do not fight?

Hearing Hong Kun's somewhat depressed voice, Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly stunned, but he was also relieved.

Although fighting Hong Kun, he felt passionate.

But Qin Shaofeng also felt tired.

However, after this battle, Qin Shaofeng also gained a lot.

The first is the use of Qianshan Boxing. He has repeatedly displayed the Qianshan Boxing with twelve boxing in one, which gave Qin Shaofeng a little understanding of Qianshan Boxing.

This made him a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, but this thought just appeared, if it is to be fully implemented, it needs Qin Shaofeng to perfect it.

The most important point is that after fighting Hong Kun, Qin Shaofeng's control over power has also deepened a lot.

Speaking of which, Qin Shaofeng is a little grateful to Hong Kun.

I am afraid that there is no one else except Hong Kun in front of him who can let himself burst into pure power like this and come to an even battle.

After all, few people can have such a terrifying power in the Great Yuan Dan realm.

As for Hong Kun, although he was a little depressed in the end, it was the most enjoyable battle for him so far.

Therefore, after a depressed cry, Hong Kun just laughed: "Have fun!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you are really amazing!"

Looking back at Qin Shaofeng, Hong Kun said seriously.

Hong Kun's tone was full of affirmation. After this battle, he was considered to completely approve Qin Shaofeng.

There are not many people who can be recognized by Hong Kun, even if it is a person whose cultivation base is much higher than his in the Yu Beast Gate, although Hong Kun said nothing on the surface, he did not recognize who it was.

Because in his opinion, the other party is stronger after all, it is nothing more than a higher realm than himself, and a longer cultivation time.

As long as he is given time, Hong Kun is confident that he will defeat those who are stronger than him.

Participating in this competition for hegemony, Hong Kun also met some good geniuses, but no matter who it was, he was just regarded as an opponent.

But Qin Shaofeng alone made him feel a feeling like a strong enemy.

Even if it is regarded as opponents by Hong Kun, in Hong Kun's eyes, those opponents are just opponents of his short-term goals. It will not take long before he will leave these opponents behind.

But in the process of fighting Qin Shaofeng, Hong Kun had a foreboding in his heart, that this boy who was younger than himself would definitely be his opponent for life.

This was Hong Kun's fighting instinct, so he understood that Qin Shaofeng was different from the geniuses he had encountered before, and he was definitely a strong enemy!

Even Hong Kun was convinced of one thing!

Although in the battle just now, Qin Shaofeng did not use other methods.

But Hong Kun had a feeling in his heart, that is, if he fights with Qin Shaofeng, if he doesn't send out his natal war beasts in the three-dimensional realm, he will definitely not be Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

Hong Kun is very convinced of this!

And he still had a guess in his heart, I am afraid that even if he summoned all the beasts of life, he would probably not be able to kill Qin Shaofeng.

Although he felt this way, Hong Kun didn't believe it very much in his heart, but such thoughts remained in his heart.

If the small ball can know what Hong Kun is thinking at the moment, I am afraid its evaluation of Hong Kun will be improved.

With such a keen fighting instinct, this guy is a natural fighter.

However, not only did Hong Kun not worry about such a situation, he was even surprised in his heart.

It is the happiest thing to have a rival in your life.

Because of this, you can fight forever.

Therefore, at this moment, Hong Kun looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, with a touch of heat.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel a little uncomfortable. If he hadn't felt that Hong Kun was a straight man from the battle, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng would have been impatient.

Hong Kun didn't know what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, and soon started talking with Qin Shaofeng.

Through the conversation, Qin Shaofeng also confirmed the conjecture in his heart.

The guy in front of him really doesn't care about the hegemony contest.

Entering the secret space is purely fighting!

Indeed, Hong Kun has this idea from beginning to end.

After entering the secret space, Hong Kun began to look for opponents.

It's a pity that things like this didn't go well, and finally found an opponent, only to find that the opponent was not very strong, and couldn't catch his punches at all.

This situation didn't get better until Hong Kun learned that the gold-level identity token could know the approximate location of other people.

However, at this time the competition for hegemony has passed halfway.

Hearing this, Qin Shaofeng was also speechless.

He said he was stupid, but Qin Shaofeng knew that Hong Kun was not stupid, and his mind was very flexible. After all, if his mind was not flexible, he would not be able to cultivate so many war beasts.

Speaking of not being stupid, it took him half a month to learn the role of identity tokens.

In Qin Shaofeng's opinion, this is absolutely stupid.

But even after knowing other positions, for Hong Kun, he found a good opponent without it.

Because for him, who doesn't know the people of the three schools and seven schools?

As soon as Hong Kun approached him, even the two parties who were fighting would stop at the same time, and then no longer care about the fight, and the tacit understanding of the two sides ran away without a trace.

This makes Hong Kun very helpless!

