Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 498: Yuan Chao who fled

"Qin Shaofeng didn't expect you to appear here!"

After drilling out of the ground, Yuan Chao faced Qin Shaofeng and said coldly.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng just watched him not speak, Yuan Chao smiled coldly and said: "What? Want to avenge that Lian Yulong?"


Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly, and said, "It's not necessary. After all, there are so many people buried in the funeral, it is worthy of Lian Yulong!"

It's okay if Qin Shaofeng doesn't say anything. With that said, Yuan Chao's face is green.

three hundred!

That is more than three hundred elite disciples of the Great Yuan Pill of Gui Yuanzong!

This was his confidence to win the hegemony competition, but now he was completely wiped out by Lian Yulong.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chao wanted to vomit blood.

However, seeing that Qin Shaofeng did not intend to avenge Lian Yulong, Yuan Chao was also relieved.

To be honest, Yuan Chao has little confidence in Shang Qin Shaofeng at this moment.

At least he was in such a state that he couldn't achieve the level of Qin Shaofeng's ability to blast Qing Shixiong with one punch.

Since Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to do it with himself, Yuan Chaonatural planned to leave.

He is now planning to summon some other disciples of Guiyuanzong, although those disciples have 30 million spiritual power, not many.

But no matter how small it is, it is a force. When integrated and coupled with his strength, there is still some hope of winning this competition.

"In that case, then I will leave!"

After speaking coldly, Yuan Chao lifted his foot and prepared to leave.

But the next moment, a figure flashed, shocking him to retreat instantly.


As soon as Yuan Chao retreated, his previous position was immediately blasted out of a big hole.

Seeing this, Yuan Chao was shocked and angry, turned his head and said angrily at the figure: "Qin Shaofeng, what do you mean? Didn't you say not to do it with me?"

"When did I say this?"

Qin Shaofeng turned his gaze, looked at the frightened Yuan Chao with an idiot look, and said disdainfully: "I just said I won't avenge Lian Yulong, but when did I say I let you go? ?"


While speaking, Qin Shaofeng's right hand flashed, and the huge profound iron epee was summoned by him instantly, and it slammed heavily on the ground, and coldly shouted to Yuan Chao: "Yuan Chao, be honest, hand over all the record points in your body. Maybe I can save my life!"

Damn it!

Upon hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Yuan Chao became angry instantly.

"Qin Shaofeng, don't force me, or I will have a big deal with you!" Yuan Chao said angrily.

"Okay, let's have a dead fish and break the net!" Qin Shaofeng replied indifferently.

"You..." Yuan Chao was angry, but this time Qin Shaofeng moved without waiting for him to speak.


As soon as the figure flashed, Yuan Chao felt his body sink for the first time, and then a violent sword aura blasted at him.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are deceiving too much!"

Yuan Chao roared, his whole body surging with spiritual energy, and then he let out a violent shout.

"Gui Yuan Jia!"


With a loud explosion, a ten-meter-diameter spherical mask appeared around Yuan Chao's body.


At the moment when the sphere mask was formed, Qin Shaofeng's epee slashed directly without a front.

But the incredible thing is that the extremely violent sword energy was actually picked up by the sphere mask, and it was still intact.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by this, and even smiled and snorted directly.

"Huh, did you finally show your tortoise shell?"

This sphere mask is naturally not a tortoise shell. This is the Guiyuan Jue, the strongest method of Guiyuanzong, the unique spiritual armor cultivated in the Great Yuan Pill Realm-Guiyuan Jia.

It is better to say that it is Lingjia than Yuanjia!

Because the Gui Yuan Jia displayed by this Gui Yuan Jue is already equivalent to the Yuan Jia condensed by the Yuan Yuan realm.

Since it was Yuan Jia, the sword energy of the epee without the edge was naturally helpless.

Yuan Chao didn’t care about Qin Shaofeng’s claim that his Guiyuan Jia was a tortoise shell, but said in a cold voice, "Since Qin Shaofeng knows this is Guiyuan Jia, you should know that with your strength, you can’t break this. Gui Yuanjia, so don't waste your time and mine!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and the Xuan Tie heavy sword tightened, and another sword cut out.

"However, I want to see how hard your tortoise shell is!"


An invisible sword energy cut out and went straight to Yuan Chao's Gui Yuan Jia.

"It's useless!"

Yuan Chao said indifferently, "I said, with yours..."

Suddenly, Yuan Chao's voice stopped abruptly, and his face became very ugly.

Because just now, he felt his Gui Yuan Jia, after suffering from Qin Shaofeng's invisible sword energy, he actually weakened more than 30% of his strength for no reason.

Damn, how is this possible?

Feeling this situation, Yuan Chao was shocked.

But before he could fully accept this reality, Qin Shaofeng raised the profound iron heavy sword and slashed out an invisible sword energy.

Break gas!

Slashing with a sword, Qin Shaofeng sighed inwardly.

This can be comparable to the authentic Three Element Realm Yuan Jia, Gui Yuan Jia, directly weakening 30% of the power, naturally Qin Shaofeng's Dugu Nine Swords.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised that to break Yuan Chao's Gui Yuan Jia, he actually needed to use three tricks to break the Qi.

