Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5149: Back to the star world

Qin Shaofeng returned to the canyon.

Zhan Tiandi was the first to look at him, his eyes full of doubts, obviously full of curiosity about his sudden disappearance.

But he didn't wait for him to ask.

Jing Hou has already pulled Xian Xiaoying to stand up.

"Since it's all done, let's go!"

Jing Hou is resolute.

As soon as the voice fell, he brought people towards Qin Shaofeng.

She moves really fast.

But there was a small figure that was much faster than her, and in a flash of light and shadow, it had already re-laid on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

It's that scorpion, Xiaobai!

When Qin Shaofeng started to practice, Xiaobai was left by him near the garden.

Finally seeing the master appear, Xiaobai couldn't wait to run over.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at everyone, and then nodded lightly.

Take the chariot out again.

As soon as everyone boarded the chariot, they heard the voice of Queen Jing and flew to the south.


The Ruthless Tower seems to be in the center of the Ruthless Dynasty, right?

There are many doubts in my heart.

None of them objected.

After all, Empress Jing is the one who truly understands the situation of the Ruthless Dynasty.

The chariot flew towards the south for more than two hours.

They have already seen a space full of distortions, as if it were a barrier to the world.

An illusory face suddenly appeared in front of the chariot.

"Empress Jing, this place is forbidden by the dynasty, why did you bring outsiders here?" the face asked.

"Is that what you can ask?"

Jinghou flew out of the chariot, glanced at the face with a cold expression, and said, "Open the gate of time and space."

"This... that face's expression changed."

But when he noticed Jing Hou's increasingly stern expression, he still didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly opened the door of time and space.

It was a tunnel of light that was very similar to when Qin Shaofeng and others came in.

After Jing, she rolled her hands.

The terrifying power of heaven and earth immediately grabbed the entire chariot in her hands and galloped away as she swiftly moved outside.

I don't know how many years have passed.

When the consciousness of Qin Shaofeng and others re-edited Qingming, they saw that they came to a desolate place.

Looking up, countless ruins appeared in front of them.

"This is……"

"This is where you should have come, the Heartless Star Palace."

Jing Hou explained and said, "Although it's already a lot safer to come here, we still can't take it lightly. Everyone leaves the chariot and prepares to leave this place with this book."

Qin Shaofeng and others dared to hesitate any more, and quickly left the chariot.

between waving.

Take the chariot back to the Void Star Realm.

Anyway, in the starry sky world, the chariot has no effect, and a bad one will bring back effects.

He didn't want to make trouble for himself.

Under the leadership of Empress Jing, they galloped in the Heartless Star Mansion.

The Ruthless Star Mansion has obviously become a place for exploration in the starry sky. From time to time, one or two people can be seen, but the number is extremely rare.

Most of the time, they just fly in the desolate wilderness.

As for the illusion that Jun Si Chuan once said, they have never been able to see it.


After flying for a while, Qin Shaofeng noticed the difference.

It's not that the illusion didn't appear, but every time the illusion appeared, it would be shattered by a seemingly random look from Queen Jing.

This is the terror of the eternal powerhouse.

There wasn't even a wave of hands, no wonder they couldn't notice anything strange from beginning to end.

A group of people galloped for more than two hours.

Qin Shaofeng knew very well that the reason why it took so long was mainly because Empress Jing had to take care of Xian Xiaoying and others who had insufficient cultivation.

Come back to that dazzling spot of light from before.

After they have completed Nirvana, they will no longer feel the feeling of being unable to open their eyes.

"Let's go!"

After Jing said hello, she took the lead in moving towards the spot of light.

Back to the star world.

The breath on Jing Hou's body has already subsided, and there is no trace of it.

Immediately, it changed again.

Her cultivation base aura gives the impression that she is only in the realm of Venerable.


Before entering the Ruthless Dynasty, Qin Shaofeng might still be shocked.

At this moment, it is no more than that.

The venerable realm powerhouses in the starry sky world are definitely not just those they can see.

"This is a disguise mask. Those whose cultivation base does not exceed yours cannot see through your identity. According to your current cultivation base, you can be safe before eternity." Jing later threw out a few twisted voids. things.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng took over one of them, he felt that the distortion became cold and quiet.

Dab lightly on the face.

Under the induction of consciousness, he realized that he had completely changed his appearance.

"Thank you grandma."

Qin Shaofeng clasped his fists, and everyone did the same.

"The danger of the starry sky world far exceeds that of the ruthless dynasty. Even the Xia dynasty, which could destroy our ruthless dynasty, was destroyed in the hands of the starry sky temple. You must not underestimate them, understand?" Jing Hou urged again.


Qin Shaofeng and others nodded in unison.

After Jing, the figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Qin Shaofeng looked back at everyone and said, "Don't stay here for now, find a quiet place to talk about it."

With a flip of his right hand, he took out a flying boat.

Except that Yan Su was somewhat novel after seeing the flying boat, everyone else was better.

Even Zhao Ding had heard of some.

Board the flying boat and quickly gallop away into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, it's three days.

After completely staying away from the entrance of Wuqing Xingfu, Qin Shaofeng found another small low-level vicious beast continent, and drove the flying boat directly to the core of the low-level continent, a hidden place.

After taking care of the beasts entrenched in this place, he called everyone out of the ghost house.

During this period of cultivation, everyone's progress is not small.

Especially Li Naling, who is already close to the half-step eternal realm.

Of course, this is very likely to be related to the inheritance she has obtained.

But she was able to leap to this level of cultivation in just two years, which shows how fast she was cultivating.

Li Naling has long been used to following him.

Came directly behind him.

Qin Shaofeng then said to everyone: "There is a problem with the **** pattern you cultivated. I have already told you about this, and what I want to say now is that you have all left the ruthless dynasty now, and this is the starry sky. In the world, there is a high possibility that King Wen will not be able to find you, but he cannot be sure."

"And I have now reached the realm of the half-pattern king. If any of you want to leave freely, then you can leave as long as you are here."

"But if you want to stay by my side, in order to ensure that King Wen will not find me through you, I can only accept you as Wen slaves, although I will not deliberately ask you to do something, but it is also free for you. a limitation."

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