Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 485: Strong kill

What do you think?

After listening to Han Dong's words, Ji Yun smiled coldly, his eyes flashed with disdain.

"How else can I look at it? Presumably that Qin Shaofeng had hidden his true cultivation level from the beginning, then used a strange method to deceive this secret space and directly entered the ten areas of Xiaoyuan Dan!"

With that said, the disdain in Ji Yun's eyes increased, and his tone was full of contempt.

"Heh, only a fool like Qing Shipeng was shocked by Qin Shaofeng deliberately showing his true strength one by one, and finally died in Qin Shaofeng's hands. It is really useless. Fortunately, he was still in the Qingyunzong competition. The top five players are really ashamed!"

What Ji Yun said this time was very positive. It seemed that the facts were the same as what he said. Qin Shaofeng originally had the cultivation base of the Great Yuan Pill Realm, but he had just hidden it before.

Han Dong nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I think so too. But although Qin Shaofeng is very sinister, but his strength is not weak, do you want to do it?"

"Of course!"

Ji Yun had killed a trace of greed in his eyes, and said with great desire: "That's a record of 140,000 points! And I also thought about it, even if Qin Shaofeng's strength is much stronger than you and me, but once Do it, with the power of you and me plus a few helpers with spiritual power worth over 50 million, this Qin Shaofeng is definitely not our opponent!"

"Well, this is also true. In fact, apart from the spiritual power giant, as long as you be careful of Qin Shaofeng's silver sword light attack, this Qin Shaofeng is not a big deal. As for the weird black flame, it seems that the spirit armor can completely resist Got it."

Han Dong nodded and said, for Ji Yun's words, he only sent a master with a spiritual power of 50 million, and he completely agreed.

After watching the battle just now, Han Dong also knew that with Qin Shaofeng's strength, the low-strength people were going to deliver food.

However, as long as they are more careful, it shouldn't be a problem to win this Qin Shaofeng.

After thinking of this, Han Dong asked again: "How do you divide it?"

Although the two have some friendship, this is related to the huge benefit of the 140,000 record point. It is better to say it first.

Ji Yun didn't hesitate at all, and said directly: "I want Qin Shaofeng's record points, and I owe you a favor. After the hegemony contest is over, when I meet the Xingyue Sect, I will definitely come up with things that satisfy you ."

"it is good!"

Han Dong had no doubts about Ji Yun's words, and he was very satisfied.

Because Han Dong knew that Ji Yun in front of him seemed to have no status in Xingyue Sect, but in fact the other party was a super elder of Xingyue Sect. After a ridiculous time more than ten years ago, he was old and dear son.

Although Ji Yun's identity has not been made public because of his scruples about his identity, this is no longer secret information at the top of the Xingyue Sect.

In Xingyue Sect, the true status of Jiyun is not low.

Therefore, when Ji Yun said so, naturally he would not break his promise.


Just when the two of them had just finished discussing, a loud noise erupted in the distance, and then the two of them were surprised to find that Qin Shaofeng actually controlled the purple spiritual power giant to rush towards them.

"Heh, it's really arrogant. Does Qin Shaofeng really think that he will be invincible if he kills that Qing Shipeng by plot?"

Seeing the purple spirit power giant rushing, Ji Yun's eyes flashed with killing intent.

It was that Han Dong suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted to the two groups behind him: "The people with spiritual power worth over 50 million stay to meet the enemy, and the rest of them quickly retreat!"


Following Han Dong's command, the crowd of hundreds of people instantly dispersed and retreated.

After a while, there were only less than fifty people left beside them.

In the distance, Qin Shaofeng, who was controlling Xu Zuo Nenghu, felt very upset.

Originally, he thought that someone would attack him soon, but he didn't want to. After waiting for two minutes, he wasted 20 million points of spiritual power in order to maintain Susao Noh.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel unhappy, and after spending another 10 million points of spiritual power to maintain Suzuonenghu, he rushed over immediately.

As for why Han Dong and Ji Yun were chosen, it was because Qin Shaofeng felt the killing intent that Ji Yun radiated towards him.

If you dare to send murderous intent to the young master, who else can you find if you don't find him?

However, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised when he saw the other party's people suddenly retreating, and there were fewer than fifty people left.

But after feeling the aura of those forty or fifty people, they were all not low, not only had their realms a lot higher, and everyone's spiritual power was above 50 million points, Qin Shaofeng understood the other's intentions.

"Well, yes, knowing that people with low strength will not only be able to threaten me, but will also send them to death, so I just let them leave, and then concentrate the masters to stay against me. It seems that the opponent this time is a little bit interesting!"

With a light smile, the next moment, with a thump, Qin Shaofeng finally fell in front of Han Dong and Ji Yun.

As soon as the purple spiritual power giant fell, Ji Yun wanted to sneer at Qin Shaofeng.

Unfortunately, for Qin Shaofeng, this delay for a while is likely to consume a lot of spiritual power, so there is no time to talk with the other party!


Suzuo Nenghu waved the huge Lei Che huge sword in his hand, and immediately burst out a thunder sword aura!

