Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5068: Pick

Zhen Wuqing noticed his gaze, and the hairs all over his body stood upside down.

This **** really won't kill us, we won't give up!

Ruthless is to take two steps back subconsciously.


Without any thought, he shouted loudly.

What are you kidding?

From the original two half-step eternal powerhouses and two high-level sages around him, he now has only one half-step eternal who is seriously injured.

Even if you don't count the existence of Qi Cai now, his combat power is not stronger than Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention that he is letting Zhen Wuqing take risks.

If Zhen Wuqing really died tragically here, he could really just wait to die.

When Xi Wuqing and Ku Wuqing were still there, the two young people couldn't understand the situation, but it didn't mean that he, the initiator, couldn't understand the situation either.

Between him and Qin Shaofeng, it is not even a cooperative relationship.

If it weren't for the strong enough combat power on his side and the uncertain factor of Qi Cai, Qin Shaofeng would have killed himself long ago.

Now that he has to cut his arm, it's just a joke.

Qin Shaofeng really wanted to use those treasures to kill Zhen Wuqing.

Even if Zhen Wuqing was able to survive, he could still see something from it.

Now it seems that it is impossible to agree to Ruthless.

Take a deep sigh.

"Brother Young Master, let me try it!"

The voice of the eight eyes sounded from his shoulders, and then she transformed into shape and said, "I have more eyes than you, and I seemed to see something vaguely just now. When the blood light disappeared, it seemed that something had crawled into some boxes. inside."

"As long as we don't touch the boxes that hold some sort of altar kill, there shouldn't be any danger."


Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

Rui Rui on the side almost laughed out loud.

A supreme powerhouse has just died tragically on his side. If the powerhouses around Qin Shaofeng can also die, the balance may not be tilted.

"Not urgent."

Qin Shaofeng opened the gate of the ghost mansion for a moment.

A voice transmission went in.

All the people with cultivation above Venerable quickly walked out of it.

He took the initiative to tell the danger just now, and said: "You have already understood the general situation. Next, I need a person who has the ability to retrieve objects from the air. Standing on the door side, he will use the means to open the jade box and take out the contents inside. ."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Let me do it!"

Long chase took the initiative to speak.

He naturally knows the danger here, but Qin Shaofeng has also said that they only need to take things outside the door.

With the tyrannical body of his dragon clan, he really didn't believe that strange blood light could kill him through the gate.

Qin Shaofeng looked back, his brows still wrinkled.

The reason why everyone is called out is really selfish.

Hachimoku's appearance is scary though.

During this period of time, Bamu gave him an unspeakable intimacy, which made him almost treat Bamu as his sister.

Since it is a decision to court death, naturally you can't start with the person with the best relationship.

Compared to eight eyes.

Even if Mie Sanxian or an angel came forward, it would be easier for him to agree.

But but, but but.

Dragon Chase…

This person from the Dragon Clan, following him, although he was already ready to die, he couldn't be allowed to die like this, right?

"Dwarf, come on!"

When Qin Shaofeng was still hesitating, Mie Sanxian was already one step ahead of him.

Zhao Ding's small face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Even if he knew for a long time, in such a team, he must be the one who will encounter the greatest danger.

In the face of the current situation, his face couldn't look good either.

Want to cry without tears.

For a while.

He nodded and walked towards the front of the crowd.

no way.

Who let him be forced to join the team, life and death are in Qin Shaofeng's hands, who will come if he doesn't come to this kind of death?

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Shaofeng's thinking finally explained, to stop Zhao Ding's plan to act immediately, and shouted loudly: "Senior Qicai, it's good for all of us to get what's inside. If there is an accident, please ask the senior to help."

Hearing the words without mercy, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He killed a peak powerhouse and seriously injured a peak powerhouse, and his combat power is probably almost the same as Qin Shaofeng's.

Although it may not be possible to ask and suppress Qin Shaofeng and others, it will not be suppressed.

But colorful is different.

Colorful was already strong enough, but now it has become the real strongest after integrating the phantom shadow.

Even if Mo Ziqi didn't fall for no reason, they might not be able to win a colorful fight together with Qin Shaofeng.

Now, Qin Shaofeng finally sent someone to die.

If he could fall together with Qi Cai, even if he was seriously injured, it would be a great thing for him.

Eyes of anticipation suddenly looked towards the surroundings.

"Old man, is there anything to help you all this way?"

The colorful voice resounded, but it was a cold snort, saying: "The things in this are useless to the old man, the old man didn't shoot you directly, he was just keeping his promise, if you dare to chat with the old man, the old man will take it directly. you left."


All are black lines on their faces.

After this old guy has enough combat power, it really seems to be a different person!

What do you mean by helping us enough?


Can we have a face when we talk?

Those things are clearly within your power, and you still don't want to waste time with us, okay?

As for that promise.

Regardless of Qin Shaofeng and his party, or the two of them, they all want to slap him fiercely.

He kept saying that he wanted to pass it on to Qin Shaofeng, but in fact he wanted to take away his family.

Even after being seen through, you can still lick your face and say that it is just for inheritance.

Such brazen things have been done, what qualifications do you have to say that you keep your promises?

As for you didn't do it directly, who knows why?

Anyway, it can never be what you said about keeping promises.

Qin Shaofeng smiled helplessly.

His eyes turned towards Zhen Wuqing again.

Just a glance.

Zhen Wuqing's whole body trembled violently, and he was almost scared to hide in a seam.

Since coming here.

As long as this kid opens his mouth, there is always no good thing.

He looked at me again.

Does this really have to kill the old man to let it go?

"Brother, Elder Zhen's injury must be recuperated as soon as possible, and there is really no way to do it in a short time." Jue Rui was the first to speak.

Zhen Wuqing didn't want to take risks, and he didn't even want Zhen Wuqing to take risks.

Even seriously injured.

Zhen Wuqing is also his biggest trump card now, and Qin Shaofeng must not be allowed to die again.


Qin Shaofeng hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said, "It's okay, it's okay, but we agreed in advance that you can't fight for the things we risked to get out."

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