Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5088: trust

"Prisoner, help me make arrangements. Those who practice Divine Rune choose their own Divine Rune to cultivate, and those who do not practice Divine Rune must not touch it."

When a group of people were excited, they heard a roar, and dozens of top-level Divine Marks appeared in front of the attic.

Qin Shaofeng's voice also came in at the same time.

Everyone looked at them in unison, and their eyes turned red.

All of them are the famous top-level Divine Marks on the Ruthless Dynasty?

Qin Shaofeng gave so much at once?

It's too overwhelming, isn't it?

Ding Yuxin and Jun Sisi, who also heard Qin Shaofeng's words, suddenly wrinkled their brows.

"what happened?"

"There is indeed a problem. The last time he said that we would not touch the gods, maybe it was just because the level of the gods was too low, so why is he now?"

"These are the most top-level divine marks, and even the members of the royal family of the ruthless dynasty are not qualified to touch!"

The two whispered a few words, and their eyes could not help but look at Li Naling and Xian Xiaoying who walked out of the Drunk Moon Tower again.

At this time, Xian Xiaoying was also looking at the pile of divine marks with a puzzled face.

The two looked at each other.

Ding Yuxin went behind Xian Xiaoying and asked in a low voice, "Little Junior Sister, have you asked him what happened to the Divine Rune? Why did he never let us touch the Divine Rune? Didn't he practice Divine Rune himself? ?"

"This...I don't know!"

A look of astonishment appeared on Xian Xiaoying's face.

This is really not a fake. As a girl who is in love, she has almost no doubts about Qin Shaofeng's actions.

Hearing this statement suddenly, she was puzzled for the first time.

Why didn't Qin Shaofeng let them touch the Divine Mark?

How does she know this?

She didn't even think about it, after all, this is what Qin Shaofeng said, she just needs to do what Qin Shaofeng asked.

Suddenly hearing Qin Shaofeng's question made her a little overwhelmed.


Why did Qin Shaofeng never let them touch the divine rune?

Even if it is really divided by relatives, then she should be Qin Shaofeng's closest person, why is she not even allowed to touch?

As soon as she thought of this, she looked at Li Naling who was not far away.

Perhaps she is not really the closest person to Qin Shaofeng.

Li Naling has followed Qin Shaofeng for an unknown number of years.

Maybe it's the reason for her lack of cultivation, but no matter what happens, Qin Shaofeng will completely trust Li Naling and rely entirely on Li Naling, which is something she can't do at all.

If Qin Shaofeng's arrangement does not concern Li Naling, it will naturally prove something.

It's enough for her to look up to Li Naling.

I thought so in my heart.

Her attention was already focused on Li Naling.

I see.

Li Naling walked slowly to the pile of divine marks, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, she turned her head and said to the crowd, "According to my understanding, divine marks are indeed good things, but they are not suitable for everyone. use."

"Anyone of you who hasn't practiced Divine Mark?"

She was clearly asking the people of the Ruthless Dynasty.

"Me, our Phoenix clan has always only cultivated inheritance. Although there are many clansmen who have coveted the divine pattern in history, the result has made us understand that the divine pattern is harmful to our Phoenix clan." Ye Huang took the initiative to stand up.

Li Naling's eyes turned to look at the others.

These people in the ruthless dynasty, with the exception of Ye Huang, all cultivated the Divine Mark, and even the Dragon Chase of the Dragon Clan.

"Since you have all practiced the divine pattern, then you can choose the divine pattern according to your own needs, but you must remember that it is too much to choose according to your own load." Li Naling said solemnly.

Let them choose for themselves?

These are the most top-level Divine Runes of the Ruthless Dynasty!


As the closest person to Qin Shaofeng, she didn't even take a look at Shenwen?

How is this going?

Everyone was puzzled.

It was just the temptation of the Divine Rune that made them forget about these things quickly. With the first action of Mie Sanxian, they all started to act.

They really don't have many choices, and the most picked Sanxian only picked two sets.

One set of movement marks and one set of attack marks.

She never thought about defense.

Bamu just chose a set of defensive divine marks, and Long Chai also just chose a set of defensive divine marks.

The angel stepped forward, and he turned out to be like destroying the three immortals. He chose two sets of gods, one of space-type low-level gods, and one of speed gods.

Zhao Ding is a set of attacking divine marks.

All gods are selected.

Only then did Li Naling turn the power of the source into a big hand, roll up the remaining divine patterns, and throw them into the warehouse on the side of the courtyard.

From the beginning to the end, she did not look at Shenwen more than once.

No matter how rare the Divine Rune is, no matter how high the level is.

Ding Yuxin became even more puzzled.

"Prisoner, what's going on with those divine marks? Why don't those of us who haven't practiced the divine marks try it yet? Isn't it good to use those divine marks to increase our combat power?" Ding Yuxin asked.

"No, he said that there is a problem with the Divine Mark."


Ding Yuxin's head was full of black lines.

What kind of statement is this, he said that if there is a problem, there is a problem?

Didn't he also cultivate the Divine Rune himself?

"Is there a problem with the Divine Mark? No? If there is a real problem, the sensitivity of our dragon family should be easy to detect?" Long Zhui couldn't help but ask.

"Don't ask me about this. He said that if there is a problem, there must be a problem. I know that there is a problem, and I don't need to know the reason."

Li Naling's answer almost made everyone vomit blood and die.

How much do you trust that kid?

He said that if there is a problem, there is a problem. Did he say that you should be killed, and you will be killed by one head?

It's really incomprehensible!

"There may be a problem with the Divine Rune. Although I don't know what's going on, and I also need to practice Divine Rune, I have a strange feeling, but the feeling is too vague and I can't figure it out at all."

When everyone was still depressed, Bamu's soft voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shocked again.

They all already know what kind of existence Bamu is, it transforms into a beast, but this kind of existence is not under the dragon and phoenix at all.

Qin Shaofeng said there was a problem first, and Li Naling firmly believed it.

Now even Hakumoku says such words.

It seems that there are many things that they can't imagine in the cultivation system of Shenwen. Perhaps that is the problem that Qin Shaofeng said.

"If that's the case, then... do we still need to practice these divine patterns?" Long Zhui asked worriedly.

Li Naling shook her head: "He said that you should choose to cultivate on your own. As long as you don't cultivate too much, I believe he can do anything. We'll know everything after his words."

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