Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5193: rest for few days

In order to ensure that there are no accidents, Qin Shaofeng still opened a space scroll, although he knew that no one was watching.

The figure disappeared and reappeared again, and it was already above a huge city.

The city can be called a giant-like existence. Apart from members of the royal family and a large number of officers and soldiers, there are also a large number of ordinary civilians.

When Qin Shaofeng was observing the city, he saw a familiar figure suddenly flying up from the palace.

"Boy, you actually ran into my Tianxing Dynasty to make trouble. I won't screw your head off today, and I'll write the name of Tianxingcheng upside down!"

Tian Xingcheng looked about fifty years old, with a little baby fat, wearing a splendid yellow robe, and looked very heroic.

Especially the half-step Eternal Realm's cultivation base, I am afraid that ordinary people will not be directly scared when faced with such a scene.

What a powerful atmosphere!

Qin Shaofeng raised his brows slightly, but there was a lot of worry in his expression.

The number of people in the imperial city of the Tianxing Dynasty is too large.

Tian Xingcheng was obviously not as easy to deal with as the sage he had met before.

His brows furrowed slightly.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's really an old guy who doesn't know what to call it. The young master just came to see your Heavenly Star Dynasty. How could you come to your Heavenly Star Dynasty to make trouble? Even if you are an old fellow of the Heavenly Star Dynasty, you should order Bilian, okay?"

Qin Shaofeng's shameless argument almost made Tian Xingcheng vomit blood.

Everything has been laid out clearly.

You just want to come to our Tianxing Dynasty and do your affairs in the Cheng family again. Do you really think the old man can't understand it?

"Boy, who is shameless?"

Tian Xingcheng's fists were clenched, and he wanted to curse a few words.

But as the former emperor of the Tianxing Dynasty and the current ancestor, he couldn't really come up with a word suitable for scolding Qin Shaofeng after thinking for a long time.

"Forget it, forget it, I know you are shameless, and I didn't even think about arguing with you about it. Let's go."

Qin Shaofeng smiled and stretched out his left hand from behind.

I saw a bead in his hand shining brightly.

Another star teleportation item.

"You bastard, stay with me!"

In the roar of Tian Xingcheng, he rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng's angry scolding just now was aimed at such a person who thinks he is superior, the most powerful tool for delaying time.

The time for Tian Xingcheng to get angry is indeed only about one breath, and it is completely enough to go.

When he finally rushed to the vicinity of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng had already rushed into the space teleportation gate.

"You bastard, roll over and die for this old man! Ahhhhh!"

Tian Xingcheng was almost mad.

He clearly knew the purpose of Qin Shaofeng's visit, and even more clearly knew that, including his son, the group that followed them to kill Qin Shaofeng this time were all dead.

No matter how many words there were, Qin Shaofeng had already run away before he had time to say it.

What can he do with this?

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng used more than a dozen starry sky teleportation objects one after another, making him come to a high-level continent one after another.

After teleporting one after another, he already felt a little dizzy.

Even if it is already a little difficult to identify, what exactly is the continent in front of, but I don't think so much.

In a flash, the figure has already rushed into the mainland.

With his current cultivation, he doesn't care about the vast majority of dangers in high-level continents.

As for the rest...

Can't fight but can't run?

For him, the power of forbidden martial arts in the high-level continent has no effect at all. After entering the high-level continent, after sensing it, he directly moves towards the most dangerous direction of the continent.

A place where mountains and rivers meet.

Qin Shaofeng found a flat ground and moved out to an attic, before calling Xian Xiaoying and others out.

Finally, he got his eternal tree house out.

The Eternal Treehouse has little effect on him.

But in the high-level continent, the power of heaven and earth that can be absorbed is sufficient, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of Xian Xiaoying and others.

"What is this place, aren't you going to the Heavenly Star Dynasty?"

Xian Wutong saw the situation around him clearly and asked in doubt.

"I don't know, the old guy from the Tianxing Dynasty has already gone back. We are resting here for a few days now and wait for Xiaobai to digest the benefits from Guangzhiyuan before going." Qin Shaofeng explained.

Xian Wutong already understood what kind of existence Xiaobai was on his shoulders.

He glanced at it subconsciously, and nodded lightly.

No matter what continent this is now, it is more acceptable to her than going on an adventure to the Heavenly Star Dynasty.

Even if Qin Shaofeng has enough tyrannical power around him, it is the same.

"Peak Master, see if you can talk to Shuiyueshan, we can go back in about a month, so they don't have to worry."

"it is good"

Xian Wutong nodded.

Qin Shaofeng then continued: "Everyone else finds a place to rest or practice. Xiaobai should take a few days to digest the benefits. I will go and see what kind of existence the overlord of this continent is."


The four Xian Wutong all had black lines all over their faces.

I thought that coming here to wait for Xiaobai to improve, he should be honest for a while.

Who would have thought that before the words were made clear, they would go to death.

They really don't know the continent they are in.

But it doesn't mean that they can't feel how terrifying the power of forbidden martial arts in this continent. With the power of forbidden martial arts, they can immediately determine what level of continent this is.

"Shall I go with you?" Xian Xiaoying asked.

"No, I'm just going to have a look. I might not really attack the overlords of this continent. You can just stay here to protect them."

Qin Shaofeng explained, turned around and headed towards the depths of the continent, where he felt the danger and flew over.

He came out this time to find a suitable opportunity to improve his cultivation.

Whether the Cheng family or the Tianxing Dynasty, they were just the front stops on his way to upgrade, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

On the contrary, the waiting of this continent is the best opportunity for him, how could he let it go?

A human, flying recklessly on the wild continent where the beasts gather, soon attracted a large number of flying beasts.

In the roar, he waved the sword again.

A series of system sounds rang out one after another.

This fight is a full seven days.

The top-level existence of the advanced continent is indeed tyrannical, but it is only close to the existence of half-step eternal realm.

Qin Shaofeng just let Yan Su control the breath to suppress and cooperate, and easily killed him.

In the time that followed, he almost slaughtered the top beasts of the entire advanced continent.

When he flew towards the temporary settlement again, his cultivation base had already reached the eighth level of sainthood.

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