Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5152: Brother is not in the rivers and lakes, there are still legends about brother

"Grandma brought us out."

Xian Xiaoying was obviously not as hostile as she used to be towards Jun Siku's mother, so she took the initiative to explain.


Jun Si's expression changed slightly.

Pulling Xian Xiaoying's head into her arms again, she gave Qin Shaofeng a grateful look.

She really did send us to the Ruthless Dynasty specially!

Qin Shaofeng's heart sank.

He felt that he could not understand this auntie.

The first is the strangeness of cultivation.

With his cultivation and knowledge, he couldn't even see what Jun Sichu was hiding. If it wasn't for the fact that King Banwen had a strange feeling of exploring Jun Sichu, who had practiced the Divine Mark, he would have no way of knowing about Jun Sichu. Silk birth situation.

Presumably other people, even Eternal Rahu, Eternal Burial Heaven and other cultivation bases, can't see the difference in her.

And she still sent her biological daughter to the ruthless dynasty even though she knew the problem of the ruthless dynasty.

This is already very wrong.

If she really doesn't have any protective measures, it can only prove that she will do anything to achieve her goal.

Qin Shaofeng did not want to believe that such a situation existed.

Jun Si delivery clearly saw the complexity of his expression.

"Qin Shaofeng, Aunt Jun has her own difficulties for doing that, and I trust you more. You won't hurt Xiaoying. You see, Aunt Jun didn't guess wrong, did she?"

Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth slightly.

He knew that his identity could not be concealed from Jun Si delivery.

But he couldn't imagine how Jun Sidu could trust her to such a degree.

Seems a bit too much, doesn't it?

"You may not know what your past deeds represent, and Wu Huan can also think that you and Xiaoying, who have insufficient identities, are wrong, but have you forgotten that after I left the Ruthless Dynasty, I became a loose cultivator? ?"

Junsi delivery didn't explain much.

But the weight of this sentence is very heavy.

"This is not the place to talk, come with me first!"

Only then did Jun Siku pull Xian Xiaoying up, and she gave Qin Shaofeng and others a look, and personally drove the flying boat towards the distance.

After two space warps.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked to find that they had once again come to the small world of martial arts where Jun Sikuang let him practice.

"Okay, you can tell me this time, what have you experienced in the ruthless dynasty, even Xiaoying can complete Nirvana and reach the eternal realm, this really surprises me!" Jun Si delivery looked With a few people, he chuckled.

Xian Xiaoying looked directly at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's doubts about Jun Si delivery have disappeared a lot after those words.

After all, the starry sky world is still too unfamiliar to him.

After three worlds.

Qin Shaofeng is full of doubts about everything.

Xia Huangjie is the one who has the best relationship with him, but he is not sure, Xia Huangjie has no intention of using him.

The Starry Sky Temple is the most mysterious.

The Ruthless Dynasty was better, mainly because he didn't meet the core characters of the Ruthless Dynasty.

As for the later Jinghou, it should be entirely because of the song that he will help him.

If you don't see through the situation of Junsi childbirth.

He may still believe it, but now he really can't believe it directly.

Roughly tell the story of the Ruthless Dynasty.


He didn't say anything about the people of the Xia Dynasty and Qi Cai.

As for the Suan Xiaobai.

There is no need for him to hide it. After all, Xiaobai's affairs are no longer a secret, and with Junsi's cultivation status, he may not be able to see Xiaobai's problems.

"Not bad!"

After listening to this, Jun Sichu nodded again and again, and said, "Xiaoyao, I knew I didn't see the wrong person, you did a good job."

"Thank you for your compliment, Auntie Jun."

When he met his old friend again, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously pretended to be a good baby again.

This made Jun Sisi who came out with Xian Xiaoying slightly startled.

Jun Sisi quickly understood.

Poor Ding Yuxin, apparently trying to break the scalp but couldn't think of a reason.

"Although you are back, I still can't let you go directly to Shuiyue Mountain. In the two years you left, a lot of things happened in the starry sky." Jun Sichu said actively.

"what happened?"

Qin Shaofeng was slightly taken aback.

"I'll talk about the biggest thing first!"

Jun Si Chu glanced at him with a strange expression, and said, "Since Luo Hu's son recognized the fall of that brother, Luo Hu did not hesitate to be an eternal powerhouse, personally brought his disciples, and killed the old man Tian Qing who was half a step into the eternal realm. ."

"In two years, I don't know how they inquired about the news, but they found seven top and first-class forces. Today, the seven forces have become a thing of the past."

"According to the news they released, it seems that there is another family that is being strictly investigated by them. I believe that it will not be too long before that family will be found."

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly.

He finally understood why Jun Sikuo gave him such a strange look before he spoke.

The biggest thing about love is that it has something to do with him.

"Besides that, as one of the nine sages in the starry sky, the most feared poisonous woman has fallen, and the strength of the Luoyue Mausoleum she created also vanished a year ago, but she still doesn't know who created it. Hand." Jun Sichu continued.

Qin Shaofeng's heart jumped again.

It was about him again.

But he knew that Li Naling, who was beside him, had benefited from the poisonous woman, but he did not dare to do anything.

Junsi delivery may not be ignorant.

But even if she really didn't know what was going on, Qin Shaofeng's mentality was as clear as a mirror.

Poisonous woman can be said to be killed by Huo Gude, the elder of the Starry Sky Temple.

But after Huogude's healing, he discovered the disappearance of the poisonous woman, how could he let it go so easily?

Maybe they are still using various methods to find him.

"Then the matter, it has to do with our Shuiyueshan."

Jun Si Chuan sighed deeply and said, "Our Shui Yue Shan announced half a year ago that we will recruit disciples within two years, but we don't know what happened, but the people who have transcended the crime came to the door, saying that they would also Recruiting disciples in the near future, let us postpone it for a while."


Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xian Xiaoying was inexperienced, so maybe he didn't understand what Jun Sichu said about recruiting disciples, but he was very clear.

Unexpectedly, this incident was still related to him.

It's really been a long time since my brother was gone, and all the rivers and lakes are still my brother's legends!

"Wait a minute, Aunt Jun, what kind of power is that Dao of Sin, why have you never heard of it before? Are they qualified to challenge Shuiyueshan?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but asked in doubt.

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