Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5134: Underground Palace, Ferocious Beast

"Qicai? Who are you talking to?"

Hong Jiuchong was stunned for a second when he heard the words, he didn't understand the meaning of Qin Shaofeng's words at all.

However, Qin Shaofeng's sudden sense of danger from his left shoulder made his complexion pale again.

"You brat, I really can't let the old man save some snacks. It's too troublesome for the old man to do everything." A colorful voice sounded.

As soon as his voice came out, Hong Jiuchong was even more shocked.

As an eternal powerhouse, he never knew that there was such a dangerous existence on Qin Shaofeng's left shoulder.

As you can imagine.

If that Qi Cai who just spoke had killed him suddenly.

Even if he is an eternal powerhouse, he will not be killed by a sneak attack, but will be severely injured, thus completely falling behind.

If you can't get rescue in time, you are afraid that you will die too.

Looking back at Yan Su, who had already started to attack the beasts of the sage realm, Hong Jiuchong decisively gave up the idea of ​​confrontation.

A colorful one made his scalp feel numb.

Not to mention that Qin Shaofeng has personally killed the existence of the eternal powerhouse, and there is a powerhouse of the eternal realm beside him.

One pick three?

Unless he is really tired of living.

As everyone knows.

Qin Shaofeng and Qicai saw all the changes in his expression.

Li Naling's poison had already begun to take effect, and there were Hong Jiuchong and other strong men beside her.

Qin Shaofeng didn't need to call Qicai to help.

The reason why he chose to show Qi Cai was not to see the surprised expressions of Hong Jiuchong and others.

Instead, he didn't want to have an accident when he captured the eternal realm beast.

They are not enemies anyway.

The display of strength allowed Hong Jiuchong to truly realize the gap between the two, which would naturally save him a lot of trouble.

At this moment.

The reaction of Hong Jiuchong and others was what he wanted to see the most.

Colorful also understands this.

Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng has the status of a prince, so he doesn't have to do things according to Qin Shaofeng's orders.

rushed out.

With the cooperation of the two powerhouses in the eternal realm, dozens of beasts in the realm of sages can only look a little scary, and can't cause any hindrance to them at all.

In just a short period of time, dozens of beasts turned into a large number of cultivation resources under Qin Shaofeng's sword.

"Not bad. I wonder if there are stronger beasts ahead. It would be cool if I could kill a few more." Qin Shaofeng laughed softly.

The laughter made everyone who cultivated the Demon Territory shuddered.

Can this guy not be so scary?

The high-level beasts that have blocked our footsteps for so long are actually only some cultivation resources in his eyes.

Really... People are more damned than people!

After thinking for a while, they could only think of this sentence.

There is really no way.

Qin Shaofeng and his party seem to have only two simple people.

But this seemingly despised lineup is really not something they can compare.

Two eternal powerhouses!

According to the performance of Qian Lao and others, it seems that this young man, who only has the realm of a saint, and who looks harmless to humans and animals, is the most dangerous existence.

Doesn't this mean...they are three eternal powerhouses?

Everyone who cultivated the magic collar did not dare to think about it.

"Old lord, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with the beast in the eternal realm. I invite the old lord to help me a lot." Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times, and took out two sets of divine marks at the same time, and stuffed them into Hong Jiu's hand. inside.

"This is…"

Just as Hong Jiuchong wanted to say a few words of courtesy, he was stunned by the divine rune aura he felt.

"It's just two sets of invisible Divine Marks, and it's just a reward for asking the old lord to help me." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

The corners of Hong Jiuchong's mouth twitched violently, and then he twitched again.

Of course he knew what it meant to Qin Shaofeng to help Qin Shaofeng win a beast of the eternal realm, and how powerful it would be for Qin Shaofeng and his party.

However, in the face of two sets of Divine Marks that he had not seen with his own eyes, he couldn't even say a word of rejection.

The most terrible thing is that he knows very well what will happen if he takes the benefits of Qin Shaofeng but doesn't do anything.

He swallowed hard.

"I can help my brother, this is something I can't ask for, brother!" Hong Jiuchong changed his words directly.

"The others can go back."

Hong Jiuchong waved his hand towards the crowd and said, "You can go back after the beast swarm is resolved. This old man will personally accompany my brother to take down that vicious beast, hahaha..."

The crowd suddenly looked at him with contempt.

What a shameless old man.

It's clear that you are reluctant to bear those two sets of divine patterns, and you don't want us to see this disgusting scene, so you gave such an order.

It's a pity that you still look like you are going to go up the mountain and go down the fire for your brother.

despise! While despised!

They only dared to think like this, and didn't dare to say anything at all.

Dispatch the people.

Hong Jiuchong took Qin Shaofeng's hand and said with a smile, "Go, my brother has already figured out what's going on inside, I'll take you there."

Qin Shaofeng did not struggle.

After sending Li Naling into the ghost house, collecting Qi Cai and returning it to her shoulders, she took Yan Su and walked towards the ruins with him.

The ruins have been completely razed to the ground.

But after Hong Jiuchong rummaged for a while, he still found an entrance to the underground palace.

Just as he was about to go down, he heard two beast roars.

A beast in the half-step eternal realm?

If other people face such existence, they may feel fear.

Hong Jiuchong burst into laughter, and took the lead in rushing towards a beast that was half a step into the eternal realm.

Four people, facing two half-step eternal realm beasts, do not need to shoot together.

Only Yan Su and Hong Jiuchong shot.

It was still only after a short period of time that Qin Shaofeng was allowed to accept the experience points of two half-step eternal realm beasts.

All materials were scavenged.

Only then did Hong Jiuchong walk at the front again to explore the way.

Although this place is an underground palace, it is not built very deep. It didn't take long for a few people to go to the deepest part of the underground palace.

The underground palace is also in ruins.

But when they walked to the ground, they saw a fierce beast exuding a powerful breath in the center of the ruins.

However, at first glance, this vicious beast has the shape of a wolf.

It's hard to see how many wolf marks all over the body.


The colorful voice suddenly sounded: "No wonder it is not bound by the law, it itself has the bloodline of the scorpion, and after practicing for half a step of eternity, it has completely stimulated the power of the bloodline."

"And there is still a trace of the source of nothingness left by Su Yan."

"Under the combination of all aspects, it has a possibility of becoming an eternal beast, and it does not need to be bound by any laws."

Qin Shaofeng and the others were all stunned.

According to his statement, if this fierce beast is really allowed to continue to cultivate, it is likely to become the next scorpion?

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