Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 464: Qin Shaofeng's calculations

Qin Shaofeng believed that with his current spiritual power, he would not be afraid even if he encountered an ordinary Great Yuan Pill Realm master.

Especially when Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that this Dou Zhuan Xingyi and Beiming Divine Art were a perfect match.

Both of them are absorbed, but the North Hades function turns the attacking power into its own use, while Dou Zhuan Xing Yi can counterattack.

Together, these two two are definitely no less than a super god-level skill!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng became more confident in the strongest Yuan Dan competition.

Although he had no small confidence in his heart, Qin Shaofeng still made a lot of preparations in order to complete these two tasks as smoothly as possible.

The first is to increase the upper limit of one's spiritual power with the essence of spirit.

Because he already had a lot of points, Qin Shaofeng used one million points to exchange for some special spirit stones from his small ball vault according to what Xiaoqiuqiu said.

When it comes to this, Qin Shaofeng wants to complain.

This was the first time he had exchanged something from the small vault that had been blocked by the ball.

Even if he had enough points before, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to exchange them.

Because it felt like it was his own thing, but in the end, he had to use points to exchange it.

Too frustrated!

But in order to improve his strength, Qin Shaofeng could bear no matter how unhappy he was in his heart.

With the exchanged special spirit stones, Qin Shaofeng refined a good spirit pill with the pill that Lingcui gave in the small ball. As a result, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power was directly increased by 30,000 points.

You must know that even if it is three intermediate spiritual essences, it is at most that Qin Shaofeng can increase the upper limit of 3,000 points of spiritual power. The special spiritual stones that can be added to the small ball collection are ten times higher.

This also allowed Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power to finally break through the 15 million mark.

Spiritual power value: 15.6 million/15.6 million (in response to the requirements of many big people, the total spiritual power value will be directly given in the future. Qin Shaofeng’s current total spiritual power value is actually only 130,000 spiritual power points, and then added through the Yi Jin Jing Twenty times, reaching 2.6 million. Counting the five cloud pills in the pubic field and the spiritual power in the pubic field, the total is 15.6 million points! Say it clearly once, and I won’t explain it again unless necessary.)

In addition to the improvement of his own strength, Qin Shaofeng also further improved the little fox Baixue.

Because he intends to directly promote Bai Xue to the Great Yuan Dan realm, the little fox is now not his own beast, but his dependents, and he is no longer restricted by his realm, and is completely free to promote.

Of course, all of this is without affecting the potential of the little fox, but with the small ball, Qin Shaofeng is very relieved of the promotion of the little fox.

And on the second day, another surprise happened to Qin Shaofeng.

Master Tiger is awake!

This time the competition for hegemony can bring their own beasts, and both the little fox and the tiger can act as their own beasts.

Now that Lord Tiger's awakening, for Qin Shaofeng, another battle strength.

However, the awakened Tiger Lord is the Xiaoyuan Pill's triple cultivation base, and Qin Shaofeng intends to raise it by a few levels.

In the next few days, Qin Shaofeng spent all his record points and replaced them with a lot of medicinal materials.

The reason for this was that Qin Shaofeng planned to refine the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill now.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that Lingcui's words could replace a large number of medicinal materials for the Jiuzhongling Pill.

Refining the third grade nine-fold spirit pill requires 3,000 ordinary-level medicinal materials, 300 human-level medicinal materials, 30 local-level medicinal materials, 10 heaven-level medicinal materials, and 10 ten-year-limited cloud spirit grasses.

This is the medicinal materials needed for the refining of the special version of the third grade nine-fold spirit pill, and the normal version only needs one tenth.

But if you use the spirit essence, you only need one middle-level spirit essence and three main heaven-grade medicinal materials to refine a special version of the third grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Those more than three thousand mortal human-level earth-level medicinal materials, even the Yun Ling grass, were not needed.

This can be regarded as saving Qin Shaofeng a lot of time.

Because if those 3,000 pieces of ordinary medicinal materials are not very precious, there are not many ordinary medicinal materials in the preparatory camp among the thousand mountain sects, because ordinary medicinal materials are really good for the disciples of the preparatory camp. Too low-level.

Therefore, it is not a small problem to find 3,000 ordinary medicinal materials that meet the three-level nine-fold spirit pill.

This could be replaced with Lingcui, and that would be a better thing.

This time, Qin Shaofeng harvested 54 yuan of intermediate spiritual essence and several hundred yuan of low-level spiritual essence in the secret realm of Yuanzhi.

Before raising the upper limit of his spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng used three middle-level spiritual essences, and the remaining 51 middle-level spiritual essences were all used by Qin Shaofeng to refine the special version of the third-rank nine-layer spiritual pill.

The remaining low-level spirit essence was used by Qin Shaofeng to refine the normal version of the third-rank nine-layer spirit pill.

If these three-rank Nine Layer Spirit Pills were only the normal version, that one was also capable of instantly recovering 10 million points of spiritual power from Qin Shaofeng.

As for the special version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng estimated that it was several times as effective as the normal version, or even ten times as effective.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng has completely spared himself for this competition.

Now just wait for the hegemony contest to start!


The three sects and seven sects held together in the competition for hegemony was naturally an extremely sensation.

These days, the preparation camp has been very lively because of this.

Many people are gearing up to get a good result in this competition.

On this day, just after Qin Shaofeng passed the hands of Xie Zijun, and sent three special version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pills and one hundred ordinary version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pills into Zhao Yuner's hands, Tang Qijian suddenly found him.

