Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 513: Qiyun Yuanjing

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng returned to his practice room.

At this moment, in addition to ten high-level spiritual essences and one hundred intermediate spiritual essences, Qin Shaofeng had one more thing on his body.

Crystal of luck!

In addition to the spiritual reward, Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth to ask for ten pieces of low-level luck crystals.

Now Qin Shaofeng has learned from the little princess what kind of crisis is in Lianyang Kingdom.

That is the crisis of luck!

The Five Elements Qi Luck Array of Lianyang Kingdom has maintained the qi luck of Lian Yang for more than a thousand years, but more than three hundred years ago, the Five Elements Qi Luck array seemed to have changed, and the air luck did not increase much.

It doesn't mean that there will be no increase, but I don't know why, after entering the Five Elements Qi Luck array, some of the increased Qi Luck has disappeared somehow.

As a result, the Qi Luck in the Five Elements Qi Luck Array, not only did not increase slowly, but even started to decrease.

Before Qin Shaofeng entered the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, the reason why he could see so much Qi Luck was actually the Qi Luck accumulated over thousands of years in the Lianyang Kingdom.

At that time, Xiaoqiuqiu was still limited by Qin Shaofeng's own realm, and his perception ability was limited, so he did not sense such a situation.

So there is the next thing!

The unfavorable situation that originally appeared in the Five Elements Qi Luck Array, because according to this situation, perhaps in the next three to five hundred years, the Qi Luck in the Five Elements Qi Luck Array will disappear.

And Lian Yang country is the end of the country's destruction!

But without knowing it, Qin Shaofeng took away the crystallization of the Five Elements Qi Luck Array.

This has caused the Five Elements Qi Luck Array to become a bit precarious.

Qin Shaofeng learned from the little princess that with the current situation of the Five Elements Qi Luck, I am afraid that he can last for at most a decade, and I am afraid it will be over.

This made Qin Shaofeng very embarrassed, and he did not dare to say that the cause of this was his own.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng hopes to get some luck to solve the crisis in Lianyang.

Originally Lian Yulong had such a plan, but how could the luck of Qianshan Sect be separated at will?

Even if Lian Yulong showed such astonishing strength and even became a disciple of the Qianshan Sect, he still couldn't get the luck of the Qianshan Sect.

For the existence of Qiyun, for a school, it is extremely important.

Just for the sake of a small continuous country, even if it is a little bit of luck, Qianshanzong will not take it out.

Unless he can even enter the Saint Yuan Realm and become a master of the Qianshan Sect.

But to wait until even Yulong is promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm, then I don't know that it is time.

Therefore, Lian Yulong was eyeing this competition for hegemony.

Speaking seriously, this time the competition for hegemony is about three schools and seven schools. It is a matter of taking out some luck and spiritual energy to deliberately cultivate disciples.

A bet of 1% luck for each sect was also made!

It's just a pity that Lian Yulong, who was finally targeted by Yuan Chao, was completely unlucky.

If this is not the case, even with Yulong's low-key personality, I am afraid that it is possible to succeed in any number.

However, Lian Yulong failed, but Qin Shaofeng did it.

So knowing that this matter is still related to him, Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't stand by.

Ten pieces of luck have crystallized, which seems to be a lot.

After all, in a situation like Yang Guo, it takes hundreds of years of luck to condense a piece of luck.

Ten low-level air luck crystallizations are equivalent to thousands of years!

But this is not worth mentioning what Qin Shaofeng has brought to the Qianshan Sect this time.

The three sects and seven sects each have one percent of the luck. How much luck does this add up?

To take a very simple example, if a piece of low-level air luck crystal is 1, then 100 means middle-level air luck crystal, and 10000 means high-level air luck crystal.

One percent of the Qi Luck of the entire Three Sects and Seven Sects is equivalent to one tenth of the Qi Luck of Qianshan Sect.

What is the luck of one-tenth of the Qianshan Sect?

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this, but Qin Shaofeng understood one thing, and that was the piece of luck crystal condensed with his purple gold rank identity token that he handed over, although it was not a high-level luck crystal with a value of 10,000.

But it is the crystallization of mid-level Qiyun that has reached a value of eight thousand.

That is to say, it is equivalent to more than eight thousand low-level air transport crystals. Such air transport crystals are also a great luck for Qianshan Sect.

Therefore, Xiang Wanshan and the ten elders did not refuse Qin Shaofeng's request for ten low-level air luck crystallization.

Even knowing that Qin Shaofeng was seeking for his own hometown, he even directly regarded Lianyang State as the key protection object within the Qianshan Sect's influence to Wanshan, the supreme master of the Qianshan Sect.

With such a title, Qianshanzong will send masters to sit in Lianyang Kingdom, and even establish the same teleportation formation in Lianyang Kingdom.

This also made Qin Shaofeng completely relieved.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng is not a loser for the gains of this competition for hegemony.

Although the big head was handed over, Qin Shaofeng still cut off a piece of fat.

Qi Yun Yuan Jing: A special item, a mysterious spar condensed from a large amount of Qi Yun, possesses magical and powerful power. Compared with Qi Yun crystal, Qi Yun Yuan crystal is a higher existence.

Although this Qi Yun Yuan Jing is only a level 2 Qi Yun Yuan crystal, it is equivalent to an intermediate Qi Yun crystal existence. It is a condensed formation of the Qi Yun Continent from the Three Doors and Seven Sects, and has three magical effects.

