Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5048: all things

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for the upgrade of the virtual star world, the current period of all things."

The sound of the system slowly remembered in Qin Shaofeng's mind.

Qin Shaofeng listened to the resounding sound of the system, and watched the slow change of the small world in front of him, an indescribable feeling kept appearing.

The strange thing is that when he wanted to recall, he couldn't remember it anyway.

As if that strange feeling had been integrated into the deepest part of his memory, belonging to a corner that was about to be forgotten.

"What exactly is that feeling, and why can't I understand it at all?"

The more Qin Shaofeng tried to recall, the more blank he felt in his mind.

It's been quite a while.

He reluctantly woke up from his memory.

Looking at the small world where all things began to recover again, it seemed that the strange feeling appeared again.

If it was Mingwu before, but now it is only a little recollection.

Such memories do nothing.

When you think about it carefully again, you will forget it again.

But he also saw this change.

With the constant changes in the small world, perhaps the next evolution, perhaps the next evolution, he will definitely be able to learn more from the changes in the world.

Thinking about this, he will stop wasting time.

The first time to call out the character interface.

True Monarch of the Starry Sky: Qin Shaofeng

Companion: Blue Sky Snow

Level: Starry Sky True Monarch seventh order (0/400 million)

Void Star Realm: Open Sky Stage (0 billion)

Soul: True Monarch Starry Sky (124,000/500,000)

Star Position: Star King

Life: True Monarch of the Starry Sky

Martial Art: Starry Sky Martial Art (Secondary Eternal)

Physical Value: 1114/10000

Ghost Mark: Star Emperor Mark

Martial arts: colorful, ghost fire, tai chi seal, Tibetan star chaos, star movement

Natasha: Blade of Heaven, Heaven and Earth with a Sword, Shrinking Earth into an Inch, Fingers of Qingfeng, Huangquan Road, Emperor Sword

Inheritance: colorful, ghost fire, life is nothingness

Starry Sky Origin: 1 million/1 million

Star value: 134.2 million

Innate Skill: Tome of Gods and Demons

When he saw the character interface, he was slightly taken aback.

If he remembered correctly, the last time he checked the character interface, the starry sky value seemed to be normal.

But in terms of soul and martial arts, it seems to be a full digit less than it is now, right?

Each item has been increased by one?

The improvement of the small world actually increased every value of the body, which immediately made him extremely excited.

Another good time.

It was only then that he probed the consciousness out of the small world.

I saw that the outside world seemed to be completely shattered, and Xi Wuqing and Ku Ruqing lay dying on the ground.

Even Zhao Ding was covered in blood, obviously injured by the collapse of the world.

The only one who is safe and sound is the one who is absolutely ruthless.

But the panic in his expression was also obviously abnormal. He continued to take deep breaths, obviously he hadn't reacted from the previous panic.

As everyone knows.

When his small world evolved, he really absorbed everything in this strange small world.

Heaven and earth collapsed, and countless spatial turbulence emerged from the spatial cracks.

Xi Wuqing and Ku Wuqing were the most unbearable, and they were hit hard by spatial turbulence in the first place.

Zhao Ding's life-saving ability is indeed very strong.

But the things on him are obviously too bad, and in the end, he only survived by relying on the defensive treasure that he gave ruthlessly.

Even Ruthless, who owns the top defensive treasure, has felt that the defensive treasure is about to reach the limit for several times.

As you can imagine.

If the terrifying turbulence continues for a while, or if he really chooses to help Xiruqing and Kuruqing with good intentions, so as to win over people's hearts, maybe even he will become the remnant of the two of them.

Even a bad, direct death is not impossible.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this.

But it is not difficult for him to find something from the expressions of several people.

He quickly made a few injuries similar to the three on his body, and finally gave himself a slap in the face, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his face was pale.

He just left the small world.

He tumbled directly on the ground, and passed out of a 'coma'.


When Zhao Ding saw him coming out of hiding, he went into a coma. He was really taken aback and rushed over.

Ruthless also put away the defensive baby at the first time.

Ignoring Xi Wuqing and Ku Ruqing who were seriously injured and dying, they grabbed Qin Shaofeng's wrist.

After some investigation, it was confirmed that Qin Shaofeng was only swept away by spatial turbulence, causing internal and external injuries, but not life-threatening, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out several healing elixir and fruit and handed it to Zhao Ding, and then walked towards Xi Wuqing and the two.

Just fed the two of them with spirit fruit.

Before seeing the two of them get better, they saw a few figures appear in the direction where the distance has become a mess.

One after another figure quickly approached and came.

Who else could be Zhen Wuqing, Mie Sanxian and others who were also trapped?

Everyone noticed the situation of Qin Shaofeng and others, and each ran towards them.

Jue Rui asked with joy, "Old Zhen, have you defeated that centipede phantom?"

"Centipede phantom?"

Zhen Wuqing frowned, shook his head, and said, "Shortly after we entered the cave, we found that the world began to change, and we came to a place far away from the centipede, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't get close to the phantom of the centipede, what, you guys Did you see it too?"

Jue Rui suddenly widened his mouth in astonishment.

Isn't it the kind of fantasy that Zhen Ruqing cracked?

Qin Shaofeng, who was lying on the ground pretending to be in a coma, was shocked when he heard these words, and his heart suddenly burst.

He also believed that Zhen Wuqing and the two were fighting against the centipede phantom. The shattering of the world could make them think that it was due to some of their actions.

But I never thought that they were also teleported.

It seems that the only way to do it is to think of Mo Ziqi.

While he was still thinking, he noticed that Mo Ziqi also flew over.

"What happened just now, how come the old man was teleported by the power of the world when he was about to break the main entrance? What did you find on the mountain? What did you do? Are you all right?" Mo Ziqi asked four times before he landed.

I almost vomited blood in my heart.

Very drop.

What the **** is that strange change? How could everyone be teleported?

If I really let them study it, am I going to be suspected?

The emotional change was too great, and he believed that he could not escape the attention of the two half-step eternal powerhouses, so he simply pretended to slowly open his eyes.

"Just... what happened, why did I hide in the space crack and was attacked by the space turbulence?" Qin Shaofeng kept looking at everyone, as if he wanted to ask them to give an answer.

The crowd was speechless again.

The small world has collapsed, and it's not bad that you can survive by hiding in the cracks in space.

"Humph! A bunch of trash."

When Qin Shaofeng wanted to act again, he heard the voice of colorful disdain coming from the direction of the original centipede phantom.

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