at the other dead old man.

As expected of the little uncle!

This temper is a match for the master!


After returning to his training room, Qin Shaofeng looked sad and sad.

This incident made Qin Shaofeng extremely helpless.


With a flash of white light, the ball finally appeared.

Ever since Lei Lao appeared, Qin Shaofeng found that Xiaoqiuqi had completely disconnected from him.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng asked curiously as soon as the small ball appeared: "I said the small ball, why did you hide before? Is that old man very awesome?"

If it were normal, Qin Shaofeng knew that the little ball would definitely blow up if he said so.

But this time, there was no small ball, but he sighed.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Uh, what's the situation?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it anymore.

When will our Everbright sigh?

Qin Shaofeng's gaze at Xiaoqiuqiu began to become a little weird.

To Qin Shaofeng's weird gaze, Xiao Qiuqiu didn't care but frowned, and said something that surprised Qin Shaofeng.

"It's not surprising that you don't know, I only noticed it face to face. I didn't expect this little Qianshan Sect to have such a simple character!"

I rub, this little thing is so emotional, is this sun coming out from the west?


Wait, he was talking about the old man, right?

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback and asked, "I said Xiaoqiuqiu, don't tell me that the old man who forced to be my master is a super strong man!"

After Qin Shaofeng said so, Xiaoqiuqiu didn't refute it. He nodded first, then shook his head. Under Qin Shaofeng's dizzy eyes, he said, "Maybe it's powerful, your master definitely has. Qualified to be your master, and the most important thing is that he can actually cultivate the body of thunder spirit. If he is still in the body, and can enter the Origin Continent, his achievements are absolutely terrifying!"

I wiped it, did I misheard, this little thing actually said terrible words?

Qin Shaofeng stayed for a while, but soon he suddenly remembered something, looked at the ball in surprise, and asked, "Wait, you just said that the body is still there. What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? It means literally!"

Xiao Qiuqiu gave Qin Shaofeng a white look, and then explained: "Well, let's put it this way, the old man you saw before is actually a special spirit body that has no physical body but is condensed with powerful thunder power..."

After listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, Qin Shaofeng understood one thing.

This so-called spirit body is a body that is condensed by a powerful original spirit, and the original spirit may also have its own spiritual roots.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, the current Lei always has no body. His current body is just a mass of thunder power, which is like Qin Shaofeng's Lei Dun clone.

However, Lei Lao's situation is somewhat different.

I don't know what happened to Lei Lao, and then lost his original body, but his soul was saved by luck, and then a new body was recondensed with the power of Thunder.

But to be able to achieve this step, the requirements for spiritual roots are extremely limited.

The first point is that the spiritual root must be a spiritual root above the seventh rank of the sacred product.

The second point is that the biggest one is also to have a holy realm cultivation base, because only the holy origin power above the origin power can allow the condensed spirit body to be retained for a long time.

These two requirements are indispensable.

In other words, the old Lei had the lowest level of the thunder system spirit root of the seventh-order holy grade before, and he was still a holy realm expert.

Why did you say before?

It was originally very simple, because the spirit body condensed in this way can only maintain a single pure spiritual root, and cannot be mixed with other attributes.

And because the spirit body is not a real body, once it is condensed, without the support of the body, the spirit root will definitely decline and degenerate until it disappears.

Once it disappears, the spirit body will disappear completely.

During this period, the original cultivation base will also retreat step by step.

Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng a very bad news. Now the seemingly powerful Lei Lao has actually been a foreigner.

There is the power of the Holy Realm in the air, but the real strength is at most the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Even in a real contest, it might not be Xu Feiyang's or Xiang Wanshan's opponent.

And according to the situation that Xiaoqiuqiu perceives, Lei Lao's current spiritual root is probably already degraded to the eighth rank, or even a lower level.

However, after learning of such things, Qin Shaofeng somewhat understood why Lei Lao forced to accept himself as a disciple, and even planned to let himself marry Xiang Qianyang, uh, no, it should be the little girl from Xiang family.

This is all because his current strength has gradually regressed.

The current Qianshan Sect is okay. With the Thunder God Peak, it can still keep the three-legged situation, and there is the suppression of Lei Lao, even if Xu Feiyang needs to do something, he is probably not as courageous, at most it is secretly making small moves. , But what if Lei Lao is gone?

Without thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng knew what would happen.

Qin Shaofeng knew that Lei always bet all hope on him.

Perhaps in Lei's opinion, he is afraid that he is much stronger than the talent of the ancestor hundreds of years ago. Once he grows up, he will definitely unify the Qianshan Sect.

Let the problem be here!

In Qin Shaofeng's view now, whether the Qianshan Sect was originally three factions or 30 factions, it had nothing to do with him.

But now it's done. After passing Lei Lao's old man, he plunged into this whirlpool.

If you use one sentence to describe Qin Shaofeng's mood at the moment, then Qin Shaofeng will definitely say.

"I circled a fork, and the little master was actually pitted!"


Although complaining in his heart, Qin Shaofeng also knew that Xu Feiyang probably didn't have a good impression of him now.

And the most important thing is that guy, who seems to be his own enemy's enemy, if he could get revenge against him, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not let it go.

Anyway, he also saw Xu Feiyang very upset.

How about Flying Sword Sovereign, why don't you call Junzijian?

"Hey, forget it, I'm afraid these things are only one step at a time!"

With a slight sigh, Qin Shaofeng simply put aside these.

Now, let’s take a look at myself, that the fifth stage of the ‘first person in a thousand mountains’ mission is ready.

In the fourth stage of the mission of "The First Person in a Thousand Mountains", Qin Shaofeng had already received the system prompt that had been completed.

Had it not been for the subsequent series of events, he would have already started to check.

In fact, those soul beasts killed in the secret realm of the Yuan had already allowed Qin Shaofeng to reach the limit of the current Xiao Yuan Dan.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is now a small yuan pill, and this killing of the Great Yuan Pill Realm is a more advanced kill. In addition, Qin Shaofeng has also used five times the experience bonus card, which can naturally reach the current limit.

And even though it reached the limit this time, the 300 million experience points rewarded by the fourth stage mission were not directly applied to Qin Shaofeng.

Because the system reasonably converts 300 million experience points into three experience **** worth 100 million each!

This made Qin Shaofeng feel happy, he had already given up the 300 million experience points.

I don't want the system to be reasonable.

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