Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5075: Emperor Sword

When the Emperor Sword was used, the power of heaven and earth melted into Qin Shaofeng's body like crazy.

The madness of its speed made everyone's expressions change drastically.

The three people on this battlefield, except for the colorful colorful that has become extremely abnormal, both of them are eternal powerhouses.

After Qin Shaofeng used the Emperor Sword, even they felt that they could no longer absorb the power of heaven and earth.

Such discoveries almost made their jaws drop.

Since their cultivation base has reached the eternal realm, they have always absorbed the power of heaven and earth, making it impossible for others to absorb the power of heaven and earth.

Where has this happened?

Panic made their mood fluctuate violently.

How could this be?

Why is there such a situation?

"No wonder this kid was able to kill the little guy Zhen Wuqing with the cultivation of a half-step sage. There are so many secrets in this kid."

"No, he can't be allowed to display this kind of martial arts."

Jun Tianhong's complexion changed again and again, and he had already made a decision.

Qin Shaofeng must not be allowed to display this kind of martial arts.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong.

Ge was still surprised that Qin Shaofeng's strangeness was true, but she didn't show much combat power, which made it just a subconscious blocking action at this time, and it was not much weaker than before.

On the other hand, Qi Cai's fierce attack began to become defensive.

Seems to be still attacking.

But each of his attacks is actually a block to him. If he chooses to retreat now, Qicai's seemingly fierce offensive may not be able to bring much blocking effect to himself.

Thinking of this level, the hatred in Jun Tianhong's heart has reached the extreme.

Qin Shaofeng's truth is too extreme.

He arranged for someone to destroy the teleportation array early on. Unless he took the risk to return to the desert that was already covered with sand and worms, there was absolutely no possibility of leaving here.

The more I think about it, the more I hate it.

This kid is really too cruel, and the vicious means make him have no way to deal with it.

Turn back?

He just flashed this possibility in his mind, and didn't think about it at all.

It is true that his cultivation has reached the eternal realm.

Even in the eternal level, he can be regarded as a strong man.

But the problem is.

What about the eternal realm?

If the eternal powerhouse can resist the formation formed by the endless corpse mountain, the powerhouse of the ruthless dynasty has already emptied the treasure house here, how can they think of using the outside world for loose cultivation?

Not to mention whether the exit of the desert turnaround can be found.

Even if he could find it easily, he would not have the confidence to survive being bitten by the endless sand worms just because of the long distance.

Those insects and beasts are terrifying, but they are no less than the real monarchs of Hongmeng.

Moreover, it is still a strong defensive, articulate and terrifying existence.

The trail is completely cut off.

Then he has only two options to do.

Either he took the risk and rushed over to try to pass the strange altar. If the strange blood-colored light erupted from the altar again, he would surely die.

Or maybe the altar has no teleportation ability, and he will still fall because of delaying the fighter.

As for these two possibilities.

Even if he didn't think about it, he knew how low the possibility was.

The connection between the former dynasty and this treasured place, the most important transmission is the altar.

If the altar hadn't undergone changes far beyond imagination, it would have been impossible for that kind of blood-colored light to appear.

Under all kinds of thinking.

Jun Tianhong sadly discovered that his cultivation was indeed tyrannical, but now there is only one way left.

That's the fight, keep fighting.

Only when Qin Shaofeng and others are completely beheaded can he survive.

As his thoughts turned, he glanced at Mie Sanxian and the others in the distance.

Soon, he dismissed the idea of ​​holding hostages.

Qin Shaofeng's situation in the cave mansion,

Several people who obviously had a special relationship with Qin Shaofeng were not brought out by him.

On the contrary, he also chose from the people he called out, who would do the death-defying thing, obviously the difference in the relationship.

Even if he can really take those people down, he doesn't believe that Qin Shaofeng will be able to obey.

On the contrary, such an approach will anger Qin Shaofeng and lead to unpredictable results.

Now, all he needs to do is fight.

Kill Qin Shaofeng, kill Qi Cai.

With just a song that is unwilling to use all his cards, it is difficult to stop him.

That way he has a chance to live.

Once he figured out what to do, he wouldn't waste any more time.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

In a flash, his figure rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

As an eternal powerhouse, his speed is naturally extremely fast.

But he is also very clear that although Ge is unwilling to exert all his strength, his speed is not comparable to him.

Not to mention that there is now an additional colorful, which makes it more difficult for him to attack Qin Shaofeng.

The figure came to the gap between the two, and a large palm print suddenly patted Qin Shaofeng.

Jun Tianhong's movements were too fast.

Qin Shaofeng did notice this scene, but he didn't have time to react.

Seeing this, Li Naling hurriedly manipulated the Zuiyue Tower to enlarge, blocking Qin Shaofeng's face.

The changes here are really fast.

But they didn't notice that there was a slight smile on the corner of Song's mouth.

"Such an attack, you want to pass through my defense, don't you think it's too easy?" Song's laughter sounded.

I didn't see any movement from her.

But when the big mudra is about to come to the drunken moon tower for a moment.

A sky-shattering sword light suddenly shot up into the sky.

The sword light flickered.

The big palm shot by Jun Tianhong had already turned into two halves in the sword glow, and then vanished.

"Just do your business with peace of mind. It's just that with his cultivation level, even two more ants can't break through my defense."

"Ha ha!"

"You have so many secrets, I'm really looking forward to what kind of attacks you can unleash."

Song actually ignored Jun Tianhong at all.

She actually still had time and interest to make fun of Qin Shaofeng, which immediately made Jun Tianhong jump with rage.

Who is this?

How can she say that she is also an eternal powerhouse, and she is still a powerful existence in the ruthless dynasty, the eternal powerhouse, she actually looks down on herself so much?

Jun Tianhong was furious.

Regardless of the colorful attack, his hands suddenly rose high.

The power of eternity is everywhere.

The terrifying energy made the entire palace group flash with countless divine patterns, as if they would collapse at any time under the energy of his move.

When one glances at one, there is a kind of soul that is shocked, and the big mudra that has no resistance to the idea emerges from the air.

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