Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5092: Returning the favor

"Patriarch really is too serious to take me as an outsider, ah!"

Qin little wind wry smile and shook his head, and said:. "This time I spent in your family you how much of your resources, although no one took the initiative to raise with me, I will not forget."

"Today I practice resources still have to rely on your family, if the master of the house then say so, too do not treat me as a friend."


Yan three wars hesitated a moment, it said: "In fact ... what I really said, but the **** thing turned out to be the elder daughter married a real power faction Magic Mountain, Magic Mountain camp makes him stand there. "

"Magic Mountain party put pressure on the forces behind me, so that we are indeed very bad to do."


While he was talking, he sighed again.

His heart pain, really is no way to say ah!

If not a strict family ancestors can not sell, just casually ancestors breathed, you can put that magic mountain camp razed to the ground, how may also happen that break things?

These days are really going to make him anxious dead.

"Magic Mountain School? Strong it?"

Qin little wind to repair things Demon ignorant, asked: "? How many are they eternal strong half-step."

"Uh ... no."

Yan Qin three wars know weird little wind, but also did not think that he should put forward the opening of the first order bit, turned out to be half a step on the eternal.

This level has been very normal.

At least they Yan even saw a Sage, you need graciously.

"Not even a half step at all, is how much they have Sage?" Qin little wind could not help but be disappointed.

He had also intended to help make colorful.

It appears that even seemingly have saved up.


Yan three wars even more at a loss, embarrassment, rubbing his hands, explained:. "Little brother, you understand the repair for the Demon or too little."

"Appreciate further details."

Qin little wind nodded.

"The number we have built strong Demon although many, overall strength is also somewhat stronger than on Jiangxi, the problem is we repair repair magic Demon has a collar ah!"

"How can this be?"

Qin little wind more puzzled.

"Although there are provisions repair magic collar, fled to repair magic collar people not to leave, but still the whole repair magic collar repair Demon uncrowned king."

"The whole repair Demon, if there is to appear strong, will immediately be absorbed repair magic collar people go."

"Even left behind Sage, will also be several immediate repair magic led forces absorbed in the past."

"This leads us repair magic brought the overall strength than the royal family, including the strength of Jiangxi is not a bit stronger, but can not calculate the Sage counted."

Yan three wars look more explanation becomes more awkward.

They Yan ancestors who, in fact, had been absorbed repair magic collar, who only ancestors who bear the trouble is too great, after entering the repair magic could not have shot lead, will weigh in again below, he went on to become as transparent people.

Otherwise, the repair magic has already led him to bite.

Qin little wind this thoroughly understand the situation.

Not his ability to understand not, indeed, such a thing is too hard to tell.

"So this is."

Qin little wind nodded and said: "So, what is that magic mountain camp, not even a Sage did not they have that much Venerable repair Demon strength stronger than the ruthless dynasty, there should be ten hundred and eighty, right???"

"Uh ... no, just more than thirty." Yan three wars smile.

"I go!"

Qin little wind really is completely Mongolia.

Not to say ruthless dynasty repair Demon stronger than the strength of it?

This is exactly where we are strong ah?

He is absolutely incomprehensible.

"Just so, this thing to me on the line, but I'm also a little thing here, want to make strict patriarch help." Qin small airways.

Yan three wars overjoyed, quickly said: "Despite what little friends say there is, as long as we can do is definitely Yan at all costs to do little friends."

"I need to help me buy some strict patriarch resources, similar to the kind I last used, the efficacy of some more punch, the amount of ... being with me last used almost on the line." Qin little wind if not finished, to see Yan three wars of an old head has been turned into a liver-colored.

This is also called the little things right?

But then I thought he was also relieved.

If Qin little wind can really get things sent Magic Mountain then, these things are not considered much of a natural thing.

Big deal to find ways to other family resources are sold it wants.

Qin little wind Yan already know exactly what level of family, nature will not embarrass him again.

God backhand to take out a pattern, stuffed into the hands of strict three wars.

"This is?"

Yan Yi Leng three wars.

"While this pattern of God there are one hundred million relentless pattern, I follow the practice still needs a lot of resources and time needed to send someone to help buy the patriarch." Qin little wind laughed.

Yan three wars has long been stunned.

One hundred million relentless pattern?

Fog grass!

One hundred million is how much ah?

Yan although only a small family, but only less than three million relentless pattern.

Take this kid actually pick out one hundred million relentless pattern.

Is not he the man being really wanted rumor?


No wonder, no wonder ah!

Able to kill the three princes ruthless dynasty, also killed three princes around two eternal half-step, resulting in a strong forever missing.

This and other cattle has indeed been met his.

No wonder he feels the danger ancestors so that they are strictly no person shall do anything for him.

The once angry, but really would want life ah!

Soon, he would wake up.

"Little Friends, I have here a document you can see, this arrest warrant has now spread throughout the repair Demon, but no one believed the man had fled repair Demon, no one more little friends who think." Stringent three war is indeed a wise man.

His remarks exports, although no titles, but also make it clear that his attitude has been a.

"This thing must rely on chiefs, and I will be up to practice here a year or so away, do something time will be careful not to cast doubt on Yan's head." Qin little wind nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he took out a pattern of God.

After everyone had after the **** pattern selected, the remaining few days later, Li Ling on all sent him out.

After all, he is the only one on the outside, Zhibuding when it will need.

Now is the time.


Yan is not no strong charge forces.

"Strict patriarch, you are a patriarch, but some of this fighting force is too weak, I've got a little thing, not worth any money, it seems to help some of the patriarch, I gave it a good patriarch." Qin laugh very little wind It is cordial.

Three wars Yan Yu He looked at his hands, mind is surprised.

Yu He simply can not completely hide from fluctuations live, he can feel that God is certainly a top pattern.

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