Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 524: Dependents and Envoys

At the moment when the "Sutra of Pills" was promoted to the holy level, Qin Shaofeng felt that the five cloud pills in his Dantian instantly shattered.

After the Yuan Dan was broken, a new force appeared in Qin Shaofeng's body.

The power above the spiritual power!

And soon, ten Yundan appeared again in Qin Shaofeng's Dantian.

The Yundan that reappeared this time absorbed all the vitality in Qin Shaofeng's body.

Unlike before, when Qin Shaofeng had five cloud pills, he also had an extra amount of spiritual power equivalent to one cloud pills.

From now on, the vitality in Qin Shaofeng's body only exists in those ten cloud pills.

Although it is still the tenfold realm of the Great Yuan Pill, once the saint-level "Pill Sutra" Yun Pill takes shape, one of them has a Yuan strength value of 300 points.

After the blessing of the 5th level of Yi Jin Jing, each cloud pill possesses a yuan strength value of 6,000 points, and ten pieces add up to a full 60,000 points.

With a value of 60,000 yuan, this is much more than the average master of the Earth Realm.

Under normal circumstances, the first level of the Earth Element Realm is generally used for the standard of the Yuanli value of 1,000 points, the second level is 2,000 points, and the triple level is three thousand... tens of ten thousand!

As for the Tianyuan realm, the first level of the Tianyuan realm is used for one hundred thousand yuan strength, and ten thousand points!

That is to say, if only talking about the value of Yuan Strength, Qin Shaofeng's Yuan Strength value at the moment, I am afraid that compared to the average Yuan Realm pinnacle masters, it is a bit more.

But Qin Shaofeng is only the Great Yuan Pill Realm!

In this case, I am afraid no one believes it.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't think it was exaggerated.

This time, not to mention the promotion of the "Pill Sutra" to the holy rank, but Qin Shaofeng's spirit root and dark thunder body actually rose from the seventh rank to the ninth rank.

Of course, the biggest change is that he has two more dependents.

Family: Geng Qiutong

Level: First Layer of Earth Element Realm

Occupation: Castle

Elemental power value: 10000/10000 (The first layer of the elementary realm has 1000 points, and the realm of extreme fire is 10 times)

Talent Spirit Root: The Fire of Origin

Talent Skill: Realm of Extreme Fire

Skill 1: None

Skill 2: None

Skill 3: None

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None

Familiar: None


Family: Lian Yufeng

Level: First Layer of Earth Element Realm

Occupation: Soldier

Elemental power value: 9000/9000 (The first layer of the earth element realm has 1000 points, and the extremely profound fire is increased by nine times)

Innate Spirit Root: Nine Profound Fire Spirit

Talent skills: Extremely mysterious fire

Skill 1: None

Familiar: None


Whether it is Geng Qiutong or the little princess, both of them have now been promoted to the Diyuan Realm.

Moreover, the Yuan strength value of the two people is nine times or even ten times that of the average person.

Because the two people's talent roots and talent skills are too strong!

Geng Qiutong's natural spiritual roots and talent skills are the realm of Primal Fire and Extreme Fire!

The fire of origin: One of the spiritual roots of the origin of heaven and earth, possessing all the power of fire system between heaven and earth, is the purest fire system spiritual root, and can become the position of demon god.

Geng Qiutong's original spiritual root is the original fire spirit, a powerful spiritual root that can only be possessed by natural spirit bodies or natural beasts.

But now the original fire is stronger than the original fire spirit, and it can be regarded as the promoted version of the root of the original fire spirit.

Therefore, the talent skills brought by this source of fire are very powerful.

Extreme Fire Realm: Special skills. Because of the natural fire awakening talent skills, you can increase your fire power by ten times. You can practice any fire power skills in the world. The speed is thousands of times faster than ordinary people. The power of fire skills is displayed. , Is also stronger than the average person. Have an undead body!

(Note: Immortal fire body, the realm of extreme fire is immortal, immortal itself!)

The Realm of Extreme Fire is equivalent to the promoted version of the World of Fire created in Geng Qiutong's original body, and its power is probably stronger than countless quilts.

The most obvious among them is that now Geng Qiutong can fully condense his body with the power of the Extreme Fire Realm in his body. This is the Immortal Fire Body.

Unless it is stronger than Geng Qiutong's several realms, and can explode the extremely fire realm in Geng Qiutong's body, otherwise no one can kill her.

Perhaps because of Geng Qiutong, and some factors of Gong Qingzi, the little princess also got a great benefit.

The little princess’s talent roots and talent skills are the Nine Profound Fire Spirit and the Extreme Profound Fire respectively.

Nine Profound Fire Spirits: One of the top fire roots in the world. The powerful roots evolved from the fire roots of the profound fire roots and the influence of the power of gods and demons can become the position of gods and demons.

The spiritual root that the little princess originally possessed was the profound fire spiritual root, although this profound fire spiritual root could be regarded as a special powerful spiritual root, it could not be compared with the current nine profound fire spiritual roots.

The most direct proof of this is the talent skill that the little princess has awakened because of the Nine Profound Fire Spirit.

Extreme Profound Fire: Level 1 0/1000, a passive skill of the super **** rank, evolved from its own Profound Fire spirit root due to the influence of the extreme fire world and the power of the gods and demons, and obtain the special super **** rank formed by strengthening the super demon chess pieces skill.