These days, Tang Qijian and Du Meng had soared fame.

With the help of Qin Shaofeng, both of them were promoted to the tenth level of Xiaoyuandan, and they were challenged by many reserve camp disciples, but without exception, no one defeated them.

Because of this situation, the two attracted the attention of many Qianshan Sect leaders.

Because of Du Meng's five-element hegemonic body, although no one could see Du Meng's true spiritual roots, Du Meng had now awakened the fire spiritual roots again after possessing the earth and gold dual spiritual roots.

As a genius with three elements and five element spiritual roots, he was naturally paid attention to by the five gods for the first time.

And because of Qin Shaofeng's relationship, the addition of Du Meng's talent was really good. In the end, I wonder if Du Meng was really found to be a treasure, and Xiang Wanshan, the sovereign of the Qianshan Sect, actually accepted Du Meng as his apprentice.

Now that kid Du Meng has entered the Five Gods Peak to practice, and his identity is no longer a preparatory camp disciple.

Because he was the same as Qin Shaofeng, he was considered a disciple of the Qianshan Sect at this moment.

Only Tang Qijian, needless to say, was naturally targeted by Shenjian Peak because of his kendo talent.

When he was called by Shenjianfeng, Tang Qijian communicated with Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

Du Meng is the same, but unlike the Five God Peak Sect Master, he doesn't have a good impression of Qin Shaofeng of Shenjian Peak, thanks to Xu Feiyang.

However, considering that he had completed the fourth stage mission this time and obtained one of the three props, Qin Shaofeng had a plan in his mind.

The three props Qin Shaofeng rewarded for this mission were two ten-fold experience bonus cards and a good thing Qin Shaofeng never expected.

And because of this thing, Qin Shaofeng planned to do some calculations, then Xu Feiyang.

To be precise, Qin Shaofeng planned to pit Xu Tianyang ruthlessly.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng discussed his plan with Tang Qijian.

Tang Qijian's arrival today also explained to Qin Shaofeng the movement of Shenjian Peak today.

"What? The people from Divine Sword Peak also came today?" After Tang Qijian came, Qin Shaofeng asked with a slight smile.


Tang Qijian nodded blankly, and then said: "Today is that Xu Tianyang came directly, and he said, as long as I worship the Divine Sword Peak, once I reach the Sanyuan realm, his father Xu Feiyang can make me a thousand The inheritance disciples of the Shanzong still have plenty of training resources for me to practice."

"Oh, today even the identity of the inheritance disciple was taken out!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled, with a hint of playfulness on his face.

His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng paused for a while, and then gently said to Tang Qijian: "Okay, the plan can begin. When Xu Tianyang comes to see you tomorrow, you will take out the thing, and then clearly say that you want to worship. Entering Xu Feiyang's school, you will have the identity of the inheritance disciple for the first time, otherwise you will not mention everything."

As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Tang Qijian was still cold, but hesitated and regretted.

"Do you really want to do that? Boss, didn't you say that once that treasure is obtained by Xu Tianyang, his ice water spirit can evolve even more, and it is even possible to be promoted to a spiritual root above the third rank of the holy product?"

"Yes! That's right!" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, with a look of disapproval.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flickered, and he said playfully, "If it weren't for this, then how could Xu Tianyang and his Laozi be fooled?"

This time, Tang Qijian didn't say much, because he had already seen his boss' determination at the moment.

But Tang Qijian always felt that this was not right.

Obviously it is an enemy, but the boss took out such a treasure to help Xu Tianyang improve his spiritual roots. Isn't it a very contradictory thing?

Seeing Tang Qijian's tangled face, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said, "Old Tang, you can rest assured. Although this thing is good, it has a fatal weakness. Once it is mastered, it will be a person with all cultivation bases. If Xu Tianyang can be put to death, this time I will let him plant it thoroughly!"

Achilles' heel?

A look of surprise appeared on Tang Qijian's face, and he finally understood something in his heart.

In the end, Tang Qijian didn't say much, and left with a box and the third grade nine-layer spirit pill prepared by Qin Shaofeng for him.

As soon as Tang Qijian left, the ball jumped out.

"Unexpectedly, your kid is really insidious! He would definitely not be able to take that thing to Xu Tianyang," said Xiaoqiuqiu, watching Tang Qijian leave.

"Insidious? Oh, I'm being upright, OK?"

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and smiled softly. Instead of paying attention to Xiao Qiuqiu's eyes, he turned and walked outside the practice room. Qin Shaofeng whispered while walking.

"Well, I remember the secret realms of giant peaks. Two or three of them have the sea. I'll go to the whole point of the sea!"


A day later, after Qianshanzong received his disciple from Wanshan, Xu Feiyang, the deputy chief of Qianshanzong, the peak master of Shenjian Peak, also announced that he had accepted a disciple.

This Xu Feiyang’s newly-accepted disciple received a very high status as soon as he entered Xu Feiyang’s school. Xu Feiyang even rewarded him with the last of his only three inheritance disciples. Became a disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

This person's name is Tang Qijian!


On the day before the distance contest, there was a burst of endless chill in the spiritual training room somewhere on the Shenjian Peak.

As soon as that cold air appeared, it froze the entire training room, turning the huge training room into an ice sculpture world in an instant.

Soon, a frantic laughter resounded in this ice sculpture world.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it! I didn't expect Xu Tianyang to have such an opportunity, this time I won the first place in the competition!"


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