Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5043: mutation

After Qin Shaofeng ordered again, the people acted under the order of Rue Ruqin again.

The angel immediately followed the sage into the sky.

Mie Sanxian greeted Zhen Wuqing and the two, and quickly approached the foot of the mountain.

She has led people towards the mountain twice, and she is very familiar with cleaning up insects and beasts.

It was just cleaned up half a day ago.

This caused her to bring people up the mountain again, causing far fewer Divine Marks than before.

Just over an hour.

The three of them had already reached the empty space where the cave was.

The strange thing is that when the blank space is viewed from above, it is clearly not small, but they can clearly see their trajectory up the mountain at the foot of the mountain, but they have never seen the existence of that blank area.

So weird.

Jue Rui couldn't help but look back at him, obviously wanting him to explain.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were also on the mountain.

Just when Jue Jue Rui looked towards him, he saw another divine rune appear, but this time he came quickly down the mountain.

"What happened, are they going down the mountain?"

Seeing the changes on the mountain clearly, Jue Rui suddenly turned his head and asked Qin Shaofeng with a worried face.

"It doesn't matter, this is the demon girl who came down first."

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look back.

do not know why.

Not only did he not feel relieved when he found out that the demon girl had returned, but instead he felt a sense of trepidation.

It seemed that something was happening quietly and quietly.

He didn't know what was going on.

The more he did, the more worried he became.

"Why did she come down first? Could it be that something went wrong with you, or did you arrange it long ago?" Jue Rui looked over with an unhappy expression.

The question came out of his mouth. He, who had absolute attention to Qin Shaofeng, noticed that Qin Shaofeng's expression was very wrong.

The voice turned.

He quickly asked, "Did something really happen? Did you find something? Should we go and call Mr. Mo first?"

Qin Shaofeng turned back and looked at him, with more tangled colors in his eyes.

The third prince of the ruthless dynasty had no good plans for him.

When he just felt something was wrong, he didn't consider the situation of the third prince.

To mention Mo Ziqi ruthlessly is not to blackmail him.

He also suddenly woke up.

Zhen Wuqing who went to explore the cave might not really die, let alone Mo Ziqi. If the two of them found out that Jue Wuqing was dead, they would definitely run away.

He is indeed not afraid of two half-step eternity.

Even Qicai also shot together, and he has a song behind him to protect him, so he doesn't need to have any real fear.

These two really don't matter.

But the problem is, if there is really an accident in Rui Qing, the two half-step eternal powerhouses go berserk, and it is very likely that the Ruthless Dynasty will be disturbed.

Before he got the things in the depths of the magic sea cave, he didn't want to really break up with the ruthless dynasty.

That's not in his interest.

After a little thought, he had already made a decision.

"You come to me, I feel something is wrong. If there is an accident, don't panic, just protect yourself and wait for my rescue." Qin Shaofeng shouted eagerly.

When Jue Ruqing and others heard what he said, they immediately felt a chill in their hearts.

Did an accident really happen?

The three looked at each other, did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly approached Qin Shaofeng.

Xiruqing and Kuruqing really looked at Qin Shaofeng unhappy.

After experiencing what Zhen Wuqing said, they were still willing to believe Qin Shaofeng.

At least Qin Shaofeng has been recognized by a half-step eternal powerhouse.

The three talents have just stepped forward.

Qin Shaofeng saw the end of the divine runes on the mountain, which was obviously the direction that Zhen Wuqing and the two entered the cave, and a large amount of black mist began to pour out.

The black fog spreads extremely fast.

In just the blink of an eye, he had already passed over the three immortals who were constantly awakening the gods, and shrouded in all directions.

"There... what happened?"

Kuruqing discovered the situation over there and asked subconsciously.

Ruthless two people's footsteps paused.

It was a short moment when they looked back, and the ground began to shake violently.

The three of them are indeed not weak.

The shaking of the ground cannot be changed by the strength of cultivation.

The ground shook violently.

The three of them had already reacted in time and tried their best to stabilize their bodies, but they all fell to the ground with one buttocks.

Qin Shaofeng was even more unbearable.

Without the power of Nirvana, he was just an ordinary Martial Artist of the late stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, and was directly shaken to the ground by the shaking of the ground.

Immediately, rumbling sounds continued to appear.

Qin Shaofeng felt that something suddenly appeared from the ground and slammed into his stomach, knocking him up.

Changes come and go quickly.

Just a few breaths.

He was shocked to find that everything in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although it was once dim, the bright sky had completely turned into a pitch-black night sky.

However, in the direction of the original mountain, there is a light like a star.

It was the shadow of a centipede.

The shadow is constantly moving, as if it is fighting something.

The roar was also constantly coming from there.

The voice is very weak, if it is not that his hearing has greatly improved after Nirvana, I am afraid that he will not be able to hear it.

At the same time, a ruthless and frightening voice came from not far away.

"What happened, how can there be so many big trees, and this divine pattern... this worm, how could this happen?!"

The absolutely ruthless voice was clearly terrified.

Although the cultivation of the three is not weak.

After all, they are pampered people, and they have no strength but have never participated in any battles.

Faced with this sudden scene, he was naturally frightened.

"You guys don't move, I'll be here soon."

Qin Shaofeng was afraid that something would happen to them.

In the face of such sudden changes, he no longer had the idea of ​​rescuing a few people if possible.

He has clearly seen the changes in the divine runes on the mountain.

If the three of them mess up and create too many divine marks, no one dares to say what will happen.

Now no one can help them resist the attack of the body and the gods.

Maybe there is, but Qin Shaofeng didn't think about it.

Alongside him are Li Naling and Bamu, both of whom are sages.

The problem is that both of them have only initially entered the realm of sages, and they simply do not have enough strength to resist the crazy outbreak of the gods.

The three of them were really frightened when they suddenly found themselves in such a forest.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

They really look down on Qin Shaofeng with their strength, but under the current situation, they are very happy to be able to get the help of someone who can bring someone to kill.

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