Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5185: Duanmu Quan

Qin Shaofeng and the two were not in a hurry to find them.

After all, the identities of the two of them need to be well hidden, and it is not a good thing to find someone too early.

In the short half-day scene, they encountered quite a few beasts.

The level of beasts is not very high.

Qin Shaofeng was too lazy to take action against those beasts, and instead began to teach Xian Xiaoying to fight.

It only displays the combat power that is close to the beast, and completely relies on the movement and martial skills to fight the beast.

Although her level is much higher than that of beasts.

But her combat experience is too poor, and the improvement speed with this method is really fast.

By the time they find Xian Wutong and others, Xian Xiaoying will be able to exert the peak combat power of the True Monarch of Hongmeng tightly, and fight fiercely against the beasts of the emperor realm without falling behind.

"It's really good that the two of you can actually take pictures alive."

When Xian Wutong saw the arrival of the two of them, he immediately showed an overjoyed expression.

This sentence can also be regarded as helping the two to conceal their identities.

There were more than 30 people gathered around her, and apparently only these 30 people were left. They all looked at them curiously when they heard the words.

Seeing it was them, everyone had a stunned expression on their faces.

"How are they?"

"The two of them are still alive?"

"No, it's no longer a question of those who cannot survive. With the cultivation of the two of them, even if they can live to the present, they shouldn't be able to find this place only based on the cultivation of the two of them, right?"

"Did they hide here originally?"

"That's impossible, and the beasts nearby aren't something they can resist, okay?"

"But they are alive to find them now."

The bursts of discussion resounded one after another.

More than 30 people, obviously no one thinks that Qin Shaofeng and the two can survive.

Especially if you can find it alone, it makes everyone feel messy in the wind.

Xian Wutong and Jiang Xueshan, the only two who knew about the situation, only smiled bitterly.

They don't talk nonsense.

I can't say it, the two of us are the most powerful, right?

The two looked at each other and pretended to be deaf.

"Since you guys are back, are we going to leave here?" Xian Wutong's voice seemed to be an order to others.

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying, and even Jiang Xueshan not far away can hear the difference.

This is an interrogative sentence.

It seems that people have gathered here.


The sky is still covered by the ancestors of Tianshen. If they do not get the consent of the ancestors of Tianshen, at least they will not be able to escape.

"it is good."

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

At the same time, he crushed the spar hidden in his sleeve.

Everyone looked up.

One person suddenly exclaimed: "That's not right! The sky is still covered by that strong man, how can we leave..."

The voice did not fall.

He saw that the dark curtain covering the sky was fading at an extremely fast speed.

The man was stunned on the spot.

"I have already agreed with the person blocking the sky, and he will let us go when we leave." Xian Wutong explained directly.

There are more than 30 people present, and only she has this qualification.

There was obviously some suspicion in the eyes of many people, but no one dared to ask out loud.

Xian Wutong rushed towards the sky first.

Jiang Xueshan followed closely.

Everyone has been frightened, and seeing this, no one will be delayed any more, and they all fly towards the sky.

After leaving Guangzhiyuan, everyone felt a deep sigh of relief.

When Qin Shaofeng and the two flew out of Guangzhiyuan hand in hand, they were not in such a good mood.

Their consciousness is always covered.

Although I had long expected that things might not be as good as they imagined you, I didn't expect that what I found on the edge of my consciousness was a piece of wreckage of a spaceship.

Faintly, there seems to be some blood stains left.

This is…

The scene formed when the warship shattered.

Qin Shaofeng trembled slightly in his heart.

He could already vaguely imagine what had happened.

Xian Wutong was obviously also investigating the situation around him.

But he is not like Qin Shaofeng, who has such a tyrannical consciousness, so far he has not been able to detect anything unusual.

Before she could really detect anything, she saw a large warship flying towards this side.

"Fortunately, our warship is still here."

An emperor cultivating a martial artist saw this and heaved a deep sigh of relief.

As soon as these words came out, Xian Wutong, Jiang Xueshan and other venerables all changed their expressions.

Their cultivation base is relatively high, and the scope of their spiritual detection is naturally farther than those who have been excited before seeing anything clearly.

At this moment, two more spaceships appeared in the sky, but they appeared directly from the vicinity of Guangzhiyuan, cutting off their retreat.

"I didn't expect that a small fairy Wutong, accompanied by a strong man with a sage cultivation base, could make Chi'er planted here. The old man has to admit that you are indeed very scheming." The voice was cold, but more filled with endless anger.

"Duanmu Quan, I didn't expect you to come in person."

Xian Wutong has rarely left Xianyun Peak these years, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

Especially after the words that crossing the path of sin is equivalent to declaring war came out.

Before she received this order and led the team in person, she had already considered most of the things.

At this moment, just listening to this voice, she already knew who was coming.

His face became more and more difficult to look at.

Qin Shaofeng's tyrannical combat power, she has indeed seen it, and even heard what Xian Xiaoying said, he had personally killed a strong man in the eternal realm.

But that's just hearsay.

She doesn't think that a person who can't even grasp the real sage's cultivation realm can burst out such terrifying combat power.

"What more!"

A figure covered in mud appeared from the battleship ahead.

There were hundreds of people who accompanied him.


The vast majority of those hundred people are only people with cultivation levels below the emperor realm, and they obviously have no combat power.

On the contrary, he followed behind him, and the clothes on his body obviously did not belong to the person who crossed the path of sin.

Thirteen Venerables.

"Since you guys are here to deal with the old man, how can the old man come alone? If you really have a chance to escape, won't the old man hate him?" Duanmu Quan gritted his teeth.

Before the words fell, everyone found out that two groups of people flew out of the two warships behind.

One party can only cultivate sages, but they are top sages, and the Nirvana level is probably not much lower than Qin Shaofeng.

The other side is two people.

A sage, but he had to appear as a follower, and in front of him was a man wearing a capital dragon robe, and he was a half-step eternal realm powerhouse.

Two half-step eternal powerhouses, two sages.

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

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