Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5130: The beast that is about to break through eternity


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for his successful upgrade, the current saint is triple."

Listening to the cultivation level reported by the system voice again, Qin Shaofeng didn't have too many surprises in his heart.

Since the first time his source power was exhausted, he has been improving his cultivation.

A real boost.

Only then did he fully understand why the level of experience required to level up was so small.

The reason for everything is...

His way of leveling up is very different from the others.

Others are indeed in the realm of comprehension, which basically means that they have reached that realm, and there are even things that have jumped from Hongmeng Zhenjun to become a sage.

But he can't.

While the system brought him convenience, it also completely changed his way of upgrading.

All levels, he obviously needs to get through a little bit.

This also makes him not need to pay too much attention to the star value.

The level is continuously improved again and again.

The continuous increase in cultivation has indeed made him want to upgrade the level of the small world, and it has become much simpler.

But he would not really choose to continue to improve the small world now.

Otherwise, there will be some unspeakable consequences.

Rao is so.

In the midst of this number of beasts and beasts, he still added all the experience points needed to upgrade the small world.

As long as it is the moment he prepares, he can raise the level of the small world at any time.

This is where his confidence lies.

Another half-hour killing.

When he had accumulated nearly half of the 3.6 billion starry sky points needed for the next level upgrade, he saw that the beasts in front of him that were constantly rushing towards him actually moved away from the sides.

"This is…"

Qin Shaofeng had just seen such a thing.

He had to wonder.

Next, is there a ferocious beast in the realm of Venerable that will appear soon?

There are doubts in my heart.

His eyes still stayed on the beast tide around him.

Keep killing!

A bright light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

next moment.

He was killing the ferocious beasts that were heading towards the emperor realm.

His sudden runaway not only reminded him that he was just about to come up, since the beasts of the emperor realm are no longer blocking the road, there is no dangerous demon cultivator in front of him, but it also made the group of high-level beasts startled.

what the hell?

We all admit that your strength can go deeper, and we have already given way to you. Why are you still holding on to us?

Another moment of battle.

The group of beasts in the emperor realm were all frightened by his uninterrupted attacks.

Goodbye, he rushed towards the beast tide.

The group of high-level beasts not only stopped fighting, but began to flee in all directions.

"What's happening here?"

Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback.

The situation in front of him should not have happened at all.

But this…

What happened again?

"Brother, you...really, too fierce."

Mo Xiu has chatted with Yan Su a lot, and he can roughly guess that although the combat power of the two is unpredictable, Qin Shaofeng is also a member of the Shura tribe, but he has no malice towards them.

On the contrary, he also wanted to help them end this beast tide together, so he simply returned to his original attitude.

As long as there is no malice towards them, they are friends.

Have to admit.

His idea is also interesting.

"What's going on here, why did all those beasts run away? When will the beasts have such wisdom?" Qin Shaofeng asked inexplicably.

"It seems that brother really doesn't know anything about the situation here!"

Mo Xiu laughed dryly and explained: "Since my brother is here to help, and has the strength to help, then I don't need to lie to you any more. The beast that has reached the eternal realm, this beast tide is caused by someone discovering his evolution."


Qin Shaofeng was almost stunned.

Is there such a thing?

Are you kidding me?

"Don't say you don't want to believe it, if it weren't for the fact that the sages of the Demon Cultivation Alliance we sent out a few times suffered all the calamities, which led to the large-scale deployment of our Demon Cultivation Leaders, even we wouldn't believe it." Demon Xiu smiled bitterly.

"That's really interesting. The beast can cultivate to this level, obviously it already has good wisdom. If you can take down that beast, it will be a great help!" Qin Shaofeng's eyes were green. .

Mo Xiu was taken aback by his bold idea.

Is this kid crazy?

He actually became interested in the beast that was about to advance to the eternal realm.

Even if a vicious beast of that level can be tamed, it is not someone of his level who is qualified to think about it!


"It seems that Xiongtai must know where that fierce beast is, hurry up and show me there, maybe this will be able to get such a big help, so when you deal with the ruthless dynasty, you will have a powerful one. Help!" Qin Shaofeng was very excited.

It seems that instead of a beast that is about to reach the eternal realm, what exists in him is a lamb to be slaughtered.

The magician was even more speechless.

However, he is also a smart person and knows that no matter whether Qin Shaofeng has the ability or not, don't ask such a question.

Immediately, he personally led the way.

After tea time.

Qin Shaofeng and the two followed Mo Xiu to the deepest part of the Black Cloud Mountains.

I saw a large hall that was originally supposed to be a large hall, but it was destroyed and was full of beasts. The strongest beasts turned out to be more than a dozen beasts in the realm of sages.

Even those weaker beasts have the strength of the Venerable Realm, and any one of them is extremely powerful.

What made him speechless the most was that those beasts had all shrunk their bodies to the size of a human.

This makes the vast mountain look empty.

Hundreds of murderers in the Venerable Realm simply cannot occupy too many places.

On the human side, although there are a lot of them.

But compared with the beast, it is far worse.

Human beings are clearly divided into two camps, but there is only one strong person in the eternal realm, and it is on the side with more people.

No need to ask.

Qin Shaofeng can also know that the eternal strong man is naturally the strongest man who cultivates the devil.

The twenty-odd people on the other side can only be people from the main building and the military parade pavilion.

Detect someone coming.

More than 50 people all looked back.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes swept across these people, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The party with thirty-six people actually has three old acquaintances, who are the three half-step eternal powerhouses of the Xiumo League.

It's just that I haven't seen the other powerhouses of the Xiumo League.

I don't know if it's just the three of them who came, or whether the other peak powerhouses have died in battle, and he has no impression of the remaining members of the Demon Cultivation Alliance.

"Cheng Qi? You are here, what's the situation in the territory? When will the others arrive? Who are the two of them?" asked the person behind the eternal powerhouse.

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