Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4712: Seven days

Summer Palace, martial arts field.

"Xia Gong’s martial arts are really strange. They can all be my original martial arts, but their combat power has been increased by at least three times. They are powerful, powerful."

Qin Shaofeng backed away abruptly, his footsteps looked chaotic, but in fact he gave people a very strange charm.

If a warrior under normal circumstances wants to attack him, he will definitely attack in a disorderly situation because of his pace.

He used this pace to retreat, and in the past few days, it has become a normal state.

As early as seven days ago, Qin Shaofeng had completed all the things that came to the Summer Palace.

But I don't know why.

Xia Huangjie never announced that he would see them for the second time.

Can't see Emperor Xia.

Tai Shizhong and others did not have the qualifications to let them leave, so Qin Shaofeng and his party could only choose to stay in the summer palace.

Fortunately, because of their performance, Summer Palace has truly recognized them.

The various martial arts of the Summer Palace have been developed against them.

The difference is that only Qin Shaofeng can get the best layer.

The others are divided according to what they don’t know.

In addition to Qin Shaofeng.

It was Chu Huan who received the highest standard treatment impressively.

Whether Chu Huan's cultivation base or helping with the affairs of the Summer Palace, it was nothing.

It happened that he had something that no one else had.

That is loyalty.

Loyalty to the Void World, loyalty to the friendship between Qin Shaofeng.

When they were in the Void Realm, they had never been in contact.

Even after entering the land of shining stars together.

The contact between the two can also be said to be very small.

But because Qin Shaofeng helped him when he was about to die, and both of them were for the purpose of rebirth in the Void Realm, there was a kind of subconscious in his subconscious. When a person really must die, he must The idea to save Qin Shaofeng.

It's actually not just him.

The few people who came to the Cangming Realm together all had this idea.

Although their loyalty was not given to Qin Shaofeng.

They were all delivered to the Void Realm.

Qin Shaofeng was the most likely person to be reborn in the Void Realm in the future, and their loyalty began to shift.

It is because of that loyalty.

It was precisely because when he treated Qin Shaofeng, he could have the obsession that I would rather die, let you live, and help the Void Realm be reborn.

When the song was sent to Xia Huangjie with the information that was found from the crowd.

Xia Huangjie directly gave Chu Huan the treatment of the core members.

The entire martial arts inheritance of the summer palace, except for the three highest specifications, all spared no effort to teach him.

Qin Shaofeng has indeed grown unprecedentedly in these seven days.

Chu Huan's growth is also not small.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's retreat, Chu Huan stepped directly to the center of the martial arts arena, swung his right hand lightly, and asked: "Chu Huan still wants to fight again. I don't know which senior figure is willing to teach the younger generation?"

His face was full of pride, but his words were very sincere.

Suddenly, a summer palace magnate came out.

But before he could say that ‘Come on’, he saw a person slowly walking out at the main hall’s gate.

Upon seeing this, Li Shi hurriedly moved towards his position.

It's not just this powerful man who moves.

All the movements of the summer palace luxuries are neat and uniform, as if they are like a person, under the action of their brains, they make consistent movements in an instant.

Chu Huan had seen these actions several times, and was not surprised.

It's just that every time I see it, the envy in my heart is hard to conceal.

The sense of mission and army formation of the Xia Gong Lishi is really enviable. If I can have such an army in my hands, I will not worry about how to help Qin Shaofeng in the future.

Their army formations are neat, their cultivation bases are high, and they can display the kind of battle formations that far exceed their own cultivation bases.

Qin Shaofeng's group of people, really no one is not jealous.

"Emperor Xia has orders!"

A voice full of vicissitudes sounded.

At this moment, the people who came from the main hall really came out.

But it was not the Taishizhong who always announced the order on behalf of Xia Huangjie, but the song that Qin Shaofeng and others first came into contact with.

"Since the force required to open the door of the Snow Demon Palace has been gathered, the door can be opened once. You can let the nine people leave. You have a tea time to discuss who wants to open it." The voice of the song slowly sounded.

Her voice is very gentle, but still gives people a strong feeling.

Only nine people can leave?

Qin Shaofeng and everyone looked at each other.

The cultivation atmosphere of the Snow Demon Palace is indeed very exciting, but it gives them a cage-like feeling.

If not necessary, they don't want to stay here too much at all.

"I need to remind you in advance that your Void Continent is currently under attack. Although it has not reached the most critical juncture, it has been unable to resist for too long."

"If it weren't for this reason, Lord Xia Huang wouldn't be so anxious to open the door, so those of you who are leaving must have sufficient reasons."

The reminder of the song is like a big drink to everyone,

Just this sentence means that at least four places have been determined.

Qin Shaofeng, Bailile, Octopus King and Mermaid King, these four supreme commanders and fighters, obviously no one can stay here too much.

"We still have five places. Who wants to go together?" The Octopus King asked directly.

"Not five, you only have four places."

Ge interrupted him again and said, "Master Xia likes that kid named Chu Huan very much, and from some of your understanding, I know that there are not many people in the Yaoxing League, but they are loyal and persevering enough. Chu Huan’s fighters can take them to the Snow Demon Palace for a three-year training."

"After this group of people are successful in the future, they can also serve as the personal battlefield of my summer palace guest Qing Shaofeng."

Chu Huan's eyes suddenly became red.

He was still thinking about this matter, but he didn't expect it to be realized before he finished thinking about it.

If it weren't for him to believe it, he really had to wonder whether the people in the Snow Demon Palace had the ability to see through people's hearts.

"four people…"

The Octopus King hesitated for a moment, and said: "In this case, the king is the master, let the King Mackerel leave with me, and the other sea kings wait for the Snow Demon Palace to regain the power to open the door before leaving."

"I'm going?"

Wang Yuren looked back at the strong men on the floor, feeling mixed with all kinds of flavors in his heart.

In the depths of the outside world, he is indeed a sea king.

He was born into the shark race, and he has an unimaginable desire for battle.

This is indeed a cage for others.

For a fighting madman like him, it is the most favorite place for him.

Even if it is not necessary, even if he is imprisoned here for a lifetime, he does not think he will feel bored.

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