Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5144: tricky

"What are you two doing still standing there?"

"Can you still fight?"

After Jing Hou finally realized that she had said the wrong thing, her face turned cold, and she scolded sharply.

Her prestige is terrifying.

Even though there were many questions in their hearts, they did not dare to ask them any more.

"Senior, you have to be careful."

Qin Shaofeng was clenching his fists, making a sword as a sword, and suddenly slashed towards the void in front of him with a sword.

"One sword world!"

When Qin Shaofeng shot, Xiaobai let out a low roar, turned into a white light, and rushed out towards Zhantiandi.

There is still no trace of the colorful, but in the sky, a colorful long sword appeared.

"Colorful Sword Art! Slash!"

Although the colorful action is very slow.

But his sword was the first to strike, and it fell to Zhantiandi's head first.

"Although the body you have won is insufficient, you can display such martial arts with such a body. It seems that your combat power was not weaker than mine in your lifetime." Zhantiandi's voice was full of surprises.

As the only eternal powerhouse in the underworld.

It is impossible for him to find someone who can match his opponent to fight a fight.

Hundreds of thousands of years.

He felt that his body was about to decay.

At this moment.

Being able to find an opponent who can fight with him makes him inexplicably excited.


The divine rune appeared, and the black light flickered, disintegrating the giant sword in the sky.


Before Zhan Tiandi could finish this move, he heard Xiao Bai's voice behind him.


The black flames instantly enveloped Zhantiandi, leaving Xiaobai nowhere to speak.

With Xiaobai's full strength bursting out, although he could barely make a move with Zhan Tiandi, if he really did it now, he would probably be severely injured.

Xiaobai is indeed a scorpion cub, but it doesn't mean that he knows little about fighting.

Ferocious beasts are known for their belligerence.

The instinct to fight allows it to know clearly when to test and when to use its full strength.

The battle between the two and one beast begins.

Qin Shaofeng was not idle at all, and the sword in his hand was like a sword that opened the sky.

And the steps under his feet gave people a phantom-like feeling.

Often one step is still in front of everyone, and the next step has already appeared in the sky 100 meters away.

You must know how many eternal powerhouses are present.

Even the Eternal Powerhouse can't really tell where he will go after taking that step.

This shows the horror of his pace.

Shrink to the ground!

This is no longer the scope of martial arts, it can be said that it is a product of breaking the rules of time and space.

Even the current Qin Shaofeng, every step of the display will consume a terrifying 100,000 source power.

The consumption of such footwork seems to have no end at all.

When his cultivation base was still very weak, he was very reluctant to use it to shrink the ground into an inch. Now, after Ye Huang's three-life relationship and the source of millions of stars in the realm of the Venerable, he is still so reluctant.

Of course, now he has no energy to pay attention to other people's eyes.

I don't know, even the existence of Empress Jing can't see through his steps.

Just seven steps.

Qin Shaofeng's complexion began to turn pale.

Qicai and Xiaobai have already tried more than a dozen tricks with Zhantiandi, and from the beginning to the end, no one really broke out with all their strength.

Qicai and Xiaobai couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

Zhantiandi just wants to see, Qin Shaofeng and others' true abilities are naturally impossible to take the lead.


Everyone's attention is when Zhantiandi is fighting with Qicai and Xiaobai.

Even Zhan Tiandi didn't notice that Qin Shaofeng, who was about to be taken lightly by him, had a strange arc on the corner of his mouth.

"Senior, it's a trick."

Qin Shaofeng's left hand didn't know when, there was an extra spear.

At the same time as he spoke, the God-destroying spear in his hand stabbed towards a space more than 30 meters away from Zhantiandi's side.

Zhan Tiandi was slightly taken aback.

What is he going to do?


I admit that I didn't understand what you just did, but do you really think that a little saint's cultivation will have the ability to make me retreat?


Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted.

I saw that the space around Zhantiandi suddenly shattered.

The most shocking thing is that there are seven sword lights around Zhantiandi, and the sword lights completely separate the space where he is from the outside space.

Under the fragmentation of the space, the world formed by the seven sword lights shook violently.

Zhantiandi was still standing there motionless.

But the problem is that the space formed by Yijian Tiandi moves back and forth, giving people the feeling that Zhan Tiandi is constantly retreating.


Zhan Feizhan was dumbfounded.

Empress Jing couldn't help but covered her forehead and said angrily, "Nonsense! This empress asked you to fight him, not for you to be clever!"

"Great, hahaha..."

Zhantiandi's laughter suddenly came to mind.

The space formed by the Seven Paths and One Sword Heaven and Earth shattered under his casual attack.

Heaven and earth returned to normal in an instant.

Zhan Tiandi had already walked towards this side and laughed loudly: "Empress Jing doesn't need to be angry, we really want to see if his strength is not fake, but he has already used it, hasn't he? And it was decided by us. The rules, directly win against me, this is not an empty force that can be compared."

Zhantiandi itself does not want to play this game.

Originally, he and Empress Jing were on the same level, even though he knew that he was not Empress Jing's opponent.

He was reluctant to let him and Qin Shaofeng take action.

Whether he wins or loses, he is bullying the younger generation.

Since Qin Shaofeng can achieve this kind of victory within the rules without him noticing, he naturally cannot deny it.

Moreover, he believes that ending in this way is the best way to step down.

How could he still be dissatisfied?

"It's true that the younger generation took advantage of it."

Qin Shaofeng took back Xiaobai and Qicai, and also came over and said with a smile: "Grandma, you and Senior Zhan just want to see my combat power, and I don't have much reservations. Bar?"


Empress Jing's expression turned cold, and said, "If Ben understands the situation well, Qi Cai was haunting Ji Wuqing at the beginning, Yan Suxiu was only half a step, and this little guy didn't even follow you. You are telling Ben, you are taking advantage of it. Can you kill Jun Tianhong single-handedly?"


Zhantiandi and Zhanfeizhan jumped up directly.

They finally knew why Empress Jing wanted to see Qin Shaofeng's true combat power.

Perhaps there is the idea of ​​suppressing their Shura tribe, but it is more out of curiosity about Qin Shaofeng.

After all, after knowing that Qin Shaofeng could single-handedly kill Jun Tianhong of the eternal realm, he even regretted fighting the world.

In the future, I want to let him really take action, but it will not be so easy!

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