Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 501: Xu Tianyang and Qiao Tian

As soon as Qiao Fei died, although the remaining dozen people had good strength, after Qin Shaofeng joined, the battle ended without any suspense.

Geng Qiutong was a little strange, because she found that Qin Shaofeng hadn't interrogated these people, and there was something wrong with it.

These dozens of people are all very powerful, and they still deliberately find themselves and others, such a powerful enemy, naturally it is better to figure out some.

Of course Qin Shaofeng didn’t think of this. In fact, apart from the previous Qiao Fei, the remaining dozen people, before Qin Shaofeng killed the opponent, they all used the monthly reading to pull the opponent’s mental power into his monthly reading. Space, conducted some interrogation.

The result that can be obtained makes Qin Shaofeng's face a little ugly.

The reason is simple, Qiao Fei and others are actually Tianmen disciples!

After receiving such news at the beginning, Qin Shaofeng's first reaction was that the matter of the fifty Xiaoyuandan realm Tianmen disciples he killed in the Xiaoyuandan area was exposed.

However, this is not actually the reason!

Although Qiao Fei Tianmen was also inquiring about this matter, they didn't find anything, and they didn't know that Qin Shaofeng killed the fifty Tianmen disciples.

And the reason why they found themselves and others was actually because of Geng Qiutong!

That's right Geng Qiutong!

When Qin Shaofeng learned about this, he was shocked.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the specific reason was.

Because these dozen people didn't even know, they just knew that their young master Qiao Tian was going to arrest Geng Qiutong. As for why this was, I'm afraid only Qiao Fei knew something.

But Qiao Fei has now been bombarded and killed by Qin Shaofeng, so Qin Shaofeng is not clear about the real reason why Qiao Tian wanted to arrest Geng Qiutong.

"Hey, I knew I wouldn't kill that Qiao Fei so early!"

He sighed, but Qin Shaofeng also knew that the matter was over, it would be useless to say more.

After hesitating, Qin Shaofeng still quietly told Geng Qiutong about the matter. At the end Qin Shaofeng still asked: "Did you offend that Qiaotian? The other party actually wanted to catch you so much?"

Geng Qiutong was also confused when he heard what Qin Shaofeng said.

"Why! I haven't even seen that Qiao Tianjian, I don't know what he looks like!"

Geng Qiutong shook his head, his face was quite depressed and said: "And I don't remember that I offended him, and even I didn't even contact the Tianmen disciple. Why did he trouble me?"

Seeing Geng Qiutong's heart depressed and confused, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and asked about the ball.

In the end, Xiaoqiuqiu was speculation. The opponent might have taken a fancy to Geng Qiutong's original fire spirit and wanted to use Geng Qiutong's original fire spirit to achieve certain goals.

Although the other party may not know that Geng Qiutong possesses a special spiritual root like the original fire spirit, even if Geng Qiutong's original fire spirit is regarded as an ordinary fire root, it is extremely attractive.

Especially the origin fire spirit of Geng Qiutong, it is easy to be regarded as a kind of spiritual root similar to the cauldron. However, from a certain aspect, the origin fire spirit really has such ability, otherwise, I saw it at first When Geng Qiutong was in, Xiaoqiuqiu would not encourage Qin Shaofeng to take Geng Qiutong.

In addition, Geng Qiutong happens to be a woman, as long as she possesses a special and powerful fire root, she can be attracted to Geng Qiutong.

Xiaoqiuqiu guessed that Qiaotian should be like this.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to remember what Xiaoqiuqiu said.

It is said that this time there was a super genius in Tianmen who also participated in this competition for hegemony, and this super genius possessed a powerful fire system spirit root.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know who the other party was and who it was before.

But now it seems that Qin Shaofeng is sure.

This Tianmen super genius is probably that Qiao Tian!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't tell Geng Qiutong about this kind of speculation. He just asked Geng Qiutong to pay attention. If something bad really happened, he would send it directly away from the secret space.

Although Qin Shaofeng clearly stated that he would withdraw from the secret realm space, Geng Qiutong did not resist at all, but instead agreed with Qin Shaofeng's opinion.

After dealing with these things, Qin Shaofeng finally went to see the little princess.

In the previous battle, the little princess did not participate, even with the special version of the third-rank nine-fold spirit pill, the little princess still suffered too much from the injuries she received before, and even now she is only recovering from the appearance of seven or eight and she has not recovered. .

Compared with the injuries on her body, the blow in her heart is probably the most serious trauma to the little princess.

At the moment Lian Yulong died, the little princess knew that her eldest brother was dead.

Because Lian Yulong died, his ranking in this secret space naturally disappeared.

From that moment on, the little princess was silent, her face blank.

In the battle just now, if Geng Qiutong hadn't deliberately arranged a few Lei Shenfeng disciples to protect her by her side, I am afraid she would have been killed.

Seeing the little princess at the moment, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless, because he didn't know what to say to the other party now, and the little princess didn't even care about him.

Because the little princess at this time seemed to give him the feeling of being unlovable.

That won't work!

