Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5137: grandmother and granddaughter

"Queen Jing, is the granddaughter you're talking about Xiaoying?"

on the way.

After Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, he finally found a person who might be related to Empress Jing.

They should have come to a relic of the Ruthless Dynasty.

But instead, he went directly to the strange base camp of the Ruthless Dynasty.

Either way.

The hidden world of the Ruthless Dynasty should not be known to any outsiders at all.

They just came in by accident.

He felt strange at first.

It was not until he connected everything together that he finally understood.

No wonder Junsi can send them here.

It seemed that Jun Si Chuan had long known about the Ruthless Dynasty, and even more intentionally sent them here.

When he started, he really thought so.

But halfway through, he felt something was wrong.

If Jun Si Chuan really escaped from the ruthless dynasty, then she should be very aware of the situation of the ruthless dynasty.

He would not be surprised if he, even Jun Sisi and Ding Yuxin came in.

But she just sent her own daughter in.

No matter what you think, it's not right!

Jing Hou glanced back at him, then frowned, and turned her head to the side again.

Along the way, he had already asked Jing Hou several times.

Every time the result he got was just a stinky face, which made him have to wonder, did he ever offend this queen?

Shouldn't it be?

No matter what he thought, he just couldn't understand.

When they came to the ruthless riverside again, Qin Shaofeng was really overwhelmed, and he was treated with scorn all the way.

And Yan Su flew with him all the way. Although the speed was much faster, it was impossible to maintain it for a long time.

Looking at the vast river.

Qin Shaofeng took out a chariot.

"Anyway, we don't need to rush for a day or two. Why don't you use the chariot to drive? I believe it will not be two days later." Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to speak.

Yan Su was indifferent as always.

She is already Qin Shaofeng's subordinate, both her life and soul are controlled by Qin Shaofeng, even if she really has her own thoughts, she dare not say it.

As for the queen...

Empress Jing didn't even bother to turn her head back and stepped onto the chariot.

Complete use of actions says it all.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a while.

Seeing that Yan Su was about to drive the chariot, he stopped her again.

Open the gate of the ghost house.

Not only did he call out Zhao Ding, the royal coachman.

Even Xian Xiaoying and the three were called out by him.

After this period of practice.

The cultivation of Xian Xiaoying and the three of them have already made great progress.

Xian Xiaoying, who was once weak, has truly transformed into another person.

She completely controls the power of Nirvana.

Although there is still a big gap compared to some veteran sages in terms of lasting combat power, he can already be called a true sage.

By comparison.

Jun Sisi and Ding Yuxin, who were originally both above them, were much worse off.

Jun Sisi seems to have touched the edge of the sage.

But he couldn't find the opportunity of nirvana. If he wanted to truly enter the realm of sages, he still had no idea how long it would take.

Ding Yuxin's entry is really good.

Now she is also a real Venerable.

Perhaps in terms of combat power and experience, compared to Zhao Ding when Qin Shaofeng just met, there is still a gap, but the level of cultivation is almost the same.

In just two years or so, everyone's cultivation base has reached this level, which really made Qin Shaofeng feel a little strange at first sight.

"Zhao Ding went to drive the chariot, and the others entered the carriage with me."

Qin Shaofeng greeted everyone.

But his words made Zhao Ding slightly stunned.

Normally, everyone calls him dwarf.

When did you start to use your name as a salutation?

Qin Shaofeng was too lazy to explain to them one by one.

Anyway, it won't take long. When they are about to leave, everything will be said, so he is too lazy to explain anything to Zhao Ding.

Pulling up Xian Xiaoying's little hand, she took the lead in walking towards the carriage.

Call out a few people.

He did have the intention of letting Xian Xiaoying test the queen, more because it would be even more embarrassing if there were only him and the queen in the carriage.

as predicted.

When he walked into the carriage with a few people.

Jing Hou's eyes were already fixed on Xian Xiaoying.

Immediately, he turned towards Jun Sisi, who had turned into a little monkey again.

"Girl, come and sit here with grandma."

Empress Jing didn't seem to plan to hide anything, she just simply didn't want to talk to Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing Xian Xiaoying, the icy cold on her face disappeared instantly, making Qin Shaofeng unable to laugh or cry for a while.

He patted Xian Xiaoying on the shoulder, signaling her not to be afraid.

Xian Xiaoying still looked back at him.

After seeing his definite gaze, she walked towards Jing Hou step by step, but her beautiful eyes were still full of disbelief.

"Are you...grandmother?"

Xian Xiaoying tilted her head, then looked back at Qin Shaofeng.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand how all this was going on.

"My poor little baby, being locked up in the cave world by that bastard, must have had a hard time, right?" A kindness appeared on Jing Hou's face.

It's just that her cultivation is so high that she doesn't look old at all.


At first glance, she seemed to be not even a few years older than Xian Xiaoying, and even not as old as the vicissitudes of life, Jun Sikuo.

But she just made this kind gesture.

It really made Qin Shaofeng and others feel unacceptable.

Not to mention Xian Xiaoying.

Her little mouth was so open she could almost swallow an apple.

"Looking at my poor little Ying's suffocation, she won't be able to speak properly."

After Jing pulled Xian Xiaoying onto her lap and sat down, she then stared at Xian Xiaoying lovingly, and continued: "Little Ying, if that **** dares to bully you in the future, you will tell grandma. , Grandma must beat him and his mother doesn't know him."

"Uh... not at all!"

Xian Xiaoying finally reacted.

The beautiful eyes were full of hostility, staring at the newly appointed grandmother, and asked: "You...really my grandmother? But why are you in the ruthless dynasty? And why are you so young?"

After Xian Xiaoying asked subconsciously, she finally realized the problem.

Now she is a true sage.

Although it is not powerful, there are very few people who can make her invisible.

Sitting on this grandmother's lap, he felt that he and Queen Jing were still two worlds, one was the **** in the sky, and she was just a little ant.

This feeling is very strange.

But she was sure that the person who claimed to be her grandmother might not be as simple as she thought.

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