Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5045: Decide

Qin Shaofeng is not someone who just entered the arena like the Ruthless Three.

The martial arts of the starry sky world are cruel and unusual. They are really like the three of them. They really don't know how to die.

The more dangerous the situation, the more he needs to calm down.

Tension and fear only exacerbate death.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but feel at a loss after thinking for a while.

For half a day, no one came back.

This basically means that the dark night forest that suddenly appeared is not a zone change in the usual sense at all, otherwise it would be impossible to trap the three sages.

Since not.

Then it would be meaningless for them to wait any longer, they still had to find a way to save themselves.

When he was in the treetops before, he had looked in all directions.

Except for the direction in which the centipede phantom appeared, there was no change at all.

After some thought.

He finally determined the situation here.

They only have two decisions to speak of now, or they are to go back and find the pavilion that Mo Ziqi is cracking.

That pavilion is likely to be the key to solving the predicament here.

Of course, this is only possible.

In contrast, he felt that the direction of the centipede phantom was the real key.

Of course, the key is obviously not fake, and it must be the most dangerous place.

going or not?

Which is better to choose?

He had to start thinking carefully.

One of the bad things about this choice is that it will bring everyone to a mortal situation, which is absolutely not to be careless.

The more he thought about it, the less he felt in his heart.

Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, Jue Rui couldn't help but stepped forward, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and asked, "Brother, what are you thinking about? They haven't been able to come back yet, we What should I do next?"


Qin Shaofeng frowned.

Seeing his expression like this, Jue Rui suddenly became even more nervous.

Shouldn't there be any surprise?

Qin Shaofeng didn't think for too long, he took a deep breath and said, "There is no other way now, let's go, let's go up the mountain."

"Up the mountain?!"

The three absolutely ruthless exclaimed in unison.

They all thought they heard it wrong, or that Qin Shaofeng said it wrong.

Just at such a long distance from the mountain, they were already too busy to take care of themselves, and he even said that he wanted to go up the mountain?

What are you doing up the mountain?

Didn't you see that terrifying centipede phantom on the mountain?

If it's really past, it's really looking for death.

"Yes, it's up the mountain."

Qin Shaofeng answered with conviction, turned back, and looked at the three of them.

The expressions on the faces of the three people were all in their eyes.

"If anyone is afraid, they can stay here and wait for changes to appear. Even if you all choose to stay here, I will go up the mountain to see." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"What are we going to do up the mountain, once we get close to that centipede, we will all die."

West screamed in horror.

In the entire team, the only girl, Ku Wuqing, had a pale face, her lips trembled slightly, and she was so frightened that she couldn't say anything.

Qin Shaofeng turned a deaf ear to their voices, but looked ruthless.

If there is no ruthlessness, the identity of the two does have the right to refute, which is obviously impossible now.

under the current situation.

Since he has figured out the difference, it is naturally even less likely that he cares about the reactions of the two.

"Brother, have you thought of something, if we go up the mountain, will we encounter that centipede head-on?" Jue Ruqing was obviously afraid.

The world he has seen is obviously much more than that of Xi Ruiqing.

Although there are many doubts in my heart, I have to choose to ask them.

He believes that Qin Shaofeng can say such words, and he must have some kind of confidence. After all, Qin Shaofeng will not be the kind of person who likes to court death.

"I have no idea."

Qin Shaofeng did not choose to lie.

"The situation on the mountain is unclear. We only have two options. One is to go back here and look for where Mr. Mo is to see if there is an organ there. The other is to go up the mountain." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Can't we just stay here?" Xi Wuqing said again.

Ruthless is not happy with his talkativeness.

Since he said what he wanted to ask, but was embarrassed to ask, he didn't say much.

"Stay here to find death?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't show any affection, snorted coldly, and said: "I have considered every path we can choose now, and I will not force you to make the same choice as me. How to choose is up to you. Just think about it, I will only give you half a cup of tea, and if you haven't decided by then, I will go up the mountain by myself."

The three panicked again.

In the past, no matter where they went, there would be strong guards behind them.

Now it is time to face this danger alone.

"Otherwise, we are divided into two groups. Don't you still have so many companions of sages and sages? Why don't you divide a few to accompany us?" Xi Wuqing finally thought of external forces, and looked at Qin Shaofeng with burning eyes. past.

Ku Wuqing had already felt that he was on a dead end. Hearing these words suddenly, a look of joy appeared in his beautiful eyes, and then his eyes turned towards Qin Shaofeng viciously.

There is a lot of attitude that if you don't agree, we will never give up.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Shaofeng has never cared about the threats of others.

To him, this look was simply a joke.

"If you want to seek death, go by yourself. This son has no hobby of letting his companions die for others." Qin Shaofeng sneered.

Turning back, he once again looked towards Rui Rui.

"I know very well what the two of them are thinking, and I believe you are as well. Please don't insult our IQ. If I hear this again, then we will just part ways."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked outside the defensive formation again.

"How can you be like this? When you asked us to borrow someone, we would lend it to you without saying a word. Now that you need to borrow someone, do you need this attitude?"

"That is, we can't be so shameless. We are now in a cooperative relationship. You can only get your hands dirty, but you are not willing to do anything. What's going on?"

Xi Wuqing and Ku Wuqing are the second generation ancestors of the big family, where did they suffer from such anger?

As for what Qin Shaofeng said, he understands that he is absolutely ruthless.

The two of them didn't understand at all, but they didn't think about it, and they started yelling in rage.


Jue ruthlessly shouted angrily, and stopped the scolding that the two had not finished speaking.

But they can't let the two continue to scold.

Otherwise, there will be serious trouble.

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