"Then you didn't find any opponent?" Qin Shaofeng asked curiously when he heard Hong Kun's helpless words.

"That's not true, the opponents have found a few!" Hong Kun said, shaking his head, but the next moment, his face became depressed again.

"But those guys are better than monkeys, and when they see something bad, they don't run away!"

Uh, this...

Seeing Hong Kun's slightly angry face, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

Your girl couldn't beat you and just ran away. Is this normal?

Qin Shaofeng spit out silently, but after all, he still didn't say it.

Hong Kun didn’t notice Qin Shaofeng’s face at the moment, and he still said depressed, “That’s not even that. Ran!"

It turns out that Hong Kun had met Yuan Chao some time ago, and Yuan Chao's character can be met, so would he face Hong Kun head-on?

Speaking of this at this moment, Hong Kun still looked angry.

"Hmph, when I meet that kid next time, I will definitely not spare him. As the Young Sect Master of the Guiyuan Sect, he flees without a fight. It's so hopeless!"

Uh, I'm afraid there will be no next time!

Seeing Hong Kun being so angry, Qin Shaofeng murmured in his heart.

At this moment, Hong Kun suddenly remembered something, and said to Qin Shaofeng very depressed: "By the way, you know the Young Master of the Qianshan Sect, right?"

"Uh, you are talking about Xiang Qianyang? Why did you fight him?" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Yeah!" Hong Kun nodded, but the next moment, he said helplessly.

"Your Young Sect Master is really good, and his strength is not low, but I don't know why, I honestly feel that fighting with him is a bit frustrated, that guy feels very sissy to me, although his strength is not weak!"

Hong Kun said so, but Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

Outsiders didn't know that Xiang Qianyang was a daughter, but Hong Kun had noticed a little bit through battle, although he hadn't noticed it himself.

After chatting for a while, Hong Kun also left.

Although he didn't think much of this competition for hegemony, he was a member of the Royal Beast Gate after all.

Therefore, even if he is not interested, he still needs record points in order to defend the beast door.

After fighting Qin Shaofeng, he had enough fun and naturally began to collect record points.

At this moment, many people know that the Zijin-level identity token is a bit special, only forty-nine yuan, not more.

Moreover, after these forty-nine Purple Gold rank identity tokens appeared, they could not be taken away. That is to say, the final champion of this competition was born out of these forty-nine individuals.

Hong Kun also knows this.

However, he didn't care, because even if he didn't have a purple gold rank identity token, the disciples of the Royal Beast Gate who came in appeared, and several possessed a purple gold rank identity token.

When the time comes, he will find someone pleasing to the eye, transfer the record points to the opponent, and then win a place, then his task is considered complete.


After Hong Kun left, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to stay either. He brought Geng Qiutong and other Lei Shenfeng disciples, and they quickly moved.

It seems to be the last three days, and it also seems to be because they are in the same area.

The battle on this day can be regarded as a complete outbreak.

Only after one morning passed, Qin Shaofeng discovered that several names with Zijin-level identity tokens had disappeared from the rankings.

I don't know if the opponent was defeated, killed, or the identity token was crushed.

But anyway, soon with purple and gold names on the list, only thirty-eight people remain.

As for those golden names, they have been reduced to more than 400.

At this time, people in the entire secret space began to gather together consciously.

After all, they belonged to the Three Sects and Seven Sects, so they found that a few of them would be swallowed by other forces immediately. Under such circumstances, everyone thought of their own sects the first time.

After all, once you merge with everyone in the sect, you will be more confident in this way.

Qin Shaofeng and Geng Qiutong also quickly received a gathering message from a senior from the five gods of the Qianshan Sect.

The other party seemed to be Xiang Qianyang's senior, plus Xiang Qianyang, the Young Sect Master, this kind of gathering attracted many scattered disciples of Qianshan Sect.

In fact, the collection at the moment is also the best choice.

Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, just thought for a moment and rushed to the gathering place with Geng Qiutong and others.

When he arrived at the meeting place, Qin Shaofeng saw him and Xiang Qianyang.

That brother Xiang Qianyang was also a disciple of the Sect Master of Qianshan Sect. He was Du Meng's current brother, and his name was Lu Hai'an.

This Lu Haian's strength is also good, at the peak of the Great Yuan Pill, and his spiritual power has exceeded 100 million points.

However, Xiang Qianyang's situation was a bit beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation.

Because at this moment, Xiang Qianyang not only possesses the tenfold cultivation realm of the Great Yuan Pill, but his spiritual power actually exceeds 200 million points.

But when he thought that the other party's spirit root was the spirit of the white tiger, Qin Shaofeng was quickly relieved.

However, thinking of Master Lei's words, Qin Shaofeng's gaze towards Qian Yang was a bit strange.

Is this guy really a woman?

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