Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5080: Xilong

"Hurry up, hurry up, or the lizard dragon will catch up."

When Qin Shaofeng was wondering, he heard a young voice coming from not far away.

He didn't expand his consciousness, he just couldn't see the scene with his eyes, but the scene hundreds of meters away.


He saw a group of four hurriedly running towards this side.

Three women and one man.

This kind of outing lineup is very rare.

The one running at the front was a boy who looked eighteen or nineteen, holding a girl in each of his hands.

The two young girls were much younger than him, one should be sixteen or seventeen, and the other no more than thirteen or fourteen.

Although they are young, their cultivation is not weak.

Even the youngest little girl has the aura of cultivation in the realm of Hongmeng True Monarch. Although it is only the initial stage, it is enough to see that their power is extraordinary.

At the back of the three was a woman in her thirties and forties, dressed in plain clothes.

This woman's aura has even reached the state of being on the list.

It can be seen from their attire that this group of people is clearly dominated by the three young people in front.

The woman in plain clothes is more like a servant.

It is indeed strange that such a lineup can walk on the boundary of the ruthless dynasty.

Qin Shaofeng was observing the person coming.

The four of them have also noticed his appearance, and they are all slightly stunned.

The young man was just stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "The little brother in front, don't continue to be stunned, run quickly, there is a nearly adult lizard dragon that is chasing us, and the Xilong is the least powerful. Reach the peak of the Emperor Ranking Powerhouse."


Qin Shaofeng was a little stunned.

Emperor list?

He thought he had heard it wrong, when was he qualified to threaten him just by comparing the existence of the Emperor List?

Not to mention the existence of the eternal powerhouse on his shoulders.

As long as he opened a gap in the ghost mansion and let Li Naling exude some aura of coercion, he could instantly make the existence of that level no longer able to fight back.

This is only with external force.

Today, he has mastered the power of Nirvana very well, and even he himself has the confidence to kill the Venerable in an instant.

Not even the most powerful being in the Venerable Realm.

Not to mention the Emperor List, even if a real Emperor Realm powerhouse came to him, he had to obediently become a little sheep.

Such thoughts have just arisen, and he has already stopped them.

Similar means, he is not sure how much the Ruthless Dynasty knows.

The most important thing is that the Heartless Club and many other forces are blocking him.

Once he is noticed, he will be exposed instantly if a few people come to confirm the authenticity.

My identity must not be revealed.

Then... he can only use his own combat power.

Mind turning.

He had a feeling of wanting to laugh.

Since entering the realm of the Ruthless Dynasty, his cultivation base is too low, and most of the enemies he encounters are extremely powerful. In fact, he has become accustomed to relying on external forces.

If it wasn't for the recent events, he probably wouldn't be able to understand this.

Suddenly, because of his identity, he needed to completely hide himself, and he finally realized this.

Maybe this is a blessing in disguise?

He is accustomed to relying on external forces, which also makes his own combat power, few people know, even the martial arts he is accustomed to use, only those who have experienced life and death together in the Magic Sea Magic Cave know.

Apart from the people around him, there really is no one else who knows.

When he thought of this, a smile appeared on his face.

Without moving at all, he looked towards the distance behind several people.

Emperor realm beast.

This is 500,000 star value!

Although with his current state of cultivation, the star value of 500,000 is only a drop in the bucket, but it has become a very valuable resource when he does not use special means.

"If it's only comparable to the top of the list, you don't have to run away."

Qin Shaofeng still carried that faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and took out the most common sword from the space ring.

The four of them were stunned for a while, and they couldn't understand why he would say such a thing.

The weapon in his hand is clearly very ordinary, right?

The peak of True Monarch Hongmeng.

Could it be that his combat power also has the strength to enter the Emperor Ranking, and is it an extremely tyrannical existence in the Emperor Ranking?

It seems that only in this way, should he have such self-confidence?

Such an idea only appeared for a brief moment.

The woman in plain clothes shook her head and said: "Little friend, you still underestimate the lizard dragon, even if this thing is similar in combat power to us, their combat power is not comparable to that of human beings of the same level because of their special bloodline. Compare."

"It's okay."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently again.

During the conversation, the ground had already begun to tremble slightly.

A figure like a hill slowly appeared in his eyes.

Said to be slow.

But it's just because the opponent's body is too big, and its real speed is not lower than that of the plain-clothed woman.

The delay caused by Qin Shaofeng finally allowed Lilong to see the figure of the person it was chasing, making Lilong excited.

"This kind of huge thing is really a headache, but it's not going to chase you down like this, right?" Qin Shaofeng looked at the getting closer and closer, and slowly rolled his eyes.

The woman in Suyi knew she couldn't be persuaded, so she stopped talking nonsense and shouted to the young man: "Yan Heng, continue to bring your two younger sisters back to the family, and I will accompany this little friend to stop the Xilong."

"Aunt Bai!"

With tears in his eyes, Yan Heng cried out with worry.

The woman in plain clothes had obviously made a decision and said angrily, "What are you shouting here, don't hurry up!"

Yan Heng and the two girls had more and more tears in their eyes.

Knowing that they would meet such a terrifying Xilong, they would not go against their father's request and ran out with their two younger sisters.

Obviously already a strong man, but at this moment he is not as good as an ordinary teenager.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but rolled his eyes fiercely when he saw them being separated from each other.

"I said, do you guys really care?"

Shaking his head helplessly, seeing several people looking at him, he continued: "It's just a milling hole that is comparable to the cultivation level of the earth. If you are really so scared, just watch it from the side, little one. Lord alone can kill him."





The four rolled their eyes in unison.

Even a girl who is only thirteen or fourteen years old, after seeing the fighting power of Xilong with her own eyes, understand that a warrior of the same realm cannot be an opponent of Xilong at all.

This boy who suddenly appeared is obviously the same as them, maybe it is the junior Junjie cultivated by that family.

He just walked out of the house to ignore such a terrifying Xilong.

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