Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5090: imperial order

"The situation of that kid is free for me to observe, you don't need to worry about it anymore."

Yan Su directly rejected Yan Sanzhan's request.

Then, he added: "Open all the convenient doors for him. Whatever he needs, give it to him directly, even if it is to move the entire Yan family's warehouse to him."


Yan Sanzhan almost doubted his ears.

"That kid's situation is far from simple as you think. If you can befriend him with the Yan family's current possessions, it will definitely make a lot of money, and even..."

Hesitate for a moment.

She continued: "Even if you send all those things out, it's totally worth it if you can only stabilize him and stop him from doing the Yan family's mischief."

Since Qin Shaofeng came to Yan's house.

Yan Sanzhan has received orders from this ancestor several times.

Compared with the previous situation, where he might not be able to transmit a sentence in a few years, he could clearly feel that the ancestors cared about Qin Shaofeng.

Now I hear it again.

Yan Sanzhan finally understood Qin Shaofeng's position in this ancestor's heart.


Yan Sanzhan no longer had the slightest refutation.

After confirming that Yan Su did not intend to continue the order, he finally proposed to leave, slowly backed out of the quiet room, and then closed the door of the quiet room with his own hands.

Because of Yan Su, the ancestor of the Yan family, there was no chaos in the Yan family because of the appearance of Qin Shaofeng.

As for the entire Demon Cultivation Domain, it was more like Qin Shaofeng had never appeared before.

But on the other side of Wuqingjiang, it seems like a pot has exploded.

The ruthless dynasty that completely retracted its wings and hid for just a few months, seemed like something shocking had happened.

The powerhouses of the dynasty have touched tens of thousands of people.

The imperial army numbered as many as one million.

Such a powerful scale, at least in the last 100,000 years, was the first time it had appeared, and it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

The powerhouse that came out of the dynasty, even if it was just the most inconspicuous warrior, had the strength to enter the list.

Even the general strength of the list is not qualified to join the imperial army.

with their appearance.

The imperial decree appeared quickly and reached every city.

From now on, one person will be hunted down in the entire dynasty.

This person's name is Zi Xiaoyao, a member of the Shura clan, a sage who has cultivated himself, and has several helpers by his side.

The situation of Zi Xiaoyao's helper...

The appearance of the imperial order once again shocked the people who had just been disturbed.

There were too few people who had seen Qin Shaofeng's side.

In particular, there is less news reported back to the dynasty.

But the problem is that the news is a few months in advance, and it really won't cause any waves.

But, this is now.

Many interested people soon realized that although the number of people to be hunted down by the imperial order was somewhat different, they were similar to the people who were jointly pursued and killed by Sanxiange and the Heartless Club a few months ago.

To say this is only surprising.

In the transfer order, the description of Qin Shaofeng made everyone feel fear.

Shura people!

That person turned out to be a member of the Shura tribe, how could such a thing happen?

Could it be that the royal family is going to go to war with the Shura family?

More and more ordinary people are frightened.

The city main building and the military parade pavilion responded to the imperial order immediately.

Each city, ranging from as little as 100,000 to as many as 300,000 to 500,000 parade pavilions, marched out to search every corner of the entire continent.

The number of troops controlled by the main building is not very large.

But in response to their response, the city guards of the city's main building searched every city.

Although the imperial transfer order does not have any clear price.

But there are also countless people who licked blood and began to search for it spontaneously.

Offending the Shura tribe is indeed a decision to seek death for countless people.

But now it is the hegemony of the royal family and the Shura family.

How they should choose is self-evident.

Just half a day.

In all the territories west of the Wuqingjiang River, this order was spread.

The Sanxian Pavilion and the powerhouses of the Heartless Club, who had been blocked and waited for several months near Suoyun City, were completely stunned at this moment.

That kid turned out to be really from the Shura tribe.

This is second.

What really made them speechless was that with so many of us blocking this place, that kid actually ran off with someone to provoke the Populus euphratica group.

This kind of practice is really incomprehensible!

It is the first time in my life that I have seen someone who is dying.


They recovered from surprise.

With that comes excitement.

They were originally very afraid of Qin Shaofeng's identity, and now they know that Qin Shaofeng is also a member of the Shura clan, which makes him even more difficult.

With the strength of the two of them, provoking the Shura tribe is indeed courting death.

But now it is the royal family to deal with them.

No matter how powerful the Shura tribe is, it is impossible to fight against the royal family, right?

Just thinking about it makes them feel extremely excited.

"Send someone to contact the people of the dynasty and tell them that Zi Xiaoyao will pass from here sooner or later. Our two families can absolutely ensure that if that kid appears around here, our two families will definitely intercept him." voice command.

The bonus rewards they issued earlier coincided with the current imperial order.

Even if they don't do anything, I believe that if the Asuras really want to do something, it is impossible to let them go.

Once you really find an opportunity to take Qin Shaofeng down, not only will you be able to find some excuses for your actions, but you will also be able to connect with the royal family by virtue of this first point.

The two were indeed the first to find the royal family.

But they are definitely not the last, and even the first may not be able to really sit firmly.

Too many forces do not say anything on the surface, but they may not do something behind the scenes.

The imperial order became more and more widely spread.

Just three days.

The Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan also heard the news.

When Sanxian Pavilion and the Heartless Club jointly offered a reward, they were filled with righteous indignation, but now they are directly dumbfounded.

The angels of the God Realm were also shocked by this news.

But on the Demon Cultivation Realm, it seemed extraordinarily strange.

There are indeed people in Xiu Moyu who have begun to look for Qin Shaofeng's existence, but most of them are just working hard.

In other places, there may be many places that are difficult for ordinary people to explore.

Xiu Moyu is the only exception to the entire ruthless dynasty.

The existence of the Demonic Mist in the Demon Realm makes the danger here far more dangerous than anywhere else.

And there is the existence of the Demon Cultivation Leader, which makes the combat power of the local warriors in this place a lot stronger than other places.

They believed that if Qin Shaofeng really dared to come to Xiu Moyu, there must have been news spread long ago.

There can be no news for so long.


From the ruthless dynasty to the cultivation of the demon domain, but it has to cross the entire ruthless river.

How could that kid go to Xiu Moyu so quickly?

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