Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5029: take the initiative to ask

"Can anyone be willing to give this prince a try?"

Jue Ruqing looked towards Xi Ruqing and Ku Ruqing that he brought.

He didn't want to let the two, but the two sage realm powerhouses brought by the two.

Both knew this as well.

Seeing the ruthless eyes, they turned their heads and looked at the two sages.

"I'll try it!"

A sage brought by Xiruqing took the initiative to ask Ying.

As an existence in the realm of sages, he is also facing the risk of such a high probability of falling, so he is naturally unwilling to go.

But he knew better that since he came here, it was naturally impossible to avoid this danger.

The black hole in front of me does look scary, but it's just the fourth level of trouble.

Who knows what will come next?

Taking the initiative to ask Ying this time is only almost dangerous, and the next time is likely to be a fatal crisis.

Taking the initiative to ask Ying can also leave a good impression on Rui Rui.

Why not do it?

"Okay, then please, if you have any accident here, your family will be handed over to this prince." Jue said ruthlessly.

As a prince, his words are so credible that they don't need suspicion.

The sage quickly prepared.

Lives are at stake.

He really took out all his family's assets, and used most of them on his body. He held a few divine marks in his left hand, and took out a weapon and war blade in his right hand, before walking towards the black hole.

When he came to Qin Shaofeng, he waited quietly.

Qin Shaofeng punched up again.


A burst of drink.

Without any hesitation, the sage rushed towards the black hole quickly.

The black hole is twisted again.


The figure of the sage appeared behind the black hole.

Although the barrier is terribly distorted, it can be seen roughly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"You three go first."

Rui Rui, as if he had become the supreme leader of the two groups, actually started to arrange it.

The three Xi Wuqing are all his people, so naturally there will be no complaints.

Wait until the three pass.

Only then did he look towards Mie Sanxian and the others, and said, "Next, you go over there."


Mie Sanxian frowned slightly.

She believed very much that the fourth prince had no ill will towards them for the time being.

But there is also a colorful coveted eye!

Her beautiful eyes just glanced at Qi Cai subconsciously.

Ruthless has been noticed.

"Don't worry, this senior will go in behind you, and then the three princes." Jue said ruthlessly.

With his words, everyone can feel at ease.

Qin Shaofeng kept bombarding the barrier, but it was consuming all the time. Everyone stopped talking nonsense and passed through the black hole one after another.

When the ruthless eyes turned towards Qi Cai, Qi Cai just snorted coldly.

In a flash, he rushed towards the black hole.

The two half-step eternal powerhouses were startled.

Why didn't this guy say anything in advance when he wanted to move?

He quickly followed and guarded Qin Shaofeng from left to right.

They didn't want Qin Shaofeng to have any accident.

At least not yet.

Qicai didn't know if she really didn't want to fight with them, she didn't do anything drastic, she just glared at Qin Shaofeng fiercely and rushed into the black hole.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, let's go too."

Ruthless is just a little slower than them, and has already come to the black hole.

When Qin Shaofeng spoke, he rushed in quickly.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't waste any more time. He punched the black hole again and rushed in instantly.

Through the barrier, Qin Shaofeng discovered that everything they had seen before was actually true.

The only difference was that there was a barrier just now, which made him feel that everything was looking at flowers in a fog.

Really stand here.

Everything he saw became real.

The sound of rushing water.

The continuous bursts of floral fragrance and fresh air can't be faked.

"This is the fifth level?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at everyone suspiciously.

The others did come earlier than him, but they didn't have the strong observational power he had, and they still didn't know anything about the situation here.

Qin Shaofeng just glanced at everyone casually, and already understood the general situation.

"Everyone spread out and try to find out the surrounding situation as much as possible."

The situation here is already very obvious. It belongs to a small world. He will not be groping here alone.

The prince of the dynasty, such as Jue Rui, all believed in Qin Shaofeng's ability to break the barrier.

Naturally, Xi Wuqing and others did not dare to say anything, and they all spread out around.

Mie Sanxian also greeted everyone and scattered around.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes focused on Qi Cai.

Then, join the team of exploration.

This level is similar to his imagination, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

There are countless divine rune seals on the pavilion, and it is not easy to get in.

Another strange place is the strange mountain.

There are dense forests around the mountain, and although there are not too many divine marks, when the two sages who first went to investigate came back, they had many scars on their bodies.

"There are many strange insects and beasts in the forest over there, very strange."

"Although their strength can also kill insect beasts, it is not very easy, and insect beasts know how to use the gods in the forest, so that every time they try, they will suffer a great crisis."

After Qin Shaofeng heard their stories, he didn't bother to go to investigate in person.

The worms over there may be of great help to him.

But what he needs now is a little bit of searching for the situation here.

There are obviously many strange places in that pavilion. Except for him, no one else will crack it, so why should he worry?

Go back to the vicinity of the pavilion.

The Divine Rune seems to be formed from the inside out, and it is very difficult to crack it.

If he really understands Divine Runes, it is naturally easy to crack this place.

But how is this possible?

He is not a person from the ruthless world, and the research on Divine Marks is also something after he came to the ruthless dynasty.

Looking at the Divine Rune area in front of him, he felt that one head and two were big.

If he really wants to go in, he is not helpless.

The problem was that the existence of the third prince of the Ruthless Dynasty made him hesitant.

Looking at the look of anticipation that is absolutely ruthless and others.

Qin Shaofeng really doubted what the third prince was thinking.

Does he really believe in himself that much?

Or, he doesn't understand how to crack the Divine Rune Great Array?

He didn't believe in either of those things.

As such.

The only possibility is that the thoughtful third prince wants to explore his secrets.

The more you know, the easier it will be to deal with him in the future.

Think of this.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but want to sneer, this guy hid deep enough.

It's a pity that he is not the simple-minded person he faced before.

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