Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5109: beating again

"It's you again, where did you hide before, why did you escape my detection?"

Goodbye song, Jun Tianhong's heart skipped a beat.

The last battle in the Magic Sea Magic Cave had made him truly realize the horror of Song.

At that time, the song was still worried about the breath leakage.

Now they already know her existence, and they are still planning to deal with Qin Shaofeng. He doesn't dare to think that the song will give him any good looks.

Once the song goes wild, he will surely die.

"Where is this seat, do I have to inform you in advance?"

Song smiled lightly, the laughter is so intoxicating.

The voice without any sarcasm made Jun Tianhong feel chills in his heart.

The quietness of the song has already proved the great gap between them.

"Qicai hands-on, kill him first!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted at the same time, and the sword was also tightly held in his hand.


Yan Su turned back subconsciously.

Could it be that there is still a strong man in the eternal realm beside him?

Shouldn't it?

Who is he, and why are there so many tyrannical existences around him?

was thinking.

She found that the sense of crisis she had felt from Qin Shaofeng suddenly moved towards Jun Tianhong in the air.

From beginning to end, she did not see any figure appear.

The battle in the sky has begun.

A roar resounded.

From the beginning to the end, she could not see the battle in the sky clearly, but every aftermath of the battle that appeared, made her, who thought she stood at the peak of the ruthless dynasty warrior, feel trembling.

Eternal strong!

They are all eternal powerhouses!

Of the three people who are fighting, any one of them has the strength to crush her at will.

The sudden reality almost made Yan Su faint.


After living for so many thousands of years, constantly hiding himself, but still unable to erase that kind of high-spirited mentality, but never thought that now he just felt the aftermath of the battle, and it was smoothed out.

There is such a strong man beside this kid.

And there have been two directly.

Fortunately, my ancestor, I felt the faint threat from him early on, and always chose to forbear, and did not conflict with him.

Otherwise, I am afraid that at this time, he has already become a corpse, right?

So scary.

In the hundreds of thousands of years I have retired, is the Ruthless Dynasty no longer the Ruthless Dynasty I know?

How can the Eternal Powerhouse run all over the place?

How can this be so?

Before the shock in Yan Su's heart was over, she once again felt a crisis that could kill her.

Suddenly turned back.

This time, she saw it for real.

The one who made this kind of movement was Qin Shaofeng, who had always been looked down upon by her, but who was only a mere worm at the peak of True Monarch Hongmeng.

The power of heaven and earth almost formed a tornado around him.

All the time, he was inhaled into the body crazily, and instantly transformed into the power of the endless source, in order to support the move he was using now.

In the sky, a long sword full of the breath of an emperor is condensing.

What really brought her a life-and-death crisis was the long sword that had not yet been formed.

"This is... what?!"

Yan Su was even more shocked.

She was shocked once when she saw Qin Shaofeng show off Huangquan Road.

But compared to now, it is nothing.

The world is so crazy.

She once again raised the messy feeling in the wind.

From Jun Tianhong's appearance to now, it has only taken ten breaths at most, but the subversion she has suffered can no longer be measured by numbers.

"Emperor Sword!?"

In the sky, Jun Tianhong, who was fighting, also felt the breath of the Emperor Sword.

He still remembered the last sword clearly.

Although he is not in the Magic Sea Devil Cave now, after being suppressed by the Nine Li Divine Runes, he still cannot show reinforcements.

If he wants to survive, he can only rely on himself.

Don't let Qin Shaofeng display the Emperor Sword!

This thought appeared in Jun Tianhong's mind instantly.

No longer caring about Qi Cai, who was a great threat to him, he suddenly dodged and charged towards Qin Shaofeng.

His speed of change was too fast, and he was unguarded, which indeed prevented Qi Cai from reacting immediately.

But when he rushed out of the colorful attack range, he also left a few deep bloodstains on his back.

The blood instantly stained the red shirt and scattered down the corner of the shirt.

"Boy, you are not qualified to kill this old man!"

Jun Tianhong roared, and two large palm prints shot out instantly.

Before the palm print was close to Qin Shaofeng, the figure hidden in the wide black robe had already appeared in front of him.

With a random wave of his slender arm, the two large palm prints he displayed instantly collapsed.

"Sword Dance Long River!"

At the same time that Ge collapsed Jun Tianhong's attack, two long swords appeared in her hands.

At this time, Jun Tianhong was without defense.

If she can't even seize such a good opportunity, she is not worthy of the title of the Xia Dynasty defending the country.

Although the former ruthless dynasty also had defenders of the country.

In the war that year, more than half of it had been damaged, and in the following years, no one knew whether there were still survivors.

As for Jun Tianhong.

He is indeed a strong man in the eternal realm, but his combat experience and combat power are far from comparable to Song.

Rao Shige did not display much combat power.

I'm afraid not even ten or two.

Under these circumstances, it was still a sword that pierced Jun Tianhong's dantian.

When her left-handed sword was about to hit, Jun Tianhong finally reacted.

The threat of Qin Shaofeng Emperor Sword is indeed great.

But the song he is facing now is the real peak powerhouse.

Even the most negligible colorful is not something he can contend with who has been hit hard.

Not daring to rush towards Qin Shaofeng, he quickly turned around and wanted to escape.

Even if he wasn't seriously injured, he wouldn't even want to escape under Song's attack, let alone now?

Just as he turned around, the sword in Ge's left hand had already slashed at his waist.

Several ribs were broken at the same time, and more blood flowed.

"No! I can't die here, I can't die!"

"Empress Jing save me!"

Jun Tianhong let out a hysterical voice.

The roar spread far and wide, and the sound wave did not know how far it spread.

This place is too far from Xiu Xin City.

Even if he shouted this out, he never thought that Empress Jing would really know.

However, the accident is often not thought that it will not occur.

At the same time as Jun Tianhong shouted, a palm completely composed of divine patterns appeared behind him, blocking the sword from Song again.


The collision between the palm of Shenwen and the blade of the sword suddenly caused the air waves to roll, causing all the nearby mountains and rivers within a few hundred meters to be seeded.

The once mountain range turned into a depression in this simple collision.

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