Function 1: Allow the player to gain five times the experience value when killing. (Others get this Qi Yun Yuanjing, which can increase cultivation speed by five times)

Function 2: It can increase the player's skill proficiency by three times, and the skills possessed by the player every day can increase the skill proficiency by five points.

Function 3: Allow the player to be immune to an attack by a player whose realm does not exceed the player's three ranks of power, and the immune power can not exceed the holy realm. After one time, the Qi Yun in the Qi Yun Yuanjing was exhausted.

In addition, if the player directly uses this Qi Yun Yuanjing, they can unconditionally increase three levels in the Holy Realm. (The level-up effect is only limited to the first time)

Looking at the round crystal clear spar in his hand, Qin Shaofeng smiled with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth.

This is his own harvest that Qin Shaofeng cut.

In the last hour of the competition for hegemony, Qin Shaofeng applied some special methods to the gold-level identity tokens on Xia Yan and others according to Xiaoqiuqiu's instructions, and then refined such Qiyun Yuanjing .

Qi Yun Yuan Jing can be regarded as a more advanced existence of Qi Yun crystal.

Because Qi Yun Yuanjing can directly absorb Qi Yun, and then upgrade the level.

The reason is that Qin Shaofeng's strength is impossible to refine this kind of Qi Yun Yuanjing, but the secret space formed by this competition for hegemony has helped Qin Shaofeng do this step.

In the words of the small ball, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to step on the luck of shit.

Under normal circumstances, one hundred low-level Qi Yun crystals can be refined using special techniques and some precious materials to produce a level 1 Qi Yun Yuan crystal.

Qin Shaofeng was very lucky, because he didn't need any materials, the gold-level identity token possessed by the Secret Realm Space was completely replaceable.

However, Qin Shaofeng's ambition is not small, he directly let Xiaoqiuqiu smash the luck of the entire secret space by almost 20%.

Originally, the air luck possessed by the secret realm space in the competition for hegemony was enough to condense a piece of high-level air luck crystal, and even a lot more.

Qin Shaofeng directly condensed a level 2 Qi Yun Yuan crystal by using the Qi Yun equivalent of 1,000 low-level Qi Yun crystals.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng also used the same air luck to produce ten 1st level air luck crystals.

Although it is only Grade 1 Qi Yun Yuan Jing, it is different from general Qi Yun crystal.

Qi Yun Yuanjing is completely upgradeable, as long as Qi Yun is sufficient.

If it weren't for this is the limit that Xiaoqiuqiu can do, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng would be more greedy.

But even so, this situation has attracted some people's attention.

At this moment, the experts in the main hall of the Sect Master were all very strange watching Qin Shaofeng surrender their luck.

"Why, I feel something is wrong!"

Suddenly there was a voice of confusion among the high-levels who were originally happy.

He made a sound this time, and others seemed to feel something was wrong.

But no one can tell what is wrong.

"What can be wrong? Isn't it that luck is relatively less once?"

A flat voice sounded, and it was Lao Lei who made the sound.

When Lei Lao said that, Xiang Wanshan and the others' complexions changed slightly, looking at the crystal of luck again, their complexion became serious.

After feeling carefully for a while, Xiang Wanshan's face sank, and said: "Uncle Shizu is right. This piece of air luck seems to be really less. With the record points that Shaofeng has, even if he can't get a high It is the crystallization of high-level air transport, but it is almost the same, but the air transport that this piece of air transport crystal possesses is quite different from the high-level air transport crystallization!"

After Xiang Wanshan said this, everyone quickly noticed this situation.

"Damn it, what the **** is going on?" Xu Feiyang let out a low anger, flashes of anger in his eyes.

Xu Feiyang was naturally very concerned about this luck.

After all, the more luck, the stronger the Qianshan Sect, and the powerful Qianshan Sect is what he hopes for.

In this case, once he seized the position of Sect Master, that right would satisfy him even more.

At this moment, the abnormality of the crystallization of luck in front of him, but it made him start a real fire.

However, he didn't think about Qin Shaofeng either, because in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng simply didn't have the ability to do anything about the crystallization of luck.

This is the same for all the people present, even Mr. Lei.

Taking a light look at the crystallization of luck, Lei Lao smiled coldly, and said, "What else can happen? This time the best Purple Gold Identity Token is only seven yuan, which is not enough for ten yuan. If the monster moves its hands and feet, it will naturally be much more convenient."

When Lei Lao said these words, everyone present understood.

Hands and feet?

Who does it?

Who else, this time hegemony contest was proposed by Tianmen, and that secret space was also built by Tianmen, although there were people from the other three sects and seven sects watching.

But if Tianmen wants to do anything, who can guarantee that they can't do it?

As for the crystallization of luck, everyone naturally thinks of Tianmen.

Even directly affirmed.

But due to the power of Tianmen, even if they understood this, Xiang Wanshan and the others were helpless.

Who said that Tianmen is the most powerful force in the Three Sects and Seven Sects!

In the end everyone could only comfort themselves.

Anyway, the harvest this time has surpassed the initial expectations, and Tianmen has divided it up a bit, and that doesn't matter.

It's a pity that the strong like Xiang Wanshan didn't know that it was not Tianmen who did it, but Qin Shaofeng, who had never thought about it.

Inadvertently, Tianmen seemed to be a scapegoat for Qin Shaofeng!

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