Epee without front!

Feeling the terrifying sword aura coming, this made Ji Yun extremely angry.

Why don't you give him a chance to speak?

This Qin Shaofeng is really damn!

However, this also aroused the fierceness in Ji Yun's heart.

You Qin Shaofeng is really invincible!

Anger surged in his heart, and the next moment Ji Yun's eyes flashed with cold light, his hands flashed, and a broad knife with cold light appeared instantly.

"Yue Zhan Wuhen!"

With a violent shout, Ji Yun raised the big sword in his hand, facing the incoming Thunder Sword Qi, he cut out a sword light that was more than ten meters long, like a crescent moon.


With a loud bang, something that surprised Qin Shaofeng happened.

Because he unexpectedly discovered that the epee without edge sword energy that he had consumed 3 million points was actually blocked by the opponent's meniscus.


This person is good!

Looking at that Ji Yun, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with appreciation.

But soon this trace of appreciation was completely thrown away by Qin Shaofeng.

Because after breaking Qin Shaofeng's epee without a front, Ji Yun flew up in the sky, facing the Qin Shaofeng who was in the midst of the power, he sneered disdainfully.

"Heh, Qin Shaofeng, you are nothing more than that! It seems that if it is really as I expected, if you don't use conspiracy and tricks, your strength is not much better than that of Qing Shipeng."

I rub, where is this so funny?

Seeing Ji Yun flying in the sky like a silly fork, Qin Shaofeng cursed inwardly, and at the same time there was a hint of anger in his heart.

What's so special, if you don't show your power, are you really a sick cat?


Well, I'll see if you can handle my "conspiracy".

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his left hand, surrounded by spiritual power with his fingertips, and then shot out one after another, blasting towards Ji Yun.

Although this one-yang finger sword aura was not strengthened by Xu Zuo Nenghu, it was just like this. For Qin Shaofeng of such a great Yuandan eightfold realm, the power of this finger sword aura was also extremely strong.

call out!

As soon as he said it, before Ji Yun ridiculed the second sentence, a burst of air hit him, causing his face to change slightly.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the power of this sword aura, Ji Yun wanted to dodge for the first time.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flickered slightly, and the heavy force burst out instantly.

This caused Ji Yun, who was suddenly attacked by gravity, to sink his body, too late to dodge.

Under such circumstances, Ji Yun's heart was stunned, and the spiritual power in his body poured into his own spirit armor.


In the end, the sword aura of a yang finger hit Ji Yun's body.

Although he was protected by the spirit armor, Ji Yun was not injured, but the powerful bombardment force shook him out for the first time.

After flying that season cloud, Qin Shaofeng did not choose to chase him.

For the first time, the six-pointed star on Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed fiercely, and then on the spirit armor of forty or fifty people in front of him, a black flame burned fiercely!


In Qin Shaofeng's current realm, there are only people whose level is not higher than his, and when his spiritual power value and strength are not as good as his, to maintain the Amaterasu burning a target, Qin Shaofeng only consumes 100,000 spiritual power points in one minute.

At this moment, it was the skylight flame on Han Dong's body, and it only caused Qin Shaofeng to consume one million spiritual power points in one minute.

To Qin Shaofeng, who now has more than 100 million spiritual powers, this is all trivial.

The moment the skylight black flame burned, the forty or fifty people panicked instantly.

At this time, that Han Dong spoke out for the first time.

"Don't panic, this black flame has a spirit armor in it, and it won't burn you. As long as you maintain the spirit armor, there will be no danger!"

But despite saying this, Han Dong felt differently in his heart at this moment.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng fighting with Qing Shipeng and others before, he didn't feel anything.

But after experiencing it personally, Han Dong discovered that this black flame was actually much more terrifying than he expected.

This black flame is actually burning spiritual power?

Feeling the black flame of his own spiritual armor, not only was burning his own spiritual armor, but even directly burning his own spiritual power, Han Dong was shocked.

But his face still calmed down, because he knew that he could not panic at this time, otherwise he panicked, no one around him could calm down.


To attack that Qin Shaofeng!

Han Dong also understood that thinking of the countermeasures, he directly reminded the people around him loudly.

But just after he turned around, he found a strange scene.

Because at this moment, the forty or fifty behind him collapsed in a sudden.

When he thoroughly saw the situation behind him, there were only two or three kittens left behind him.

How is this going?

Han Dong was shocked!

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng took out a special version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill and took it, then wiped away some sweat on his forehead without leaving a trace, and exclaimed in his heart.

I circled a cross. This time, it is too reluctant to perform monthly reading for more than 40 masters with spiritual power values ​​of more than 50 million.

This not only drained the spiritual power, but also almost completely exhausted the spiritual power.

Shaking his dizzy head, Qin Shaofeng was in trouble for a while, until the special version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill had its effect and recovered spiritual power and some spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng was relieved.


Ji Yun, who had managed to stabilize his figure in the distance, was stunned when he discovered this situation.

What made him even more stunned was that Han Dong turned into a streamer at this time and ran away!

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