Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5189: Cheng family, come back from the ashes

"As expected of a family of half-step eternal powerhouses, this defensive formation is indeed tyrannical."

Qin Shaofeng stood above Cheng's house with Hengdao, looking at the defensive formation under his feet, and let out a faint laugh from time to time.

Although the voice was soft, to the Cheng family, it was like the roar of a demon.

It didn't take long for him to come to Cheng's house.

It's time for tea time.

After all, the Cheng family is a hidden family, although it is difficult for ordinary people to know the existence of the Cheng family.

But every peak force in the starry sky knows the strength of the Cheng family.

for countless years.

The Cheng family has long developed a problem of arrogance.

Qin Shaofeng's sudden appearance, or standing directly above the Cheng family, naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the strong Cheng family.

Even if he knew the ancestors of the family, he left with the strongest members of the family.

Those so-called strong people have no intention of being weak.

One by one, they soared into the sky in the screams of scolding.

But what greeted them was a ruthless butcher's knife.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base seems to be only in the realm of saints, but the real combat power is not much worse than that of the realm of venerables.

Not to mention that he can display the power of Nirvana at any time.

Just a few dozen breaths.

More than 300 people died tragically under his sword.

This kind of victory really terrified the Cheng family, and no one dared to come forward.

Qin Shaofeng didn't think that killing only 300 people would really shock the ancestor of the Cheng family.

not to mention.

Since he has already come here, he naturally needs to harvest a sufficient amount of starry sky value, otherwise, wouldn't he have to run this trip in vain?

As for who was left in the Cheng family, he didn't even have to think about it.

What he killed was indeed most of the strong Cheng family.

But he believed even more that the hidden strength of this old-fashioned family was definitely not just the ones he killed.

successive attacks.

He never even thought that the Cheng family's defensive formation could block him for so long without showing weakness.

He stopped suddenly.

The Cheng family confirmed that there was no further damage to the defensive formation, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like that kid finally has no strength."

"Humph! Even if you don't even look at what you are, you dare to kill our Cheng family single-handedly."

"Although the old ancestor is no longer going out, we have informed the old ancestor, I believe that the old ancestor will be back soon, and then it will be his death."

"A little sage realm martial cultivator even dared to attack our Cheng family. He is courting death."

"When the ancestor comes back, he must be smashed to pieces!"

One after another, there were roars and clamors.

Even at the beginning, it didn't show up. Later, because of Qin Shaofeng's terrifying killing power, some people who didn't dare to emerge came out of some tall buildings.

One by one, although they were looking up at him, their eyes were extremely unkind.

"As expected of a rotten family, it seems that it is indeed time for Nirvana to be reborn." Qin Shaofeng still carried his sword.

But there was an extra spear in his left hand.

Destroy the spear!

He has the ability of a star messenger, and his cultivation has reached the realm of a sage. Although it is still difficult to break through this defensive formation, it is not impossible.

What's more, he has many other means.

But he didn't want to do that.

After all, it is impossible for him to do something that kills even the elderly and the weak.

With the appearance of the God-destroying Spear, I believe that through the mouths of some intentional or unintentional people, it can help him create a completely different identity.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He once again rushed towards the barrier formed by the defensive formation.

A moment of impending collision.

The God-destroying Spear has already fallen first.

The defensive barrier seemed to be under an unbearable attack, and ripples rose, and a small hole could be seen faintly beginning to appear.

It's too late to say, but it is actually formed between electric, light and flint.

When the Cheng family reacted.

Qin Shaofeng had already rushed in along the half-meter-diameter gap opened by the God-destroying Spear.

"Since the clamor is over, let the young master help your Cheng family reborn from the ashes!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly.

This laughter was heard in the ears of everyone in the Cheng family, but it was like hearing the call of the **** of death.

Even some senior members of the Cheng family whose cultivation base has reached the realm of the Supreme Being trembled, subconsciously wanting to escape.

It's a pity that under the huge gap in cultivation base, those people have no chance to move at all.

The power of Nirvana is exerted.

Qin Shaofeng directly diffused the cultivation of the sage's realm, and directly used the power of suppression to collectively suppress all the martial arts whose cultivation did not reach the realm of saints.

More than 70 adults in the Cheng family were instantly still.

next moment.

He was already like a tiger entering a flock, rushing towards those who still had the ability to move.

A sword in one hand, a spear in the other.

Blood immediately stained the Cheng family's land.

This one-sided massacre lasted for half an hour.

Qin Shaofeng started frantically trying to find a treasure place for the Cheng family.

With his countless experiences.

The Cheng family may still have individual treasure houses left, but there will never be much left.

All done.

He just put away the God-destroying spear, and with a few simple slashes, the defense formation was completely destroyed.

"The Cheng family's Nirvana really begins."

Qin Shaofeng looked at the character interface, which has exceeded 6 billion starry sky value, and smiled with satisfaction.

Looking back again, in the direction that he must come to the Cheng family from the previous battlefield, he smiled again and muttered to himself: "The ancestor of the Cheng family, the old guy of the Tianxing Dynasty, and... Duanmu Quan, you guys. Should be coming soon, right?"

While muttering to himself, he took out a crystal scroll, but left in no hurry.

Waited quietly for another half an hour.

Three tyrannical breaths appeared in his perception.

"As expected of a half-step eternal powerhouse, this speed is indeed terrifying. If it were me, it would take at least three days, right?" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and crushed the crystal scroll in his hand.

Spatial fluctuations are instantaneous.

"Boy, stop for me! Pay my brother's life!"

Duanmu Quan's almost hysterical shout came into his ears.

"Finally realize how that trash Duanmuchi died?"

"It's just a pity, even if you know about it, you still have to have the ability to kill me, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng was laughing, and the figure had disappeared into the space vortex formed by the space scroll.

When the three of them came in a hurry, where was there any trace of him?

They could not see Qin Shaofeng's figure.

But at a glance, he could see the Cheng family that had become corpses everywhere.

The Cheng family has survived for too many years due to the existence of the half-step eternal powerhouse. Even if Qin Shaofeng only killed about one-third of the people, it still formed a tragic state of corpses.

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