Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5187: Hogud

"Heavenly Blade!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the palm that seemed to be full strength, but in fact it was not much more tyrannical than the attack of the ordinary sage realm, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked.

The sword that shone with countless divine runes suddenly appeared in his hand.

at the same time.

With all his strength, the knife has already been cut down.


It is also the combat power of the realm of sages.

The huge palm print suddenly burst open under Qin Shaofeng's knife.

Qin Shaofeng did stand up.

But he didn't want to reveal too much of the real thing.

Make a sword with a knife.

At the moment when Duanmu Quan was about to rush in front of him.

A sword of heaven and earth unfolded.

Under the flow of sword light, the space was torn apart with a single sword.

It's too late.

Everything happens between lightning and flint.

Duanmu Quan saw with his own eyes an attack comparable to about 70% of his combat power, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Although he was not afraid, he hesitated for a moment.

When he shot again, it was a palm bombardment on the space barrier.

The feeling of using the wrong force made him almost swear.

Take a few steps back.

A long stick with countless edges and corners appeared in his hand.

Rather than a stick, it would be more appropriate to say that it was a small mace.

"Kid, die for me!"

Duanmu Quan found that he couldn't even take care of a junior, and his face had become very ugly.

This stick really does its best.

Just waving the long stick, the outburst of Yu Wei made Qin Shaofeng's heart tremble.

What a powerful blow.

He believes that Yijian Tiandi is already the pinnacle of martial arts in the starry sky world.

The problem is that in the realm of the sage, he can only display part of the power of One Sword Heaven and Earth, and it is simply not enough for him to use the power of One Sword Heaven and Earth to block this stick.

This old guy's cultivation base is indeed terrifying.

Can't fight him anymore.

Qin Shaofeng said to himself in his heart, and suddenly opened his legs, the starry sky seemed to ripple under his feet.

In the next instant, he had disappeared into the starry sky.


The world opened up by Yijian Tiandi shattered.

"Star messenger?"

Duanmu Quan murmured to himself subconsciously.

Available immediately.

He noticed Qin Shaofeng's breath.

Qin Shaofeng felt threatened, but he didn't want to show his true ability, so what he showed was just shrinking into an inch.

Under panic.

He did escape Duanmu Quan's pursuit, but he suddenly rushed into the crowd surrounded by Duanmu Quan.

Without using his hole cards, he is naturally not Duanmu Quan's opponent.

But these people...

Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about it in a hurry, and the sword had already subconsciously slashed towards a Venerable beside him.

The Venerable was shocked by his sudden appearance.

In the face of this knife, naturally there is not even the slightest room to dodge.

This scene happened too fast.

Qin Shaofeng exerted the power of Nirvana again, so that a strong man in the realm of a dignified venerable person has completely fallen without even the slightest scream.

And this is not the end, but just the beginning.

Between lightning and flint.

Qin Shaofeng is really like a tiger entering a flock, a war sword flashing with countless gods, and the heads are soaring one after another between the flashes of light.

There are dozens of people, and in his sword attack, he couldn't stop even a breath.

When he beheaded the last person, Duanmu Quan had already looked back.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Duanmu Quan almost vomited blood.

Today, it's clear that I brought people to besiege them, okay?

It's just been fought.

No, it should be said that there was no real fight, he was just a tentative palm that was cracked by Qin Shaofeng, and then all the people he brought were dead.

This speed is a bit too fast, isn't it?

To the point where even he could not accept it.

"Boy, **** you!"

Duanmu Quan roared loudly.

Along with his roar, two roars sounded at the same time.

"Boy, you dare to kill the people of my Heavenly Star Kingdom, and my Heavenly Star Kingdom will definitely pay you back a hundred times!"

"Stop, dare to touch my Cheng family, I will marry you forever!"

The roars of the two of them resounded almost at the same time.

Qin Shaofeng glanced back at the two of them, and couldn't help sneering: "Tianxing Kingdom, Cheng family, thank you for reporting your family, I almost forgot about the two of you."

"What's the meaning?"

The two spoke in unison.

"Since you guys helped the old guy Duanmu Quan to kill the young master and don't want the young master to go back, then the young master will go to the two of you to play, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng was laughing, and he took out a scroll that was completely forged from spar.

Scroll reality, the two almost stared out their eyes.

They hadn't participated in the war before, so they naturally saw Qin Shaofeng's escape method, which had nothing to do with the starry sky messenger.

But what he took out now is different!

This is clearly a scroll of starry sky, and it is the starry sky shuttle prop that starry sky messengers like to use most.

"and many more!"

Duanmu Quan hurriedly shouted: "I only want Xian Wutong, you hand over Xian Wutong, the old man promises to let you leave alive, no one will embarrass you, how?"

"You old **** has already forced the young master to be exposed, and you even come to mention this kind of nonsense to the young man. What you have in your head is Xiang?" Qin Shaofeng roared.

"Exposed? No!"

Duanmu Quan seemed to understand something, and shouted loudly: "As long as you say a word, all these people will die, and the few of us will never reveal your secret!"

What he pointed at was the people in Shuiyueshan.

The faces of more than 20 people became extremely pale.

Even without Qin Shaofeng's words, they knew that they would die, but they didn't expect that even Qin Shaofeng would kill them now.

"Seeing me doing my best..."

"Duanmu Quan, other people will kill them if they kill them, but you can't touch me!"

Qin Shaofeng just opened his mouth when he saw the old woman who had proposed to Xian Wutong before suddenly made a sound, and just choked back all his words.


Duanmu Quan and the three turned their heads in surprise.

Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry to escape, and he also had a curious expression on his face.

The old woman looked at the three of them, and then looked at Qin Shaofeng, who was waiting for her to reveal her identity. She gritted her teeth and said, "Patriarch Huo Gude!"

An explanation, only five short words.

Duanmu Quan's faces turned pale in an instant.

But for the sake of them, the other people who followed the three people, as well as the people from Shuiyueshan, obviously didn't understand what this sentence meant.


Could it be that he is also a peak star power man?

However, why have I never heard of a strong man with this name?

The four sages, the nine sages in the starry sky, there is no one named Huo Gude at all, okay?

What's more, he is still a person who can shock and deter the two major forces that are almost as good as the way of sin.

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