Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 518: trap? Crisis emerges

Somewhere on the border of Lianyang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom, there was a city that was originally the Black Martial Kingdom.

At this moment, the armies of Lianyang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom are already facing each other here.

On the side of Silver Moon Nation, being in the military camp was the Purple Moon Night that had not appeared for a long time.

When the Qianshan Sect entered the sect examination, Zi Yueye also passed.

But when he learned that Qin Shaofeng had won the first place and had directly entered the Qianshan Sect Reserve Camp, Zi Yueye was shocked.

Afterwards, Zi Yueye, who was not reconciled, also tried to enter the reserve camp.

It is a pity that in the end, with his strength, when he was fighting for the place to enter the reserve camp, he lost a complete defeat and he did not enter the reserve camp at all.

This made Zi Yueye thoroughly aware of the gap between herself and Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

Therefore, Zi Yueye was also very careful. After becoming a disciple of the Qianshan Sect, he was even more careful to hide it. He even changed his name in the end because he was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would find him.

But some time ago, Zi Yueye also entered the three-door seven-sect competition.

However, only on the third day he had no choice but to withdraw.

When he learned that Qin Shaofeng won the first place in the hegemony contest and had killed the Quartet during the hegemony contest, Zi Yueye was completely panicked.

He was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would make trouble for himself.

Because with Qin Shaofeng's current identity, if he was deliberately investigated, even if he had changed his name, he would still be able to be found out.

In the end, with fear in her heart, Zi Yueye left Qianshan Sect and returned to Yinyue Kingdom.

Originally, Zi Yueye thought she would go on.

But not long ago, a mysterious person approached him, and the other party helped him improve his cultivation. Now he is helping him to attack Lianyang Kingdom.

For the other party's purpose, Zi Yueye didn't care.

Because the other party had an enmity with Qin Shaofeng, this was enough.

This allowed Zi Yueye to see her hope of revenge.

At this moment, in the barracks, Zi Yueye was talking quietly with a black-robed man.

"Then Qin Shaofeng has already rushed over, then you have to pay attention!" The black robe man said indifferently.

"Understand, you can rest assured, my lord, that Qin Shaofeng is definitely dead this time!" Zi Yueye said respectfully.

When he talked about Qin Shaofeng's name, his face was a hideous look.

"Well, that's it. In order to make the plan go smoothly, I will leave first!"

After speaking, the black robe man flashed, and after a few flashes, he completely disappeared.

Seeing the other person leaving, a trace of envy flashed in Zi Yueye's eyes.

When will I have such a cultivation base!

However, Zi Yueye was only envious, and looked up at Lianyangguo, sneered at the corners of her mouth.

"Hmph, as long as Qin Shaofeng comes this time, you will be dead!"


Just when Zi Yueye was expecting Qin Shaofeng to arrive soon, Qin Shaofeng just felt that Lianyang State Barracks were there.

The arrival of Qin Shaofeng made the officers in the Lianyang State Barracks very happy.

After Qin Shaofeng repaired the Five Elements Qi Luck Array, so that Lian Yang Guo's gas luck greatly increased, all the senior leaders of Lian Yang Guo regarded Qin Shaofeng as an extremely powerful existence.

Especially when the little princess said that because of Qin Shaofeng's relationship, Lianyang State was protected by the Qianshan Sect, and Qin Shaofeng was regarded as the savior of Lianyang State.

At this moment, as soon as Qin Shaofeng arrived, it seemed to everyone that the result was doomed.

Lian Yang Guo will win!

Qin Shaofeng did not come alone, he came with Geng Qiutong and the little princess.

Seeing the appearance of those officers, Geng Qiutong chuckled.

"Shao Feng! I didn't expect you to be quite popular!"

Qin Shaofeng could naturally hear Geng Qiutong, who made a joke in that tone.

But he didn't care, and ignored the officers.

Because he had already discovered that the opponent's Yinyue Nation barracks had a familiar aura.

Purple moon night!

As soon as he came here, Qin Shaofeng noticed the existence of Zi Yueye!

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that the aura of Ziyueye at the moment was actually at the peak of the Great Yuan Pill.

It's just that Zi Yueye's spiritual power value barely exceeded 30 million, but even so, the realm of Zi Yueye was somewhat beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation.

However, when you feel the opponent's realm, it is very unstable, with great fluctuations.

Qin Shaofeng understood that this Ziyueye was raised to its current realm with a lot of pills.

This made Qin Shaofeng disdain.

Even in Qin Shaofeng's view, this so-called war was just a farce.

Qin Shaofeng didn't bring anyone, but the little princess and Geng Qiutong followed him and walked directly to the front of the overall confrontation.

Then, looking at the enemy camp not far away, Qin Shaofeng shouted fiercely, "Come out Ziyueye!"

For a while, the army of Yinyue Nation was shocked by Qin Shaofeng.

Because Qin Shaofeng did not hide his aura, he directly vented his aura, that surging spiritual power formed a majestic aura, and actually overwhelmed the aura of the two or three hundred thousand Silver Moon Nation's troops. , Even completely suppressed.

This is not surprising, because most of the troops of the Silver Moon Nation are only in the realm of acquired and innate warriors, and even the warriors in the spirit vein realm are very few.