The current level is level 1, which can increase the fire power by nine times, and the attack power of fire power skills by nine times. It can be reborn from the fire three times a day.

(Note: Once the rebirth from the ashes is cast, as long as the body is not dead, even the severe injury can instantly recover and return to the state of complete victory.)

Well, there are only three effects of this extremely profound fire.

But it is extremely amazing.

Increasing the fire force by nine times is equivalent to nine times the elemental strength at the same time. Not only that, it also increases the attack of the fire skill by nine times.

Of course, the most important thing is to rebirth from the fire three times a day.

This is completely resurrected in situ full of blood!

Just this one ability can kill countless powerful god-level techniques and skills in seconds!

Such a special ability, no wonder it will be judged by the system as a super god-level skill.

Too bad!

Generally speaking, Qin Shaofeng was not very surprised by the changes after Geng Qiutong became a dependent.

But Qin Shaofeng was very surprised by the little princess Lian Yufeng's situation.

It's just a **** and pawn, but after being turned into a dependent, he actually possesses super god-level skills.

Even if this is aided by Geng Qiutong's original fire, it is impossible!

The only situation, Qin Shaofeng thought of Gong Qingzi.

Speaking of Gong Qingzi, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed.

This woman has become her own demon!

On Qin Shaofeng's attribute interface at the moment, the column of beasts has disappeared.

It is replaced by a column!


Servant: Gong Qingzi


This made Qin Shaofeng very surprised, but Qin Shaofeng noticed a little.

That was Gong Qingzi's name, not the Qing of Aiqing, but Qing of Qingcheng.

I'm afraid this is her real name.

But after opening Gong Qingzi's attributes, Qin Shaofeng was completely dumbfounded.

Familiar: Gong Qingzi (a family of gods and demons)

Level: First Layer of Earth Element Realm (Evolving)

Occupation: First Familiar

Saint Yuan value:? ? ?

Talented spirit root:? ? ?

Talent skills:? ? ?


Gods and demons?

What does this mean?

Only at first glance, Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it.

However, Qin Shaofeng understood that the situation of the little princess really had something to do with Gong Qingzi.

I am afraid that only by gaining the power of the gods and demons of the palace Qingzi, the little princess can possess the Nine Profound Fire Spirit.

But why, it's obviously his own envoy, but he can't see the attributes of this Gong Qingzi?

Seeing the series of question marks, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

But after seeing Gong Qingzi's skills, Qin Shaofeng was suddenly completely dumbfounded and stunned!


Skills: King’s Blessing, Fire Eyes, Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yoga 108, Dancing Sky, Writing Round Eyes, Lingbo Microsteps, One Yang Finger, Beiming Shen Gong, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, Lei Dun Thunder ball, Lei Dun Leiqi,...


After seeing Gong Qingzi's skills, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously looked at the name above the attribute.

That's right, Gong Qingzi is not himself.

But why, she actually has all her skills?

What's the situation?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that there were too many things that happened today, too shocking.

However, those shocks are nothing compared to the current incident.

Even Meng Xin'er, who is transformed into a queen chess piece, can only possess ten of her own skills, but why can this Gong Qingzi possess all of her skills?

"Is this the ability of the ambassador?"

Qin Shaofeng stroked his chin, revealing a look of enlightenment.

However, after seeing that Gong Qingzi also had the blessing of the king, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up and he was a little excited.

Could this woman also have a super devil chess piece?

However, Qin Shaofeng soon understood that this was not the case.

Although Gong Qingzi also has the blessing of the king, she can only subdue ten family members, and each family member can only share one skill.

There is also the person who transforms the dependents, who cannot be promoted, perhaps there are some improvements, but without the help of the super devil chess piece, even if it is promoted, I am afraid that it will not be improved much.

But even in this way, such a skill is very good.

"It seems that something like this will happen. It must be related to Gong Qingzi's identity as the so-called gods and demons. But what is the situation with this **** and demons?"

Qin Shaofeng looked tangled and felt very depressed.

And the most depressing thing is that now the Origin World is in a state of evolution, Qin Shaofeng temporarily lost contact with the Origin World, that is, lost contact with Xiaoqiuqiu.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to inquire about the ball, which was temporarily impossible.

As for the reason for the evolution of the original world this time, although it may also be related to the three women.

However, the main reason is that I don't know why, Geng Qiuchan, who stayed in the space inside Geng Qiutong's body, that is, the little girl with the innate spirit body of Geng Qiutong, actually moved to Qin Shaofeng's original world for no reason.

Probably it was precisely because Geng Qiuchan, a person with an innate spirit body, entered Qin Shaofeng's original world, which caused a change in his original world.

Coupled with the upgrade of the "Alchemy", Qin Shaofeng has already completed the seventh stage of the ‘first person in a thousand mountains’ mission.

Seventh stage: Before the earth element realm, cultivate the "Pill Scripture" to the holy realm, and successfully condense the real cloud pill with white pill fire! Reward the original world space to evolve once, upgrade any skill by one level, a team card, and a special item.

The first reward of this seventh stage is to allow Qin Shaofeng's original world space to evolve once.

Therefore, after the promotion of the "Sutra of Pills", the original world in Qin Shaofeng's body began to enter a state of evolution.

Fortunately, the small ball ball, who noticed this in time, left a voice transmission that made Qin Shaofeng not worry, and then called the little fox Baixue and the cultivating tiger out to protect Qin Shaofeng and the others. .

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