Seeing the appearance of the little princess, Qin Shaofeng frowned, and then suddenly remembering something, he said to the little princess: "Your big brother is dead!"


This time the little princess finally had a reaction. She suddenly raised her head and stared at Qin Shaofeng, but before she could say anything, Qin Shaofeng said another sentence.

"But what he needed to do was not done!"

The little princess' face changed, as if finally remembering something.

Qin Shaofeng didn't look at her either, as if talking to himself: "Even Yulong asked me to help him before he died. I originally agreed, but now I have changed my mind!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng looked straight at the little princess, smiled slightly, and said: "I have decided now, I will not help him, I will help you! So, what will happen next is up to you. Lian Yufeng!"

After finishing the last sentence, Qin Shaofeng turned and left.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's back, the little princess' expression finally got a little more angry.

"Big Brother's business?"

With a hoarse sound, a trace of determination flashed in the little princess' eyes.

"Then let me finish it!"


At the same time, in another area in the Great Yuandan area, in a mountain forest, at this moment, a youth in the purple and gold shirt was extremely angry.

"Damn it, actually dead?"

Looking at the ranking on his identity token, he couldn't find the word Qiao Fei, and the youth in the purple and gold shirt was full of anger.

"It's really useless. It's impossible to handle small things like catching a woman. Qiao Fei is really useless garbage. It's really damnable!"

The youth in the purple-gold tabard roared again and again. Judging from his angry face, if Qiao Fei appeared in front of him alive at the moment, he might be the first thing he had to do is to slap Qiao Fei several times.

Needless to say, this is naturally Qiao Fei's young master, Qiao Tian.

And just as Qin Shaofeng had expected before, this Qiao Tian is really the super genius of Tianmen participating in the hegemony contest this time.

"It's really useless. It seems that I have to do it myself!"

Qiao Tian snorted coldly, and then prepared to use his identity token to transmit to the area where Qin Shaofeng and the others were.

But at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded in the distance, and a figure flew over.


In just an instant, the figure fell in front of Qiao Tian, ​​and at the same time a cold and proud voice sounded.

"You are the so-called super genius Qiao Tian from Tianmen?"


Suddenly hearing the voice with such an attitude, Qiao Tian's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said with murderous intent: "Who are you?"

"Thousand Mountain Sect God Sword Peak Xu Tianyang!"

Leng arrogant voice sounded again, but it was his identity.

It is Xu Tianyang who has had a few hatreds with Qin Shaofeng!

"Xu Tianyang?"

Qiao Tian frowned slightly. He felt a little unfamiliar with this name, so he was sneered and said: "What Xu Tianyang, Ben Shao hasn't heard of it, did you come to Ben Shao to give away the record points?"

"Send record points?" Xu Tianyang smiled coldly, looked at Qiao Tian without any fear, and his tone was very disdainful.

"Ha, it's really funny. Before meeting with him, the Third Senior Brother of Jiuyangmen said something like this, but now his record points have been transferred to him, don't you? Found that my score point is already the first place in the entire secret space?"


Qiao Tian frowned when he heard it, and to be honest, he really didn't pay attention to this.

But the third senior brother of the Nine Yangmen in the opponent's mouth reminded Qiao Tian something.

Could it be He Yun, the third disciple of the Nine Sun Sect Sect Master?

With a move in his heart, Qiao Tian calmly used his identity token to inquire.

In this investigation, he really found something wrong.

He Yun's name disappeared from his previous sixth place.

And the three characters Xu Tianyang ranked first!

He actually defeated He Yun?

This time, looking at Xu Tianyang in front of him again, Qiao Tian finally lost his previous contempt.

But even so, Qiao Tian still didn't worry at all.

He Yun is nothing more than he can defeat!

"Heh, don't you think that if you defeat that He Yun, you will have the qualification to challenge me?" Qiao Tian smiled lightly and his tone was full of disdain.

Qiao Tian's disdainful tone made Xu Tianyang angry in an instant.

"Is it right? It will be clear if you and I have fought!"

Xu Tianyang said coldly, and at the same time burst into a biting chill from all over his body.

Under this chill, a layer of white frost instantly froze within ten meters of Xu Tianyang's feet.


Seeing this scene, Qiao Tian's eyes flashed with surprise, but his tone was still very disdainful.

"Also, as long as you get the record points from you, the champion of this competition must be mine!"

"Huh, not ashamed!"

With a slight anger and cold snort, Xu Tianyang snorted as soon as Qiao Tian finished speaking, and rushed towards Qiao Tian instantly.

And Qiao Tian was not afraid at all, and flew directly to meet him, and the two immediately fought.

As for the battle between the two, neither the other Tianmen disciples behind them nor the Shenjian Peak disciples who came after Xu Tianyang did not intend to intervene.

With the arrogance of Qiao Tian and Xu Tianyang, they didn't want to use the power of others to defeat each other.

Don't say that you can't win, the most important thing is that once you need help from others, don't you say that you are inferior to the other party?

Whether it is Xu Tianyang or Qiao Tian, ​​they would not be willing to do such a thing.

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