But Qin Shaofeng was not stingy. After he knew this in his heart, before the previous burst of Qi sword energy hit Yuan Chao's Guiyuan Jia, he cut out another sword in an instant.


Yuan Chao on the opposite side just felt that an invisible sword aura that did not threaten the slightest slashed, but this made him feel a non-threatening sword aura. After hitting his Guiyuan Jia, his Guiyuan Jia was slightly shocked. , The breath dropped by more than 30%.

Damn what is going on?

Yuan Chao was furious, completely unaware of what happened.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt his Gui Yuan Jia, and seemed to have suffered another sword attack, and then he shook slightly.

But this time, what changed Yuan Chao's face was that after this shock, his Gui Yuanjia disappeared directly.

not good!

At the moment when Gui Yuan Jia dissipated, Yuan Chao turned around and fled without any reason.

Guiyuan Jia is indeed very powerful, but once Guiyuan Jia is defeated, it will take some time to gather again.

And most importantly, because of the practice of returning to Yuanjue, after this was broken, Yuan Chao was also unable to condense the spirit armor for the time being.

Facing such a situation, Yuan Chao thought that he had to escape.

Want to escape?

Seeing Yuan Chao's actions, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and when he stretched out his hand, another silver blade shot out.

call out!

With the sound of breaking through the air, Yuan Chao instantly felt a cold and dangerous aura coming from behind him, but Yuan Chao had long expected such a situation.

With the palm of his backhand, Yuan Chao made a palm print of spiritual strength and power.


The silver blade light instantly shattered the palm print, but it was blocked.

And Yuan Chao took advantage of this gap, his figure flashed, and instantly escaped away.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't let him go, so he ran after him.

This chase and escape quickly attracted a lot of attention.

After all, just from the purple-gold light spot before, people nearby knew that there were two masters with purple-gold-level identity tokens fighting.

Although one disappeared later, there is now another one.

But from the light spot, it seems that one party is running away!

This made a lot of curiosity in many hearts, and many people secretly paid attention.

But after this attention, everyone was taken aback.

Because of the two chasing and fleeing, one of them was actually Qin Shaofeng who was the first to possess a Purple Gold rank identity token.

As for the other background, it is even bigger, it is actually Yuan Chao, the young master of Gui Yuanzong!

As for Yuan Chao's strength, the entire secret realm space is known, but that is a great Yuandan powerhouse with the strength to win the championship!

But what is the situation now?

Everyone would subconsciously think that Yuan Chao was chasing and Qin Shaofeng was fleeing.

But in fact, it was the other way round. The chaser was actually Qin Shaofeng.

And the person who ran away was Yuan Chao, the person who won the championship in everyone's eyes!

And what is even more incredible is that this Yuan Chao not only fled, but also fled into despair. Many people even heard it from a distance. Yuan Chao kept saying something to Qin Shaofeng who was chasing behind him as he fled.

This involuntarily makes people think, is this Yuan Chao begging for mercy?


"Qin Shaofeng, why do you chase me like this? There is no deep hatred between you and us!"

"Qin Shaofeng, let's make a request. As long as you don't chase me, I will be grateful!"


"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng, are you trying to break your skin with me? Don't forget that I am the Young Master of Gui Yuanzong!"

"Qin Shaofeng, I warn you, if you are chasing me, I will make you look good after this competition is over!"


From being soft at the beginning to begging for mercy, and then begging for mercy does not become a threat, Yuan Chao has exhausted all means.

But no matter what Yuan Chao said, Qin Shaofeng remained indifferent.

This made Yuan Chao's heart angry, but finally when he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was almost consumed, Yuan Chao finally gave up.

"Qin Shaofeng, wait for me. You'd better come out alive and don't die in this competition for hegemony. Otherwise, how can I take revenge and make you feel bad for life?"

With that, Yuan Chao pulled out a purple-gold token.

That was Yuan Chao’s identity token for this competition for hegemony. He took it out now, nothing more than inspiring the identity token to be sent directly away.

But Qin Shaofeng would let him do what he wanted!


His eyes flashed slightly, and the lavender six-pointed star pattern appeared in Qin Shaofeng's pupils.

The next moment, looking at Yuan Chao in the distance, Qin Shaofeng said two words softly.


You must know that Yuan Chao currently does not have the spirit armor, and even the Guiyuan armor.

So after Qin Shaofeng let out a light daylight, Yuan Chao burst into flames, and a black flame burst out.


As soon as the black flame appeared, Yuan Chao screamed instantly.

But soon, an accident happened to Qin Shaofeng.

I saw Yuan Chao burned by Amaterasu, a golden light burst out of his body, and then he forced Amaterasu out.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yuan Chao's identity token was finally activated.

A pale white light instantly enveloped Yuan Chao.

But even in this situation, Qin Shaofeng still did not give up.


The six-pointed star on his eyes flashed with purple light, and Qin Shaofeng let out a low voice.

"Monthly reading!"


With a blank mind, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little blur.

The next moment, the blur disappeared instantly, and then Yuan Chao was teleported away.

However, at the same time, Qin Shaofeng received a system prompt.

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