Only those high-levels are legendary.

However, Qin Shaofeng is a Great Yuan Pill ten-layer master with more than 100 million spiritual powers. Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's aura can naturally suppress the aura of the two to three hundred thousand troops.

At this moment, even when Zi Yueye saw such a situation, her heart was shuddering.

Originally, he thought he was at the pinnacle of the Great Yuan Pill. If he faced Qin Shaofeng this time, even if he was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent, he would certainly not be much different.

But now Zi Yueye understood why the black robe man repeatedly told him not to meet Qin Shaofeng, because in that case, Zi Yueye couldn't stop him at all, and he might even be killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Previously, Zi Yueye thought that this was because the other party would carry on the other party's plan in order to make him more complete.

After all, the black-robed man's plan was not to let him fight Qin Shaofeng, his existence was just to attract Qin Shaofeng to a place.

Therefore, Zi Yueye subconsciously believed that the other party was afraid that she would impulsively fight Qin Shaofeng and delay his plan.

But now Zi Yueye understood that maybe the black-robed man did have such concerns, but the other party's words were not frightening him.

With Qin Shaofeng's aura, this made Zi Yueye understand.

Maybe it was really possible that he was killed by Qin Shaofeng with a single move.

"Damn, is this Qin Shaofeng so powerful?"

Zi Yueye let out a low growl, his face was full of unwillingness, but he did not hesitate.

Knowing that she would never be Qin Shaofeng's opponent, Zi Yueye would naturally not choose to go out to meet Qin Shaofeng.

Hmph, although you can't take revenge yourself, as long as you can let Qin Shaofeng die, that's enough!


With a flash, the purple moon night instantly turned into a stream of light, and fled to the rear of the Yinyue Kingdom barracks.

This situation made the people of Silver Moon Nation's army completely dumbfounded.

The battle has not yet started, but the coach on his side has escaped directly?

"Want to escape?"

Seeing that Zi Yueye didn't show her face, she ran away, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disdain.

However, since he planned to solve the trouble of Silver Moon Kingdom, he would naturally let go of this purple moon night.


Soon, Qin Shaofeng was also a flashback, performing the Wukong technique to chase the Zi Yueye.

The little princess saw that the army of the Silver Moon Nation had suffered such a blow to her morale, and she did not hesitate to call someone to attack.

But she herself chased Qin Shaofeng with Geng Qiutong.

The result of this war is doomed, and the little princess will naturally not worry.

On the contrary, it was Zi Yueye who made her care more, if she could, she wanted to kill that Zi Yueye herself.

Even if she couldn't, at least she wanted to see Zi Yueye die with her own eyes.

As for Geng Qiutong's interest in this war, he would naturally go after Qin Shaofeng.


In the distance, Zi Yueye, who was escaping quickly, started to panic.

Because he found that even if he escaped unexpectedly, he had already pulled Qin Shaofeng a certain distance away, but after such a while, he was about to be caught up by Qin Shaofeng.

If Zi Yueye knew that Qin Shaofeng hadn't taken full speed at this moment, it would have been even more shocked.

But Qin Shaofeng was impatient now, and Zi Yueye's blind escape made Qin Shaofeng feel very boring.

With a light lift of his right hand and a sound of index finger, Qin Shaofeng shot a yang finger sword energy towards the purple moon night.

call out!

Feeling a burst of air coming from behind, Zi Yueye was shocked instantly, and then flashed to one side without looking back.

Fortunately, Zi Yueye reacted quickly. Just when he left, a sword aura passed directly through his right side, passing through his clothes dangerously and dangerously, and shot in front of him.

so close!

Feeling that fierce breath, Zi Yueye felt fortunate.

Fortunately, my reaction was quick. Otherwise, with that sword aura, if I was hit, even if I was immortal, it would definitely be a serious injury.


It was actually avoided!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng behind was also slightly surprised.

Because he didn't expect that Zi Yueye could escape her own sword energy.

However, this has escaped the second one?

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Qin Shaofeng's index finger flashed another spiritual power.

But just when he was about to blast a second yang finger sword energy, the sound of the small ball appeared in his ears.

"No, there is an ambush, go back!"



Qin Shaofeng was shocked, but out of trust in Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and the next moment his figure stopped instantly, he was about to dodge and retreat.

But at this moment, he seemed to be aware of Qin Shaofeng's intentions, and a few powerful aura swept across, instantly surrounding Qin Shaofeng.

Damn, I'm afraid that Zi Yueye was led into a trap.

Feeling these breaths, Qin Shaofeng's face sank.

Because these auras are actually exuding vitality aura far above spiritual power.

These people are masters of the Earth Element Realm!

When Qin Shaofeng saw the master of these auras, his heart suddenly burst, and he immediately felt that he was afraid that he would be in trouble this time.

Although Qin Shaofeng did not know all of these people who appeared, Qin Shaofeng did know two of them.

One was defeated by himself, Wang Kai, disciple of the Nine Sun Sect.

And the other is his old acquaintance, Xu Feiyang's son Xu Tianyang!

When I saw these two people, Qin Shaofeng, I knew that this time Yinyue Kingdom's attack on Lianyang Kingdom was a trap aimed at him!

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