Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5064: invisible attack

"Don't waste any more time, no matter what the situation will be when you open this door, you must walk through this door first."

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath and took out the sword again.

Turning back, he looked towards Jue Rui.

Jue Rui sensed his gaze, hesitated for a moment, and then handed over a key fragment.

The power of the source is displayed.

Qin Shaofeng took the key fragment directly from the air, and then handed the key to the key hole on the door.

When the key is near the keyhole.

The gates and keys are all shining brightly.

The key seemed to melt directly after approaching the keyhole, and the melted light enveloped the entire door.

Really humming constantly.


The gate had disappeared, and what reappeared in front of them was a huge underground space.

There is a huge teleportation altar in the center of the space.

Countless stone chambers were built around the altar, and next to each stone door were written words that Qin Shaofeng could not understand.

Obviously, it is explaining what is placed in the stone chambers.

For other people, you may need to hesitate.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at it.

As long as the treasures of the Ruthless Dynasty were really placed in the stone room, he would definitely take them all away.

As for what they are, there will be time to study them slowly in the future.

When he was observing the numerous stone gates, the ruthless breathing not far away had also become rapid.

Look back.

I saw Jue Jue ruthlessly looking at the many stone gates, and a pair of eyes had turned green, as if a pervert saw a beautiful woman.

This look is really speechless.

"Put away the useless thoughts first!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly and pulled Jue Rui back to reality before he said in a deep voice, "Don't forget, we have only passed six levels now, and there should be three more levels to come."

Jue Ruiqing had already had murderous intent in his heart just now.

Hearing what he said suddenly, I was stunned.

If Qin Shaofeng didn't say it, he would have almost forgotten about the Magic Sea Devil Cave.

But the problem is...

The treasure is already in front of you, is there really that so-called three levels behind it?

Qin Shaofeng is not as optimistic as he is.

Indulge for a moment.

He frowned and asked ruthlessly: "You are the prince of the ruthless dynasty. I believe you have some understanding of this place. What levels were set up here?"


Never saw the utterly heavy look on his face.

Although there are all kinds of guesses in my heart, I still think about opening my mouth.

"I really don't know much about these things, but I do remember that there are three levels and one level key, but I really don't know what the second level and the third level are."

do not know? !

Qin Shaofeng's expression became more solemn.

He really doesn't care much about the level of style and quality. With the power he has now, it is really not too difficult to deal with.

What really gave him a headache was the invisible and intangible danger.

Jue Ruqing did indeed have murderous intent towards him just now.

But why isn't he so?

But he had to suppress the killing intent in his heart, and now is not the time to fight with the ruthless.

Even if we really want to fight, we have to wait until we have thoroughly figured out the situation here.

After all the levels have passed.

A prince of a ruthless dynasty can definitely play a role.

Think for a moment.

"Old Zhen, you can go and see what's going on at the altar first. If there is no problem, open a stone gate and take out one of the items for us to study." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

His voice was very heavy.

People who originally had a lot of ideas in their hearts, heard the words to ease a little.

Whether or not this is where the real treasure lies.

According to Qin Shaofeng, it is always a good thing to remove the danger here first.

Anyway, Qin Shaofeng could not escape in their hands.

Think about this.

Zhen Wuqing walked in first.

Although his cultivation base has reached the half-step eternal realm, he also knows that Qin Shaofeng has such heavy worries, obviously it will not be aimless.

After all, Jue Rui has already said it personally, and there are indeed two hurdles behind it.

If one is not careful, he can't guarantee that he will be safe and sound.

Full defense.

Step by step, he approached the altar.

Just as he was halfway through, he clearly didn't see anything, but Zhen Wuqing also felt an unspeakable sense of crisis.

Not daring to think too much, I quickly retreated a few steps towards the back.

His movements were indeed extremely fast, but just as he exited, a blood line appeared on his side face.

Drops of blood slid down his side face.

Zhen Wuqing's forehead and back were immediately covered with cold sweat.

He can be quite sure.

In this open space that seems to be without any danger, there is definitely a terrifying existence whose combat power is not under him at all.

The sense of danger just now did not come out of thin air.

Especially the wound that appeared suddenly without him noticing.

He can be sure.

If it wasn't for the sense of crisis in his heart that he chose to retreat in time, he would have died on the way to the altar at this time.

That kid's worries really didn't come out of thin air!

While panicking, a sense of danger suddenly came.

The extreme fear made the cold sweat on Zhen Wuqing's forehead already rustled and fell to the ground, making the atmosphere even more tense.

Zhen Wuqing didn't dare to hesitate even for a moment, so he rushed back towards the gate.

"Don't come back, first spin around with that strange existence!"

Qin Shaofeng saw his plan and shouted quickly.

At the same time, he took out a lot of divine patterns and threw them towards the ground not far away.

The roaring sound resounded one after another.

It was not until within ten meters of the gate that there was no more corners, and he took out one after another array and quickly arranged them towards the gate.

Just a few breaths.

He arranged more than a dozen array formations at the gate.

Zhen Wuqing, who is half a step into the eternal realm, can be injured by the enemy without even being aware of it. How can he not let him feel fear?

That invisible and invisible danger exists, if they really kill them, none of them will survive.

As for the use of so many arrays, whether it will reveal his true situation is no longer in his consideration.

His movements have been extremely fast.

But Zhen Wuqing in the space ahead had already been attacked more than a dozen times, and his body was covered with scars.

The most serious one is between his waist and abdomen.

Like the wound of a sword.

The wound was so deep that it almost cut off half of his body.

After Qin Shaofeng glanced over there, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The danger in there, the strong attack power, is really scary.

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