Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5191: Childish or insane?

"As expected of the martial arts left by the eternal powerhouse, it is indeed tyrannical!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion, and reluctantly borrowed the power of the Divine Rune to strengthen his defense.

The fake king pattern is not something he can control now, and the borrowing of a little divine pattern power is not so difficult.

Divine Rune energy circulated throughout the body, making his skin become jade-colored.

Just after doing this, he felt an attack on his back.

The first time he turned around, he still couldn't see the other party's figure.

next moment.

The sage had already gone a hundred miles away and exclaimed, "What kind of martial arts are you practicing, why is your body so hard?"

"What a weird speed!"

Qin Shaofeng also exclaimed, frowning tightly.

There are too many strong people in the starry sky world.

He didn't want to reveal his cards.

But now it seems that if it is not used, I am afraid that it will not be able to hurt this person at all.

Do you want to expose?

After thinking about it again and again, he decided to wait and talk.

At least the sage couldn't hurt him.

If it's a big deal, just ignore this sage and kill all the people who should be killed before talking about the rest.

Even if you really want to reveal your trump card, you shouldn't target such a person with a cultivation base.

After thinking about it, his eyes turned to the warship again.

"what are you going to do!?"

Seeing this, the sage of the Tianxing Dynasty suddenly changed his face.

Not bothering to pretend to be unpredictable, he rushed towards Qin Shaofeng immediately, a pair of Emei thorns in his hands seemed to be dexterous and nothing, and seemed to be a weapon that could be used to attack everywhere, it was really dazzling.

This kind of bells and whistles does have great benefits when facing martial cultivators of the same level.

But in the face of Qin Shaofeng's casual attack, the counter-injury attack is not enough, it is impossible to hurt me, and the claws are numb.

At this moment, he couldn't help but secretly regret it.

In the past, when my father asked me to be free, I also practiced some offensive martial arts, so that I could have more means in some special circumstances. Why didn't I listen?

Needless to say, it is the top martial arts.

Even if it's just a high-level attacking martial art, even if it's just a sword, it's not like it can only pierce that kid's shirt like it is now, right?

The more anxious he is, the faster and more he attacks.

Qin Shaofeng, who was about to rush towards the people on the other side of the warship, almost dropped his chin when he saw this.

I plan to let you go, why did you come up here and die?

Do you really think I dare not kill you?

Forget it, what are you thinking about?

The sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand slammed horizontally, and when the sage was stabbing towards him, he suddenly slashed down towards the man.

But he is holding the knife in his right hand.

The free left hand has already stretched out a pair of sword fingers.

The sage's expression changed when he saw his knife. He was good at dexterous attacks, but he didn't dare to challenge Qin Shaofeng.

The figure flashed suddenly, and it was about to grab it from the side.

Qin Shaofeng had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Seeing that his figure was completely exposed, he suddenly pointed to the man in the sky.

Breeze finger!

The fourth move of the Martial Arts.

Qin Shaofeng is not very proficient in mastering the Qingfeng Finger, and he can't even display too much power of the Qingfeng Finger.

This pointed out that the power is no less than the Heavenly Dao Blade.

The man was not at all prepared for his sudden attack.

For a while, he just didn't react, and he pointed at his dantian.

A finger hit, the dantian is broken.

"This is... Top Nirvana?!"

When the sage wanted to use the power of nirvana to recover, he was shocked to find that with his advanced nirvana ability, he could not repair the damage of the broken dantian at all.

The cultivation base is still there, but after the dantian is completely shattered, there is no way to display it.

His face became more and more ugly.

"You, you... aren't you a defensive type of martial artist? Why would you still use such a shady trick?" He roared loudly.

Two consecutive questions almost made Qin Shaofeng laugh out loud.

Do I have to tell you what I have?

As for type.

I do have defensive means, but I didn't say anything about whether it was good or not, so why did it become a defensive type?

What's more, every move of yours is comparable to a sneak attack. Should I be passively beaten?

"You! It's not fair. You help me recover from my Dantian injury. We fought again." The man shouted.


Qin Shaofeng was really unbearable, and laughed directly.

After a long time, there was another series of laughter.

"I said, you're not really a brainless person, are you?"

Qin Shaofeng asked with a smile: "You three and a half step Eternal, plus you, a sage, and you brought hundreds of people to chase and kill me, you even came to me to be fair, don't you have a hole in your head?"

"How dare you scold me?"

The sage seemed to be able to blow himself up at any moment.


Qin Shaofeng gave him some help.

Seeing that he was still about to say something, he rushed forward with a vigorous stride, and the sword in his hand chopped off the man's head.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the enemy in the sage realm, and obtaining 10 million × 2 points of starry sky, 100 points of soul, and 100 points of martial arts."

"There is no additional benefit, it's really blind."

Qin Shaofeng complained, and with another backhand, he chopped off the man's space ring.

As soon as the consciousness swept away, the space ring was opened.

He disdains the sage, but is also very interested in his movement and martial arts.

Even if you don't go to deep learning, at least you can use it to study one or two, which may be of great benefit to his own methods of fighting the enemy in the future.

After some searching, he really found a piece of gold foil.

"If you really put such a good thing on your body, a brain-damage is a brain-damage."

Qin Shaofeng groaned, and put all the two things apart before killing them towards the warship.

There are more than 300 people in the two warships.

These people have long been stunned by the battle between Qin Shaofeng and the sage.

But no matter what they say, Qin Shaofeng can't fully exert the power of the sage, they all think that the sage will win.

I never thought that the results of the battle would be reversed so quickly that it was too late to escape.

"Since everyone came to hunt me down, there's no need to escape."

As Qin Shaofeng shouted, he opened the gate of the ghost mansion.

Xian Wutong and the others, who had been waiting for a long time in fear in the Ghost Mansion, rushed out immediately.

Seeing that they were still in the crowd, Xian Wutong's expressions changed.

"The dimensionality reduction attack, Xiaoying and I will deal with those venerables, and the others will clean up the weaker people and directly abolish them and bring them over to me. I will be useful." Qin Shaofeng's combat power is strong, but he can't do it like this. Many people have not yet escaped by them.

There are many people on the other side, so how could he be reluctant?

"Heavenly Blade!"

Xian Xiaoying was the first to act.

San Yueyu was danced very beautifully by her, far from when Qin Shaofeng performed it, she was only domineering.

Rao is so, her record is also good.

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